What is the best country in the world and why is it Germany?
What is the best country in the world and why is it Germany?
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germans are best whiteoids still
It is because they have never followed the false prophet (Muhammad).
>Another Arab who is fond of Germany because Germany killed so many Jews.
Why am I not chocked?
t. angry slavs
Actually that's not the reason at all.
t atheist fedora.
What could have been...
Imagine the world without all the freaking cucks & kikes & mean black kids from school ruining it with SJW degeneracy -__-
Praise Kek that I at least have my video games to live out my epic power fantasies
>nobody said anything about WWI or WWII
>Frogs still asshurt
fuck off, we are full!
I know, actually you need to kick some out. If I ever was there it would always be temporary.
t. not a gibsme nigger.
A considerable amount of Arabs are in love with Germany because you killed Jews.
t. Haus nigger
if you are going to caricature it then expand your reasons a bit, they also fought traditional colonial powers, like you for example.
better than a litteral nigger.
Germany had colonies too.
Why would they be butthurt about wars they won?
because we whooped their ass badly in both wars until they were saved by several other great powers
Spent my summer there once, lived in a small town of ~3000 people.
Nice place, nice people
stop lying, it sounds more like you were harvesting asparagus there.
>we whooped their ass badly
Yeah Verdun really was an ass whooping...
not quite, operating machines in juice factory.
I liked it, the job was easy.
yeah on ne passe bla bla bla
without the British, the Russians, the Italians and the Americans we would have defeated you and you know it
>Be German
>Waste planes on a bunch of useless Arabs compromising your home defence
>Get firebombed
It's almost like making good alliances is an integral part of warfare. Stop being salty about losing two world wars, kraut.
French soldiers still held the front long enough to make WW1 your utter and complete defeat.
>gets assmad at some guy liking Germany
>y-you s-stop b-being salty!!!
what's the problem with you faggots?
>It's almost like making good alliances is an integral part of warfare.
So is surrendering
My post with the chinless meme was an attempt at humour, you autist.
You surrendered in both wars
sorry, my autism prevents me from finding things funnier the more often you post it
top quality bantz you have there
look, I like you guys, but it is clear by now that you can't pull your own weight.
If WW3 ever happens, we will have to do the figthing for you
France surrendered in 1940 not 39
>If WW3 ever happens
I have no doubt you'll find a way to destroy europe once again
germans are europe's worst enemy
You're pretty optimistic, since the French and British armies are ensuring the safety of Europe virtually by themselves, while Germany has to remain a military joke or it would be unconstitutional.
they surrendered the second phoney war started
>mfw thinking this thread will get derailed by russians or burgers.
> actually its the french
The French are the only people of those three who don't have tiny little pea brains.
Everyone is getting tired of Germany's shit.
I guess this is why youre collectively going down the drain, cant keep off each others throats for a half a second.
>also what is nato
its a sad world we live in any way you like at it, nobody is happy, not even the terrorists. if anything it justifies not letting it get this bad.
>I guess this is why youre collectively going down the drain, cant keep off each others throats for a half a second.
hahaha says the fucking egyptian
>while Germany has to remain a military joke or it would be unconstitutional.
what the fuck are you even talking about?
why do you feel the need to insult Germany?
I understand your bitterness froggy, I would be mad too.
last time i checked we weren't at any ones throat. oh and you probably ironically have more black africans than any one else here. so.. lmao?
Don't fucking dab at me Germany damn it.
>last time i checked we weren't at any ones throat
Your country has been on the verge of civil war for over 5 years, what are you talking about? On the other side there a bunch of anons bantering on a kalmuk skin working forum.
>black africans
Well you have 80 millions egyptians
Don't you have some female genitals to mutilate?
all this bitterness, are you sure you are really happy? whats it to you any way?
it's just the famous French humour
we autists can't keep up with that
you're the one who's bitter
>why do you feel the need to insult Germany?
Probably because you kept insulting France with the usual surrender memes?
I don't think Germany is the best country to live in. I'd rather live in Finland or rural Japan.
>rural Japan.
Why does Jow Forums cant stop thinking about us 15 threads daily. I wish I was Luthuanian noone ever talks about Lithuania
my ancestors :)
that wasn't me, and it was the French anons itt who started the insults
Suburb USA would also be a nice place to live, I think.
Even though we're in deep shit rn i think us members of the saxon tribe will actually manage to set our people free again, for a 2nd time within half a century that is
It would be don't let that other burger tell you otherwise. it can be a bit boring but not all suburbs are built the same. Some suburbs are built around lakes, some are built around mountains or valleys.
Nice. Where do you live?
France is unironically better
Tomorrow I will visit the German cemetery near my town, and dab on the graves of your shitty ancestors
d-dont you dare
In my region on the other hand german graves are restored and our local community takes care of them.
Based Poland.
Germany is indeed the best at being insufferable jerks and starting genocidal wars. No doubt they and Muslims admire each other.
This sounds like me except I am superior to everyone elss
no bully pls
You know what's funny?
That there are little to no polish graveyards in Germany. Poles cannot even establish them
Even Italy established a very large Polish cemetery in fucking Monte Cassino
The same place where Poland fought against Italy and won
and Germans, despite calling us 'their new best friends' still treat our minority like shit
Even Iran is more friendly towards us than Germany
>Pic rel
"In memory of the exiled Poles, who on their way to their fatherland, fell into the eternal sleep"
hmm... did Polish soldiers die fighting in Germany?
>That there are little to no polish graveyards in Germany.
only if you make graveyards for Wehrmacht and SS soldiers who fell in poland.
>Poles cannot even establish them
give me a source you liar
believe it or not but both soviets and germans have their graveyards in Poland
Like, there is quite literally a big fucking sign near my workplace which says "The cemetary of the German soldiers"
My great grandfather got shot in Cottbus and couldn't go any further to Berlin.
Lol you are ashamed of your past. Why would we do that.
around ~50 000
The Doner Kebab is top notch there
There are War Memorials to honor them
>juice factory
.. "soviet"?
Silly burger, why would they make more juice? They should be throwing it out. There is too much juice already.
weren't Poles who fell in Germany members of the red army?
fanta was german
>weren't Poles who fell in Germany members of the red army?
Dieter please... I still have good opinion about you, please don't push it any further.
It was called
"Polish People's Army" and it was established in 1943
They assisted Soviet Union on the eastern front and they participated in the battle of Berlin
Around 200 000 Polish soldiers took part in the said battle
interesting, I didn't know that
>be Polish
>fight for Stalin
>Stalin puppets your country for 50 years
>sends anyone who complains into Auschwitz
During the Japanese invasion of Korea and China, there were a few Japanese anarchists and communist comrades who were fighting Japanese imperialism with Korean resistance s in Korea, Japan, and Manchuria. This Korean husband, a Japanese wife couple, is an anarchist couple who was epic for killing the king of Japan. Recently, the movie about this anarchist couple was popular in South Korea.
>the king of Japan
didn't Japan have an emperor?
they even put our national motto near the memorial
>"For our freedom and yours"
nice touch
We just don't call their royals "Emperor". Anyway, The couple was fucking cool. Their lives are incredibly impressive. Perhaps there will be her autobiography. The Korean Husband's name is Park Yol. And The Japanese wife name is Kaneko Fumiko, by the way.
learn about them or don't talk about it
that monument has got nothing to do with today's Antifa
ok thanks