>your country
>have you ever sniffed an Asian odor-free armtip?
fortunately yes, it was a great experience
>your country
>have you ever sniffed an Asian odor-free armtip?
fortunately yes, it was a great experience
Other urls found in this thread:
>Unironically believing le Asians have no body odour meme
That's why body deodorants are not a thing over there, right?
chest hair on Asian is very rare
But I hooked up with a Japanese guy and he had no odor. I licked his armpit a lot.
Yes, I sniffed my bf's :3
There is nothing to 'believe' as it is basic biology. Most East Asians dont have the gene (ABCC11) that produces body odor from the body. That same gene also gives East Asians have dry earwax while the rest of the world has wet earwax. Some other people around the world dont have the same gene also but the vst majority of East Asians dont have this.
>having an Asian bf
I envy you
brown nipples are disgusting
Today I tried to lick an armpit of a girl I just met but she refused saying something is wrong with me.
you have your own
why do you need another person?
I don't know
I believe I am a normal person that prefers a body of different sex from me
Also too hairy to lick
With CRISPR every race can get this :)
he can crack open my coconut if you know what i mean ;)
I suppose he's a manlet because of his proportions.
I wonder wow godly a 6'7 feet tall man would look with this kind of body
why are japanese such entertaining posters
I swear to god i love you lil guys
Folks, here we have another great thread by Brazil
Remember picture attached ??
Well from the very people who brought you Una Sopa De Macaco Deliciosa we have another thread
>Homosexual Asian biyr armpit smelling thread by a faget Brazilian
and we wonder, what else marvelous threads they might bring us that make us doubt if they are even humans or know anything of the word civilized
Better than the endless threads where south asians go cry being the bottom of the genetic trash
but muh social constructionism tho
t. Anita Sarkeesian
shutup you subhuman paki streetshitter
chinks smell like ass
Depends on the nationality. Generally East Asians are less hairy though.
tfw no asian bf
imagine your asian bf coming home all sweaty from the hot weather
this post is cruel
My gf lets me sniff and lick her armpit if i want to.