The BBC literally has an article about incels and Chads
The BBC literally has an article about incels and Chads
Other urls found in this thread:
The BBC needs to die, tbf.
I'm so glad I don't pay the license. Imagine funding this shit.
>sex , love and happiness are out of their reach
imagine being such a coping twat that you think everyone in the world is capable of achieving all of those things
Incel was literally just a word some fag made up because he didn't like calling himself a virgin.
The fuck is all this subculture shite?
how brainlet are you, incel was made by a woman in the early 90s
wouldnt mind sucking a willy that was in a fanny
Over here they believe it’s some sort of underground terrorist cell with the sole purpose of attacking women because they are evil men.
>And Emily, the Canadian woman, shows a surprising amount of empathy for a community that expresses such extreme views. I ask her what she would say to incels reading this story.
>"If you project love into the world, you'll receive love back," she advises. "If you're negative towards women they will never, ever want to have a relationship with you.
>"So you need to a lot of soul searching. The world isn't a hateful place. People are friendly. You're not ugly. You matter."
the state of normaltwat "advice"
Should’ve told them to be themselves and happiness will come to them
>you're not ugly
I love the way this implies that one day incels woke uup and suddenly started hating women when actually it's being treat like shit (because they ugly) that they start going down a darker path
There have been at least 2 acts of public terror committed by incels and they literally write manifestos
It smells of political terrorism
Considering that uppity femmos is a political thing now as well, it stands to reason that the "other side of the coin" is politicised too and not just a bunch of isolated angry wizards doing the 21st century equivalent of being a lovers' lane serial killer
Emily could single handedly cure the incel issue by just posting on their gathering places that she'll bang any of them. Most of the guys I've slept with have been insecure mentally unstable shut-ins and I've been pleased.
TOI Mangalore used to post meme of the day and meme of the year in their newspaper
>The world isn't a hateful place. People are friendly. You're not ugly. You matter
please be in london
how to solve the issue OP?
This thread reeks of inceldom.
In she recommending mandatory sex for all male tech employees?
top kek
"Remove virgins from Silicon Valley"
It is kinda funny how those a bit obscure terms can be used to incite hatred a lot easier than terms that are more defined.
How the fuck can IT companies function without virgins
>Source: Facebook
that hurt
>unironic incels itt
Y-yes goyim, watch these adverts every 12 seconds for the rest of your life.
Not all incels are virgins
What adverts?
I think in that context, incel means "angry virgin who hates women", and not virgin in general
>pretend you are an incel
>you are actually a normie
>adverts are worse than socially acceptable state propaganda
how can you be an incel and not a virgin? in the words of schoolboy q "if you can fuck her once then you can fuck her twice"
My gf broke up with me, so I am an incel now
>before we start, let me ask you one important thing: Do you have a significant other?
Thank you, incels!
when did the world go so wrong that the propaganda arm of the British government has to put out news stories about the Chad meme?
>muslim terrorists killing hundreds of people in one night
>corporations spying on citizens
>governments useless to do anything
>but incels are the problem
hmmmm why does this feel like a distraction
bbc has been pish for ages (and this is someone who did used to use the bbc for news many years), just loads of clickbait nonsense surface level articles now. Thoroughly despise all these neurotypical interpreations of the incel condition, what the community is and the terminology behind it. These are the sort of people with such a limited intellectual scope that they assume that people don't lie on the internet.
If you've gone a few years without getting laid despite your best efforts, you are basically living in involuntary celibacy.
not seen anyone say this just the last "big" attack was incel related. I think you have a valid point if you talk about "progressives" accepting that terrorist terrorist is not a true muslim but an incel terrorist is representative of the complete community.
I have little sympathy for the mysongny in the incel community and a lot seem to be under the illusion that the world is the problem and not them but there are also a lot of valid concerns in the community and a lot of people are not just pedalling hate or some nonsense.
forgot pic
muslim terrorists are incels as well
Normies ruined Chad comics.
