Honest question, how is BTC supposed to reach a new ATH when most people who were interested got burned and will never ever invest again?
Honest question...
exactly this.
Institutional money retard
I'm still interested in it and didn't get burned
>will never ever invest again?
you are very much mistaken. Humans are fucking idiots - just look at us here. Normies will fomo in again and again and again, whenever the media conditions encourage it.
unironically this
Bitcoin will reach one million dollars. Please doubt me.
People asked this exact same question after we crashed from 1200 in 2013. The answer is that people are stupid and will chase it again when it pumps despite having gotten burned the last time.
when people will hear other people getting millionaires again, and they will say! you just have to hodl through the dip...people are brainlets that's why you have extremely rich people
lol, the pajeets who are gonna buy my bags haven't even been born yet... you retarded bears have no understanding of digital scarcity. There can only ever be 21 million bitcoins, and probably over half of them are lost forever because people are fucking retards. Yet they keep printing fiat currency every day, and more and more pajeets are born every single day. All fighting over the ever-dwindling supply of bitcoins