Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 2 > Colon Cancer > Niggers > Demon’s Soul
Other urls found in this thread:
DS2 > DS3 > Demons Soul > Bloodborne
>gayming on a Schlepptop
>ds3 better than ds1
Ich dachte das Wort benutzen nur Frauen mittleren Alters wie meine Mutter
DS 1> DS 2> DES> Bloodborne> AIDS> being Polish> DS 3
Ich kenne einen Russen, der das ständig sagt
unnötig zu erwähnen, dass er ein dummer huso ist
Kys, how can someone have such bad taste
DS 3 is the weakest by a mile, feels like its halfway between bloodborne and dark souls. It's too floaty for dark souls and too slow for bloodborne, the worst of both worlds.
>autism the fucking post
It's the best, you're probably into traps and anime shit too
ah, the German ability to sperg out
this, ds2 > all. People usually says ds1 is the best without knowing shit.
DS1 : best level design, shitty ng+
DS2 : best gameplay and ng+ meh level design
DS3 : great gameplay, nice ng+, shit level design, shitty bestiary.
Wrong. Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark souls > Demon Souls > The Adventures Of Cookie And Cream > Drak Souls 2
I like invading in dark souls 3.
demon's souls is great but inferior to Dark
Dark is my only 10/10 game
haven't play the others yet
Dark Souls 3 had the best multiplayer mechanics and experience desu
Could do with less rolling.
psht wrong board virgins
Agreed, there's even meme builds for rolling
Why are g*rms so autistic?
Futa doll is best doll
>This board is for the discussion of foreign culture and language. Please be respectful.
vidya isn't discussing foreign culture or language
>thinking this board actually discusses foreign culture consistently
Only half of the threads are related to culture. Most of the threads are whatever people want
Dark Souls is shit
DS1 > Bloodborne > DS2 > DS3
Bloodborne=Dark Souls 1>Dark Souls 3=Demon's Souls> Dark Souls2
Wrong board
das > ds2 = des > ds3
this is the absolute truth and if you disagree you are a retarded nigger