Binance lost my business to BitMEX, and I can't be the only one. Will they ever introduce margin trading?

Binance lost my business to BitMEX, and I can't be the only one. Will they ever introduce margin trading?

Attached: Binance.jpg (696x449, 30K)

And this is why you will stay poor

You are crazy to be margin trading in a heavily manipulated unregulated volatile market like this.

I would not be surprised if BitMex and Bitfinex sell your liquidation price to whales. It doesn't take much for rich people to drive the market price to your liquidation price and then take all your money.

bitmex is EU only?

No, BitMex just doesn't accept Americans. I registered my BitMex and BitMex testnet account with a Canadian IP.

it's for anywhere that's not the USA or the handful of other countries on its list (the usual suspects like NK, Iran, etc)

Why would an exit scam would bother developing a margin engine?
They get plenty of money get 30 BTC PER coin listing.

No ameriturds allowed, you're deemed too dumb for margin trading.

You're a fucking clown, B. You really think they'd spend millions of dollars to liquidate some fucking scrub on Jow Forums?

Learn how margin trading works you fucking faggot

Don't need advice, all I'm saying is Binance lost my business. Surely they care about this?

Mexicans only. It’s literally in the name. Anything else anyone tells you is a lie

binance accepts americans. bitmex & bitfinex doesn't. might have to do something with it.
earlier bitfinex tried to just not let burgers margin trade, but looks like it didn't work out

>I would not be surprised if BitMex and Bitfinex sell your liquidation price to whales.

There it is, the "sell your liquidation to whales meme"
Dude, do you know how much volume just market selling 100 BTC on each big exchange can produce? A big enough chain of reaction to liquidate any surrounding position, because get this through your head humans are very predictable and they put their stop loss in a very obvious "cluster" zone in charts, thanks to TA the mastertrap to turn everyone into a predictable trading peon.

Whales don't need to buy your positions, your positions ARE OBVIOUS ENOUGH thanks to people using TA

Attached: 1522704660863.webm (480x480, 1.02M)

In order for the whales to make money, they need lots and lots of fish to provide them with liquidity.

You mistakingly believe that it is the whales who are getting cucked. No its the fish (you) getting cucked. In day trading, the guys who have the most money have the power to dictate the direction the market goes.

Let's say you are rich. Right now there are slightly more longs than shorts on Bitfinex still. And right now the 15min (day trading chart)/1 hour (swing trading chart) and 4 hr candlestick (monthly trading chart) charts are all bearish. What you do is wait for the price to drop down further. If there is a rally, dump some coins, spread fear into the hearts of normies, they will drive the price down to the liquidation price of the longs as they panic-sell. Then pick up cheap coins at lower than you sold them at. And do the reverse when normies start to short. Pump. Normies FOMO back in and liquidate the short-sellers. Then you dump. This is the BART.

Your sole purpose is to provide liquidity for the whales. This market is a fucking joke.


Attached: vO7lRZ7.png (621x702, 56K)

Why would whales want to do know people's liquidation prices? They don't make money liquidating people, and people margin trading on BitMEX doesn't affect the price of actual Bitcoin

>whale market dump BTC on exchanges that affect the actual BTC price (Bitfinex, GDAX, Kraken, OKex, QUOINE, etc...)
>take short position with repetitively high leverage on derivatives exchanges
>make bank

basically it. you just have to make sure to enter a short position before you dump BTC on Bitfinex

Ok, but why do they want to know people's liquidation prices? That doesn't help them at all. It's not like they're getting a cut from people's liquidations. The whole 'BitMEX sells liquidation price info to whales' meme just doesn't make sense

They don't, they don't need to, it doesn't make sense, see

BitMEX has a big server overload problem right now.

TA doesn't tell you what the liquidation price is necessarily though. I'm looking at Bitfinex's 15min candlestick chart right now. Depending on which direction the whales wanna go (shorts are catching up to longs on Bitfinex so the whales probably won't make their move now I guess?)

If the whales are long
- you wanna pump BTC to 7940.20. That is really not hard to do at all desu. The normies will do the rest of the work after that. If the normies start pumping on their own, you can always put more air in the tires with another pump.

If the whales are short
- you wanna get BTC down to 7822.5. The normies might actually just do this on their own. Because the trend is bearish right now. If the price pumps again, you can start selling some coins.

You basically have to know which direction the whales want to go to. Shit like this is why I want to quit day trading (I don't trade on Margin, I trade on Binance.) As much as TAs like Richard Heart and Philakone swear on Technical Analysis for crypto, I am pretty sure that TA is bullshit. Whales can take the market in whatever direction they please regardless of what the tea leaves say.

I mean to say *if the normies stop pumping on their own.

>TA doesn't tell you what the liquidation price is necessarily though.
No it doesn't, what whales want is liquidity, they create it by stop hunting into very predictable clusters of stop losses thanks to people generally placing their stop losses a little below support/above resistance or fibs replacements, when hit stop losses + FOMO + panic mix and create the chain of reactions we know, liquidating positions on the way.

Only retards get liquidated