
Keep /carib/ alive, keep bumping

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Those pigs are in Bahamas, no? I read about it.

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i wanna go there and eat the pigs


25°C outside
feels /carib/ man

17°C I'm freezing

That's some clear water, looks nice.


You posted one of our swimming pigs, in a few thousand years they'll evolve flippers be similar to whales.
Yes sir
You'll get arrest, and our prisons are Gulag tier with poor ventilation and packed cells
However you can hunt pigs on Long Island and Andros

Ohio crabs. How are you all doing today?
28c here. It's raining and it feels nice.
or be similar to manatees. Do you imagine manatee with pig snout. That would be so cute.

It would be very cute but they'd need to find a way to catch their own food and not rely on tourists, but then again the cutest ones will get the most food so that'll be a level of select breeding in of itself.


sad, but that's just rules of nature I guess.
soup senpai

Post qt cats from your surroding area

Too bad Bahamas won't exist in the next century like most Caribbean islands

Tetas demasiado grandes

A kot from our eastern neighbour
It's all gravy

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Ahoy fellow caribs

Dont you have your own cat celebrity? USA has Cole and Marmalade

One doesn't spring to mind immediately, have a bear celebrity instead.

Here is one video in english

>when pigs live better lives than you

Explain further froganon

Almos similar to Rule The Bear in that chapter of The Simpsons

I don't spend my days bathing in the clear blue waters of a carribbean beach

You have a strong currency. Too bad that some frenchies are lazy and stupids. A friend was detained in Paris in the airport (even when he just was transfering into Italy) for job´s course at Parma. It was crazy shit, he endend with fucking arabs and then deported to Mexico


So Punta Cana must be a great sex paradise for foreigners

i'm not that stupid
i'd be more smart if i wasn't so lazy
>and then deported to Mexico
kek, are you sure he wasn't pranked by bruger tourists?

Nop. We even got a lawyer in France covered by the USA´s office (due that Italian branch of the company didnt give a shit and they were just drinking wine and smoking)

Just see the girl spankin the ass in the fashion show (8 min 47 seg). What would french news will say?

>just drinking wine and smoking

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they would say bof

I was in the Parma office during 2011 for meeting. Ffs they got 4 coffee breaks in 7 hours per day and each one was from 10 to 15 minutes. Lazy italians indeeed. At leas the food in the cantina (cafeteria) was good and just 1 euro per meal (soup, meal, dessert and beverage)

they call it la dolce vita

Why didnt you conquer Mexico after all?

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didn't feel like it

Congrats. You have experienced another knife possible terrorist attack Jean

The french sent some pro refugee singer to the eurovision trying to guilt europeans to accept more "refugees" today too.

EU must deport all filthy sandniggers. But you could kept qt ebony girls to breed and have joyfulsex (not rape). But EU is crazy if admits more rapeterroristmonkeys

Why do pigs always look so happy?


The vast majority of our "refugees" are men in their 20s and 30s from the middle-east, afghanistan and africa who have come here for gibs, qts are extremely rare. It's a real pity mama merkel decided to fuck everything over, the situation was bad enough as it was before she decided to throw gas to the fire.

Was in Germany in 2014. Just have to answered in the inmigration: Its a business trip. In Munich and Frankfurt airport couldnt see too many niggers. Even less in Quakenbruck, Osnabruck and Hamburg

Immigrants tend to be in the sub-urbs of larger cities. Vid related is from a sub-urb in helsinki and we don't have nearly as many immigrants as most western european countries

just ate some fish. it was either really shit or spoiled
suppose ill know soon

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Went to the sauna today, was nice

Don't forget to take pics of your shit and share them with /carib/

is it just sitting in a steamy room or is there more to it

if it was in fact spoiled it will come out in the same direction it went in desu
sent some tequila in after it to hopefully help if it was

You occasionally throw water on the sauna to make it hotter and steamier.

Post puke with timestamp then

Some alcohol should kill any bacteria the fish might have, good thinking

were you alone in there?

if i do ill do it just 4u

i might have some more just to be sure

Yeah all by myself

sounds comfy

It really is. Even better while having a cold drink there.


Do the African women that do make it to Finland ever marry the native Finns or do they stick to their own men?

Most of them are somalian so they stick to their own, still you see black women with white guys occasionally but we don't have that many non-somalian black women.

>see something you made posted
>it doesnt have a Jow Forums filename
fells bad desu

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speaking of those. I miss making crab OP pictures back when we had acts. Maybe I should make new ones in the future.

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Did u get an erectionamong ither dudes?

Buy your own Tequila pinche rasta

you should

are you implying i stole tequila?

Nop,just buy your own. Unless you want to drink together and meetbsome qt niggers. Is Jamaica safe for mexicans?

>buy your own

>Is Jamaica safe for mexicans?
its not safe for anybody so in a way yes


Is it true Jamaicans love Clark’s?


theyve been fairly popular since kartel made the song


Anybody here on Harbour Island right now? Weather fucking sucks and this cheese sandwich was $30

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Who is that qt?
And by the way the chips look disgusting

Stop using IG filters

Saying qt just by arm. Fuck a goat better

Every women is a qt Goodness you misogynistic swine.
Check your privilege

I am female stupid Bartolo

You wish

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Ah, I missed /carib/

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florida crab here


in other news: just got some acronym vapormaxes.

buy some bewts

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How can I get a /carib/ gf?

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Its an iphone filter. Had to make it look somewhat colourful, everything here is grey right now.

>weather forecast

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i've got like 8 pairs of boots and maybe 30 pairs of shoes in total, this is just another for the racks

weirdly enough i live in florida and own like 38 coats and jackets

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Good morning. Yesterday I went out fishing with some mates at the beach, we lit a fire on the beach and ended up smoking too much to fish.

Cozy evening tho