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Brazzers Embraces Cryptocurrency: "The Future Just Came" (OFFICIAL COMMERCIAL) - ft. Stormy Daniels
James Taylor
Henry Kelly
>Stormy Daniels
tfw when trump starts buying the shit out of Verge
this fucking timeline is just taking the piss now.
it's not even trying to be credible anymore.
Ryan Lewis
yeah, im thinking crypto's back.
Andrew Russell
Joshua Garcia
Jayden Morgan
The soy cankle
Mason Roberts
Big if black
Kayden Nguyen
How high can Verge reasonably go?
I'm seeing this a branding effort on the porn industry's part moreso than something that works for the coin's benefit.
Easton Roberts
Brandon Bailey
Think about it... the entire fucking porn industry (!) shilling Verge because that's the coin they will be receiving. Almost every single person in the world will soon be exposed to the concept of Verge.
As usual, Jow Forums simply doesn't understand the implications and will post pink wojaks a while from now when verge reaches 3 dollars.
They could have bought at 3 sat, at 50 sat, at 100 sat, at 300 sat, at 500 sat, at 1000 sat... you can't help but laugh at these utter fools.
Xvg will become an actual comodity the coming months. As soon as the sell orders dry up, demand will increase and prices will climb. It's textbook stuff.
Christopher Carter
hold exactly 0
had 2.7million at one point though that got sold in december at double this price.
have a soft spot for XVG but fuck ever getting back on to that retard-coaster
I'm just enjoying the show
Matthew Collins
>the entire fucking porn industry
More like each streaming platform picks a coin of their choice.
Grayson Sullivan
People have been content to use Visa for Pornhub; what part of this takes advantage of Verge? Who's going to be buying Verge coins just to register porn accounts?
Gabriel Brooks
Don't mindgeek have close to a monopoly on the streaming sites though?
Adrian Lewis
People who want to hide that they are buying porn. There are millions of sad men trapped in sexless marriages who would probably rather pay for it with crypto as a middleman than pay with their visa that their wives check.
Jacob Morgan
Married men and teenagers
Asher Watson
Thats when big brother steps in and puts the kabosh on all privacy coins so they can keep track of all you pervs.
Julian Diaz
so deluded
Xavier Gray
>Stormy Daniels
Trump mostly
Matthew Gomez
Not to mention cryptocurrency transactions are taxable events because XVG is treated as property by the IRS not a currency.
Everytime you spend XVG in mindgeek shit, the governments treats that transaction as you realizing taxable gains.
Colton Long
Hubby wants anonymity, he can drive to Wal-mart and get a prepaid Visa
Benjamin Jackson
It's going ot be pumped, dumped and dead. You can just tell from all the money they put into making their advertising a forced meme, especially getting stormy daniels while he is on his 15 minutes of fame. wouldn't touch it with a 15 foot pole
Andrew Russell
LOL, vergens will have to put pornhub purchases on their tax returns
>muh privacy coin
William Campbell
>implying mindgeek doesn't own most of them
Nicholas Gomez
You do understand not the whole world are burgers right?
Many countries (including mine) prepaid Visa isn't anonymous (money laundering) and in the UK porn is banned. Yep, you heard that right. Same with a lot of Asia. So this move is incredible.
Gavin Foster
Porn has unironically pushed widespread use of new technology throughout history.
>written language
>lewd cave writings/drawings
>printing press
>lewd texts/drawings
>moving pictures
>lewd nickelodeons
>home theaters
>portable cameras
>portable bodycams
Robert Reed
Are you that retarded?
Just buy Verge from someone with cash. Done. You know people buy shit all the time (drugs, weapons etc) without the government knowing, don't you user? Is Jow Forums SO retarded now you don't think there's going to be a thriving industry selling cryptos directly for cash - oh wait, there already is kek.
Charles Williams
>please don't leave my face out of this
Gabriel Peterson
Did you know that Verge means Cock in French?
French people will have a good laugh about this partnership then FOMO in.
Carter Rivera
how do you say giant red dildo in french?
Kayden Phillips
Blake Sanders
>teenagers paying for porn
Jayden Anderson
To even pay with vergies youd have to have a bank or credit card. Why go the length to go another step to buy vergies?
And most of these retards have neither (luckily)
Hudson Myers
Don't forget that Verge means Cock in French all French Normies will talk about it.
Leo Morris
lol u are such a brainlet I know people who bought BTC and paid a $10 deposit fee just to buy a Jow Forums pass
Cameron Adams
yeah it's the only reason I have an oculus
Brandon Price
also muslims and radical muslims
also UK was banning porn or something like that so the deman is huge
Jack Wood
If you think the entire porn industry will be receiving xvg, then sell orders will never dry up. Hodl is easy for us as speculators, but camwhores have to buy groceries and condoms with their income. If that's xvg then they're going to be selling pretty much all the time. A coin being adopted by the porn industry, or any industry at all, as a primary medium of exchange is going to quickly find a stable value and its volatility compared to the larger markets it interacts with will decrease dramatically. If such adoption is really happening then xvg might have a moon mission left in it before it happens, but I'm doubtful.
Dylan Williams
how does crypto let you access banned internet
Dominic Sanchez
haha porn is banned in UK, 90% of internet use in UK is porn. I'm in UK i watch it daily no problem. If it was banned IPS would block porn sites.
also never paid for porn and never will. if sites start charging then download a torrent. porn shall allways remain free, its a god given right.
Bentley Evans
Substratum Network will take care of that UK censorship problem.
Joseph Johnson
You might want to check the news... We're going to have to give them our credit card details and I think proof of age :))))