DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2001

DJT is a language learning thread designed by and for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

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Previous Thread: 恐ろしく脅迫的な永劫かかるアメリカ時間である長い夜の前に良質のスレを立てさせましょう

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goood animu

Here's to a another fruitful sunday

I think I'll only read a little bit today and watch anime instead

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it's full of wisdom

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>mfw had a dream that I had 950 reps on anki

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>lost all my anki data

so how do I not kill myself?

How'd you manage that?

fried my pc, the hard drive is hopefully still intact, so i’ll try to recover it, I also have an older backup, the stupid thing that I was just about to make a fresh backup
If I lost ALL the data I would unironically kill myself

"____is a sad man"?

Why didn't you just make an account on ankiweb? It auto-backups all your shit to the website each time you close the desktop app.

I was planning to

The damage is probably less severe the more advanced you are but thanks for the warning aniki, I just made a backup because of this post.

~come to think of it~
~when I think about it~ etc.

damn nigga, that's rough (and sort of your own fault 2bh)
I'd still have my vocab books, but it would literally take me weeks to make a new anki deck out of them

I’m decently advanced, so the damage is not THAT much, but I lost maybe 30-50 hours of my time, oh well, could be worse, off to buy a new laptop

everything we do in life is our own fault, at least now I’ll make an account/start doing backups weekly


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Where can I learn grammar and practice it?

Nesu vartęs, bet Violeta Devėnaitė yra japonų kalbos vadovėlį parašius, o ji geriausia jap. dėstytoja Lietuvoj



Loaded up my old anki collection on another computer, this is one deck, have another with another thousand. It's good that I'm a bit masochistic

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this is on top of losing about a thousand words or so, on the other hand most of them I've learned well, so maybe it won\t be necessary to add them at all

Just I have using the Anki for my learning English. And it’s distributed of “English grammar in Use” for Anki. I'm using that.
But it’s feeling I often getting useless my studying method. I have doubts is it should be really continue....

Anki is a supplementary tool. Your main focus should be reading/listening. Generally you can't really learn grammar with anki, because it's simple memorization and grammar implies much more, you can only effectively use it for simple grammar like, for example, ~まい
I suggest that whenever you encounter unknown grammar you just look it up and use anki only for vocabulary. If you desperately lack any understanding of grammar you might want to try out a learning book (forgot how they're called in English)
And anki does work for vocab, without it I would've already given up on Japanese. But again, it's not really anki just spaced repetition. Then again, it's more necessary in Japanese because of the kanji
Hope this was clear

Anki is purely vocab.
Same way I can't learn Japanese grammar with it.

Also, if you want to trade English conversation for Japanese I'm up

Well should I read a lot of books and learn English sounds (phonics)?
I haven't enough of basic vocabulary...

Yes.. That’s a difficult problem.

I’m sorry. I’ll have bedtime soon. It’s AM0 o’clock hete.

maybe you want to change some contacts for the future? I've been wanting to focus more on spoken Japanese
As far as vocabulary, again, anki. I suggest you read something that interest you every day and put every unknown word into an anki deck and maybe do 20/day or something like that, depending on how fast you're memorizing. There is no easy way

how I imagine the day to be like when I've learned japanese

while playing this

>so maybe it won\t be necessary to add them at all
Better do that. Add them again if you have to search that particular word in the dictionary.


>starting to recognise various words and kanji now
I won't give up!!!


what are you guys reading at the moment and how is it going?

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Some short article


最強伝説黒沢, it's fun.

Man fuck why can't i just stay consistent, this is retarded.

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thats genuine r9k manga.

feels morally superior

anyway, maybe I should read articles like that too
seems to be good practice that I neglected so far, especially all the juridical vocab etc.

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I recently finished a random novel I bought to test out a Kindle Paperback I got my hands on. Now moving on to 人間失格 since I've been wanting to read that since the very day I started learning Japanese.