Chad comics where supposed to be ridiculous and funny, and normies ruin it by typing things they like and things they don't like as virgin.
That also means you have no disposable income despite your best effords.
if you got laid once then failed to do again then what that means you have fallen behind which means you have fucked up. Unless you got acid attacked or bad accident or something.
If you are living in celibacy involuntarily that is the literal textbook definition of incel. Do words not have any meaning where you're from?
they do this because they have loads and loads of unemployable interns and nepotist hires who they can put to work reporting on "internet culture"
>have a one night stand on friday
>go out on saturday, fail to get with anyone
>oh no i am an incel now
the state of norwegan brains
yes that how it works
you can be an incel for a day
You can tell they did little research because it doesn't mention 'roasties' once, a term used so often that it should be there.
Sure you can say you are an incel, just like a millionaire can say he is poor compared to a billionaire.
A person who has sex that often is not living in celibacy.
>had a relationship
>she dumped you
>couldn't find another girl in years
Here, you dense brit
Company-issued gfs.
In that case, "just be yourself" literally works.
a person who hasn't had sex in a few years is not living in celibacy compared to someone who is 60 years old and never had sex.
so you're not an incel what's the problem. If you can achieve it once you can achieve it again. Do you not think it is relevent that the most famous incels are virgins?
Fundamentaly, you are just a bitter neurotypical who (most likely due to your own mistakes) has fallen behind everyone else and now struggles to achieve something you once did. You are not an incel you are just an idiot (not that the two terms can't also be synonymous).
You really don't know anything about me, yet assume I'm comparable to a millionaire on the sexual market? Here's a question: If a former millionair is now living in poverty, neck deep in debt, is he not allowed to call himself poor because he has not been poor his entire life?
hmm so a catholic priest who has had sex before he became a priest is not living in celibacy?
he is a volcel lmao
the norwegian user is incel then
you say that as if you can "lose" ever having sex/intimacy. I suppose if you want to be super pedantic if someone had sex then as a result of some accident lost all memory of the event and then was unable to have sex yes he is an incel.
You have some deep misunderstanding here and think that an intact virginity is a requirement to be a celibate.
if you can have sex once then you have had sex. It's like saying you become a virgin again if you don't have sex ever again, you don't. If you choose to never have sex agian you don't become a virgin again.
it is not a requirement within the religious/broad definition of "celibacy" it is however an important aspect of the incel community. I encourage you spend some time with incel communities and see how many of them have had sex. I don't doubt that people who have had sex identify as incel just as people identify as animals or what have you and you're welcome to make whatever choice you want, but do not be surprised if people challenge you on it.
Thank you based Stalin for killing all Chads and ruining the economy so that even an ugly and slouching nerd can be demanded on the sex market if he's a rich programmer.
he is not a virgin, but he is living living in involuntary celibacy, thus he is an incel
I know that people who are virgins in addition to being incels feel extra miserable. That doesn't give them monopoly on loneliness however.
>(most likely due to your own mistakes)
Woah I didn't know you were omniscent, maybe you can help me understand where I failed, based on your extended knowledge about my life, how I met my ex, how we ended up together, how we lived together and how our relationship ended.
Don't you dare (You)ing me ever again.
In the incel community (and we are always obviously talking in generalisations as there are a wide variety of people and views including female incels) the majority would not consider him incel as being an incel is not a transient state but a permanent one (which is why you get these meme ideas like sex redistribution as they never expect to have someone).
Of course it doesn't and you're completely right to bring up that there's a lot more to the incel community than just wanting sex, it is my understanding that one thread even suggested it was lower down on the list than cuddling. However, the incel community is a lot more about a permanent loneliness. You might even be able to argue that it's more unpleasent to experience something great once and then never again than never experience it at all but that's another debate. This doesn't change the fact though that the premise of the (contemporary at least) incel is permanent rejection and loneliness.
you aren't "incel" you deluded spastic
The only reason I'm not a virgin is because I went to some prostitutes a few years ago when I was depressed and got pretty drunk. It's not like women have done it with me out of their own free will/without getting paid.
