Why do Americans constantly defend capitalism?

It's clear to everyone that their society is grossly unequal, and they desperately need a redistribution of wealth.

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Because Jews told them that it's good

Who gets Alaska and Hawaii?

Socialism and capitalism aren't mutually exclusive in reality, you stupid fucking Hun.

>Socialism and capitalism aren't mutually exclusive
are you serious?

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>Be the most powerful economy in the world
>millions of people risk their lives to become americans
>"but user why do you like the system that made USA so successful"

>young whippersnappers
>gommunism was made by the devil
>stupid millenials
>back in our age
>let me strawman a bit more

It reads as if it was written by McCarthy himself.

illegals are fucking up the wages. And you either come up with a new system THAT ISNT SOCIALISM or fuck off.

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I meant to reply to this

I see you wanna stop free market as well my fellow comrade

>illegals are fucking up the wages
Only if you're a fruit picker. Ironically, it's the LEGAL Pajeets and Changs that are fucking up the wages in the industries that matter

>fellow comrade

the 40%

your picture assumes that the 40% owning the red dot actually did something to deserve anything more than they already have.

I blame the schools, first and foremost. The government and media are also to blame, but in reality those are just fronts for the big money that actually runs the country. If we had a better education system, people might at least be aware of how bad things are.

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Because they are still 1.000.000 times better than Cuba, North Korea and especially Venezuela


Highly debatable.

>imagine unironically believing this

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Why go full retard with actual socialism instead of social democracy? Rightards don't seem to understand that social safety nets exist to keep working class people content with a (mostly) liberal system. If you're not starving out on the streets or going broke from your illness, and you can get a paid vacation from time to time, commie bullshit seems a lot less appealing.

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Globalism ruined capitalism


Because the alternative is communist con man that will ruin any wealth you still have and replace you with third worlders.

Like everywhere.

>Former Prime minister Tage Erlander spoke on radio a year ago about the people's home and about how he visited his senile mother at a residential hospital outside of Karlstad. When he came to visit her she told him; I'm so happy here. Everyone is so nice to me and I get good care and nice food. But who is paying for all this? Is it you Tage? And Erlander said; no I'm not paying, you're paying for this yourself mother. You have paid for this your entire life. You have grown up in this society, you have taken care of the family all these years, you have been a good citizen. And you have the right to be taken care of when you get old and infirm, not because of charity, not because you have a thick wallet, but because you are a Swedish citizen. This is your society, our society. You have the same right to this as anyone else. That is the welfare state and it is our greatest pride!
Olof Palme, August 28, 1985, in debate with the leader of the opposition before 1985 years general election.


I don't mind giving 1/3 of my shit if in return the streets are clean, my kids go to school for cheap and the poor get some gibs so they don't do crack.

YES. Capitalist U.S. in the 50s was alot different than today. We didnt have an influx of immigrants ruining everything.

There were better labor laws and a stronger welfare state in the 1950s.

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>getting your money taken away will somehow lead to cleaner streets and stopping retards from doing hard drugs. They have their own careless culture youre not gonna change that by being taxed more. How is taxing people more money gonna help tyrone in the hood? Is he gonna get a monthly check? Cause if you invest in better schools they wont attend cause of the culture that they grew up in to think school is pointless

It weren't immigrants who infiltrated higher education after 1968

>people who piss away every penny they ever owned be it because of circumstance or retarded choices and habits don't own a lot


Let us emulate Venezuela and piss away all the shit there is so we don't feel bad about those guys

>stronger welfare state
>only works when majority have jobs and not when a huge percentage of money gets given away to poor fucktards
billions get spent on illegals. And living in illinois a huge blue state is proof of that considering my state is close to collapse and retards think we can tax our way out of it

> looks totally fair
nothing is fair and redistribution is theft. What needs to be done is get rid of regulation and lobbyism so as to not provide big corporation with an edge over small businesses and that way they can compete on a level playing field

US during those times was full of unions and all that.

debunk it then. I'll wait

I'm actually in Illinois, too. We've always had corrupt, terrible ladership, at least since the late 1800s. Americans are too apathetic to actually maintain a functional, responsible government (and to be fair, the system is sort of stacked against the people), so they'd rather do the easy thing and let the wealthy gut it. That's why up on the North Shore we're shuttering our local fire departments even though we're (I think) the richest part of the state.

society is unequal because the people are different. a tiny portion of the people do great things, have brilliant ideas, take big risks and succeed. most other people just eat, sleep, fuck and do some meaningless job that's there just to keep people busy and distracted, spend roughly as much as they earn, and therefore don't end up owning shit.
american system recognizes this and awards accordingly, which is why the country is great

Though I do agree on society being unequal and people shouldn't be rewarded for being worthless, our system isn't necessarily focused on rewarding the best and brightest.

well, now that i think about it, it's not that american system rewards or punishes anything
it simply kept the taxes low and the market free, which itself created an environment where exceptional people thrive while the rest get leftowers

>reward the best
> reward the brightest
No.What good is being so bright (like a lot of people on here) if they're neets who don't produce anything of value? They must be productive on top of being bright for them to be rewarded, just my 2 cents

I meant as an ideology. Kinda like how communists assume the party isn't full of greedy cunts.
Of course pushing for this in real life is retarded

What is exceptional about inheriting millions of dollars, or an entire, functioning company that requires literally no input from you, but rewards you tons of cash?

redundant right?

>muh illegals

meanwhile porky is evading billions in tax each year and laughing at you as you blame poor migrant workers for everything.

USSR was last attempt at retaining our humanity. Now the Jews one, enjoy the modern, depressive world of money

>American education

Commie think.

Because all of the alternatives are worse, you commie

When an American says "socialism" they might actually be referring to "social democracy" instead. I don't know if this is a result of American education, or a conscious thing that was pushed on us to conflate universal healthcare or paid vacation laws with bread lines and gulags.

What does this have to do with Jow Forums. Fuck of already you Hungarian commie. Go shitpost with Jow Forumstards. This board is reeking with r/socialism people

>USSR was last attempt at retaining our humanity. Now the Jews one, enjoy the modern, depressive world of money

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Social Democracy doesn't exist as a concept in America. If you use that word, an American is just going to think you're making your socialism appear like a special snowflake. You'll need to use different words to get your point across.