Nah, it's about him overcoming his stagnation and learning how to be happy and successful in his circumstances, and wanting to be liked by others. r9k is more into encouraging stagnation, discouraging interaction with other humans, etc.

Guys, it's really hard to study when your brain is overloading with a desire to kill yourself

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everything will be 大丈夫

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Flying Witch
It's good, thinking about what I want to try next even though it won't be for a while.

I meam honestly it's not rly worth to kys.

>Days studied: 23% (7 of 30)

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>600 words in anki
>can read a few pages of some mangas
>can hold conversations after 6 months
>grammar is making sense now
We're all gonna make it lads

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>try N3 listening test on japanesetest4you
I can't get around listening, weakest point by far.

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Watch more anime

Don't use japanesetest4you if they still use host these low quality audio clips. Listen to or watch something with better quality.

The first N3 clips were fine but the first N1 clips had a bit shitty audio quality but it could be on purpose

Also, is this really the N1 level for listening? It was easier than some anime

Not the guy you are talking with, but if you regularly watch anime, the JLPT listening tests are trivial as fuck.

Realize that test is for people that mostly have sat in a class room and have never heard a Japanese talk outside those cassette tapes.


>We're all gonna make it lads
That's quite optimistic

I just preferred it because it tests you as well. I do my reading/anime as well.

fuck man i gotta get a tablet, reading on the phone is hard and i don't wanna sti at the computer all day, any suggestions? I will prob only use it for manga so nothing expensive pls.

im back DJT
over a month since i touched anki. should i just keep reading or get my anki up to speed again?

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It isn't bad idea.
So, I should be doing learning vocabulary at the first?
Actually I don't know many words in English so much, so I didn't getting feels interesting that the reading English books.
My interests are industry, hobbies, worlds news and games.

got conscripted into the army so had work 6-22 everyday. Just got out today because of a muscle disease.
repeating everything ive learned again is strangely more painful then learning it for the first time, but i guess its good practice.

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Maaan, i don't wanna learn katakana, hiragana are just fine use them instead you dumb japs

I wonder why are europeans can speak English well.
What's something special methods they have?
What's they have learned by the first? Vocabulary? Phonics? or anyway read many books and wached the video? It's so mysterious.
I don't really understand What's should I do. Really I hate myself for being so so sooooo useless.

I don't really know how to think about people who don't know english, i can understand people not knowing finnish but it seems so natural to me that everybody would know english. Maybe there is some special trick or maybe not, keep posting and i'm sure you'll improve every post.

Likely because English has European roots and the same letter system. Plus many loan words help as well. But sometimes I am surprised too. It could also be that exposure to many languages is high in Europe.
In the amount of time and effort I put into Japanese I likely could've learned the Romance Languages pretty easily. Especially French since exposure to French is everywhere in Canada.

>I don't really understand What's should I do. Really I hate myself for being so so sooooo useless.
Keep trying you will get better!

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It's all the entertainment being in English and at most subbed Finnish

Katakana is easy, really.
It's simple character than kanji and same as hiragana.
At least Japanese are EASY language than English for Finnish people. Especially Japanese pronunciations are just bit like the Finnish.
According to one theory, Japanese and Finnish are same have a family of languages.

Ive always kinda felt that pronouncing japanise is quite easy.

Oh and btw if you're the same guy who talked about learning english you should concentrate on your inflection, your sentence order is more or less much fine and the words are fine but you need to add endings.
Also remember, are, for multiple, is, for singular.

How hard is to to get back into learning after a gap? It's been like 3 years and while I still have some knowledge of grammar I forgot a lot of kanji and vocab.

If you like games, try playing some in English? Especially ones written for kids like Nintendo games, since the English will be simpler.

Don't worry, english is hard. For russians, arabs, asian, we all struggle with english. It's easier for europeans because english is very close to their languages, and their culture is close to american culture so they see way more english media / films / music /books in real life than japanese people. You have a harder job than them, but you can do it. Your english knowledge is already quite large, just practice more and keep writing!