Why don't you just find another one, Chad Thundercock?
Also, seems pretty apparent that some in the "incel community" is just doing one-upmanship.
>oh you think you are undesired, well LOOK AT ME I haven't even lost my virginity!
>Chad is a caricature of a sexually successful man
It's literally a caricature of platitudinous activities, avocations and predilections. Fucking beeb hacks.
how is it possible to be this deluded
>have a loving relationship
>relationship ends
>for some reason now fails to get a new one
you have already achieved more than almost every incel, and you wonder why I question you are not able to achieve that again?
I have never said I am or am not incel. I have spent a lot of time over the years on incel websites and experienced Puahate shutdown after Rodgers and so on. Incel, like any community, is obviously not unanimous but there is a clear majority.
As i'm sure you're aware there is debate within the incel community as to whether having sex with a prostitute counts as losing your "virginity" at all. As I said you're welcome to idenify as whatever you like but I don't know why you're surprised when you're challenged on it.
I think your right which is why kissless,hugless etc qualifiers are also added. If you're already pathetic why not be the most pathetic, at least you're different then.
>whether having sex with a prostitute counts as losing your "virginity" at all
What? So you can have sex and still be virgin? lmao
that is a debate within the incel community yes
be my gf
I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for these failed normalfag, teleiophile "incels" but shit like pic related really fucking brings it home just how fucking scummy normalfags are in general.
3DPD women should be starved of all sexual attention and be forced to live based off their utility, like every man has to.
yeah and you've internalised their mentally ill world view. there are no "incels" just people with extremely unrealistic expectations
I do not agree with many aspects of the incel community and don't doubt for a moment that some of the problems stem from aiming too high. I think:
>there are no "incels" just people with extremely unrealistic expectations
is very naive
at least you had a relationship, why in the world couldn't you get another one?
This week just cemented the idea that I should just fucking kill myself even further
>go out drinking on thursday
>lose friends so I go out to the main entrance and try calling them
>meet gril who asks to borrow my phone because she also lost her friends inside
>talk for 2 hours
>in the mean time she managed to reach one of her friends and she told her that she's going to be out soon
>stood there for so long that I find my friends because they came out
>we all go to the bus station and she calls her friend to tell her to come tothe bus station after she gets out
>my friends leave for some more drinking
>chat for another 30 minutes
>ask her if she'd like to grab a beer tomorrow
>says yes
>he friend shows up
>we split a cab
>she even asks "so beer tommorow then?" before she gets out
>add her on fb tomorrow and message her
>doesn't accept or replies
Bitch you could've just said no, got my hopes up
And today I'm going to drink myself until I can no longer walk
Why do women act like life issues can be solved if everyone were to spout their life advice for moms they got on Facebook?
>The world isn't a hateful place
bitch please
centuries of war, murder, intrigue and cruelty have shown that this is complete bullshit
I'm glad I am alive to witness the analytical breakdown of an MSpaint cartoon by the BBC. This is peak civilisation.
Your public service broadcaster is the meme
>Your public service broadcaster is the meme
To be fair, it did (And still is) start off as a propaganda machine. So of course memes would benefit it in some way.
t. chink roastie
Who are they schooling, 60+ year old people?
the virgin /brit/poster
the CHAD bbc journo
>The world isn't a hateful place. People are friendly.
Patently wrong. The reason why we have religion is because of the human mind desperately trying to rationalize this living hellscape of suffering of torment.
I bet average college essay would be better than this '''article'''
>Reddit will provide personal gf for virgin employees
>You will never get into the Reddit co.
Been told you have to go to britfeel if you're a virgin because only sex havers are allowed on brit
what you have to read here is "My world isn't a hateful place. People are friendly to me."