2-5 years and everyone holding 1000+ OMG will be able to retire. It’s a good feeling

2-5 years and everyone holding 1000+ OMG will be able to retire. It’s a good feeling.

Attached: A2EC69DF-5C6D-4F0A-87D2-DC686A65A14F.jpg (1200x1600, 341K)

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Screw waiting – based on this photo alone I'm retiring tomorrow, I'm that confident. Wish me luck anons.




>The I see black people and automatically assume it's the worst

It wasn't the people, it was the shitty stand. I'm going to email their marketing dept (if there is one) and offer my services.

Literally almost 1 billion people in Africa without access to banking systems. If banking the unbanked actually catches on OMG will be a once in a lifetime investment opportunity.

I saw the post, replied with a sarky comment, checked Pesabase out and quickly realised it's exactly who Omisego want to service. First appearances and all that.

The only relevant coin in the big picture is Bitcoin. It goes up, your shitcoin goes up. It goes down, your shitcoin goes down. The only reason any altcoin will make it is if Bitcoin makes it.

Umm yeah, have you ever met Africans?

>he thinks a society of low IQs is ever gonna make it
BAHAHAHA how did that work out for the French, British and Dutch

damn that nigga tiny

is that the dude they say fuds omg

Africa will be the best investment opportunity in the next 30 years, let your racism and emotions blind you but I am taking a chance on this opportunity. Africa is improving substantially these days.

the funny thing is omisegoys think theyre going to get rich earning $.00001 per transaction from africa

OMG is a humanitarian project

James Edwards, Whats he doing posing with the Pesabase team? Was miggers fudding a publicity stunt to raise awareness

>Jow Forums doesn't deserve OMG

Yes actually. Aside from what pol will tell you, most average Africans are actually extremely hard working and friendly people. I myself sponsored an African child and would frequently write letters to her for many years. She eventually managed to go to college and get a degree involving computers, which she used to get a job in a major city in Kenya and provide for her family.

Niggercoin became mainstream?
WTF its going on?
just wake up and open biz and saw this!!

Using your shitty exaggerated estimate, Assuming everyone made a single transaction per week, the revenue coming out of Africa into the OMG network would still be 600 million dollars.

No, I'm pretty sure it's the people

Hi rabbi, whatcha doin?

investing in africa is like investing in a low mcap coin with room for growth while first world is like investing in bitcoin

What’s worse than a nigger? Low IQ white trash waste of space from pol that sit in mommy’s basement cursing the world for their own shitty life they put themselves into by being retarded and lazy.

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But hey, keep blaming the Jews. I’m sure your life will turn around any day now that you’ve identified the reason for your failure at life :^)

lmfao, the only place where africa is an investment opportunity is where the chinese and indians have seized control of the businesses. saying "muh racism" isn't an argument, you're just a naive idiot.

Y u mad bro

Shitposting from work tho

Stay naive

Sounds like what people said about China 15 years ago.

Simply epic. Guess you got me. Back to the temple I go.

Nobody ever said this about China. People have been saying China superpower for years. Asians are typically high IQ in China, Korea, and Japan alike. Africans are much more handicapped when it comes to this crucial genetic component. Not that they're all dumb but the average is very low

Watch empire of dust

yup, Africa is China. Please invest in legitimate only sub-saharan owned businesses immediately, you're going to make so much money.

Attached: 2e08b74eb19dd132f31010540f665fc57c64fa970351e92f9f6247461cc05ff6.png (645x729, 12K)

IQ has nothing to do with emerging markets that can be taken advantage of for financial gain. Who cares if they get raped by China, Russia, and the US? The only thing I care about is my fee every time anyone puts their paycheck in, or buys something at a store.

Wew lad. Please make sure to never buy any OMG. I don’t want short sighted morons like you making it.

Yes sir. Africa super power too in 15 years! Welcome to revolution sirs

Lmao. Spotted NiggerMedicated.

Cryptomedicated bought 3k more twitter followers then went private pretending like someone was attacking his twitter.

Whats up with blacks in crypto breaking the law? You have Ian Balina claiming to have been hacked to avoid taxes, Trevon Martin hiding $1 million dollars in his steemit account pretending like he lost a lot of his bitconnect ponzi referrals, and now you have Nigger Manlet (Cryptomedicated) faking cyber attacks to buy more twitter followers.

I guess blacks are criminals no matter what space they are in

So am I a jew, nigger, or pajeet?

a migger

So what coins are you invested in? I’m honestly curious to know what you think is a good investment.

>if only it were possible

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