>At least Japanese are EASY language than English for Finnish people

No way. English has 26 letters. Japanese has 10,000+ kanji.....

Yayy after a few days of studying the first hundred kanji of the kodansha course are done!

I can't do it. How does anyone learn this fucking language? My reps keep piling up day after day because I can't remember any cards. I end every review session in tears. Tonight I had to just mash "good" for me last 20 cards because I could not remember them after having seen them several times in this same session. I'm not going to remember them tomorrow, just like I haven't been able to remember them for weeks. I don't understand, I did everything the guide said, how did it end up like this? Why can't I learn this? Why am I so dumb?

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Lower your daily new cards and catch up.

Yeah but not 10000 relevant kanji, not even close.

I used to go down to 10 new cards if they stacked up or I couldn't remember the 20 new ones every day. Maybe some people might disagree with me on this but sometimes if I felt a card was hard I would still say good and only press hard if it came up again and I couldn't get it. It kind of worked, sometimes even if it was hard and I said good. I did better on it the next time it came up.
Just two weeks in is still pretty fresh though so don't get too discouraged. Are you practicing hiragana and stuff too?

I'm two months in, not two weeks. Anki just gives fucked up graphs if I try to set the time to more than the past month.

Not sure if this is a good tactic but how about studying kanji before vocab? You could pretty easily remember a words meaning if you know the kanji it has.

compare japanese to english translator and french/spanish/german to english one. you understand it. they are grammatically quite similar, use the same expressions. its even much more understandable than japanese to korean one, let alone japanese to chinese.

ok.. Anyway I'll try keep the learning. I don't think it's doing well though.... :(

Yes, I Agreed. I'm so jealous them. They're could easily speaking the English. Also they're languages such as like that.
In any cases Japanese are different all to the English. Well I don't have self confidence so much.
But French is beautiful language. Sometimes I hope speaking french well in the near future.

Maybe I kind of could pronouncing Finnish well.

Yes I often makes mistakes in the English basics.
It was learned at the school but I forgot them because in here's daily lives didn't use English a long time.


こんにちわ。はじめまして。 私はシンガポール人です。 よろしくおねがいします。みんなげんきですか?




>How hard is to to get back into learning after a gap? It's been like 3 years
just open some manga etc. and see for yourself, but 3 years is pretty long I think

Man, this place really has been overrun with permabeginners (see: retards asking "how do I learn Japanese", or "what's the meaning of this that's easily available through one simple Google search) and RPing JETs now. I regret even checking if a thread is up here. It has as much Japanese discussion as the /jp/ one currently, so congrats on that one I guess.

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Maybe you're just getting old.


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1. Take a break when a session's going to shit. Getting emotional only makes it worse.
2. You're doing your sessions in the evening/at night. That might make it harder since your brain is already tired then. Consider moving it to the morning.
3. "Doubletime": create another profile in Anki and import your deck under that one. Then do a two sessions a day: once in the morning (the one that counts) and once in the evening (repetition).

>3. "Doubletime": create another profile in Anki and import your deck under that one. Then do a two sessions a day: once in the morning (the one that counts) and once in the evening (repetition).

Jesus, why would you put yourself through something like this

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Yeah I'm kind of realizing that cracking open anki and having to Again basically everything. Guess I fucked up.


どうして= how come, or why would (it depends on the context)

basically this.

Why isn't 娘 written as 息女?
Why isn't 湖 written as 水海?
Why isn't 台風 written as 大風?

because therere no such thing. its a historical and social background mater i guess
you can find the same shit in english. why do they say "cartoons" but not "mangas"

i use mangas tho. my guess is "manga" or "anime" was total alien stuff when it came in the us or they recognised it and they grouped all individual works into one collectiveness as if they didnt have each individuality.

Loan words in English usually keep their native plural form.
The plural of ''漫画" is "漫画", not "漫画ず"

>Why isn't 台風 written as 大風?

because the first kanji is a simplification of the original kanji which specifically meant "typhoon"

the other ones are probably just chink emulation though