What are the richest crypto whales known? Bonus points if they're active on Twitter
What are the richest crypto whales known? Bonus points if they're active on Twitter
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pic related is the biggest whale of them all
The whole point of crypto is having money that banks don't know about. Most whales remain semi-anonymous.
good ol' BCH Calvin is good for a few billion net worth
they aren't known it's a huge security risk
>fucks your mother when he wants fuck
Mr. Jihan here rikey some beetcorn CASH
>Most whales remain semi-anonymous.
yeah im obviously asking about those who don't dumbass
can't forget the chad twins
this based fucker right here
I have around 40,000 ETH and 6500 bitcoin.
Had a lot more but sold the majority long before today's prices.
Reported to the IRS.
Thanks for paying for my roads.
Joke's on you, I just got hacked anyway.
Proof or GTFO
ayyo can i get a dolla
You think someone would do that, just go on the internet and lie?
Sure, what's your ETH address?
no way.
Not same person, but here is my wallet. Any amount would be cool. And here is some oc, just for your amusement.
"Kill all shitskins, kill all whites! Cook the brownies, gas the kikes. I don't care what you say, Hiller was right."
top of the bitmex leader board as well
Really though, I want to know "mexicantarget" 's true identity.
I think the ripple founders were on the top 100 richest in the december rally.
>owns 5.17 billion ripple,
Worth 56 billion in January, now over 4 billion at current prices.
On instagram/twitter?
The entity that maintains some of the longest running faucets for btc out there. And has been adding new ones semi consistently. Basically been making games out of the faucet sites.
I first saw the name on bitcointalks way the fuck back in the day. Only thing I know for sure is that he lives in Texas and from the color of "his hand" isn't mexican. Found personal photos at some point that have long been "lost" to the web.
>be me
>post quality oc
>any oldfag circa 04-06 would be proud
>completely ignored
>realize that I'm balls deep in kiddos
>if only i had enough eth to feel this in real life
Fraudulent and Homosexual
Hey, how much btc or eth would you send me if I had documented proof of having satoshi himself as a contact in my email back in 2008-2009?
https:/ / i194. photobucket. com /albums /z229/lordofthefat/LOL.jpg
My good sir, upon review, would you consider me a "balls-touching hack-fraud" after review of my submission on this Taiwanese basket-weaving enthusiast forum?
It's starting to get really fucking bad. Going to start only browsing when they are in school or asleep in American timezones. Already made it but come for the bantz. Shit is just pathetic now.
What's worse; I started lurking when I was 12 years old. I'm only 24. I've had a SA account since then too. Good ole 06. Never made a post until my 15th bday for losing my virginity. Totally posted "cp" of me and my girl fucking. Shit was so cash, W. T. Snacks himself posted in it and was keeping it on page 10. I truly wish I had photos archived from that thread...
>implying i care about age of posters
>implying I'm not talking about being rich enough to be balls deep in kiddos
>implying anything posted here could be used against me in the court of law