Yesterday, Mindgeek announced that they'll begin to accept Verge as a payment option for premium services. This is a blessing for anyone who don't want porn on their bank statements, but even more so when it comes to the publicity of crypto.
Nimiq launched the other day, offering you the the possibility to mine coins in your browser. Despite its flaw, that the devs are working on, granted, it's still way more accessible for the average person than any crypto has been before. At its currents price, based off NET tokens since it isn't actually traded yet, 100NIM is about $1.5. This means a month of Pornhub Premium is ~666NIM. Say an average normie sets up a miner and gets 5KH/s. With the current network hashrate, payoff, and blocks mined per day, that would come to 2648NIM a month.
This means that the hashrate of NIM can triple, and the average normie would still be able to pay for a premium porn subscription simply by running a program on their computer, or when they fix their browser miner and release their app, simply by opening a webpage or run an app on their phones.
>porn on their bank statements That's literally not a thing brainlet
Gavin Reyes
who do you think still pays for porn? boomers and they're not interested in crypto
Ian James
It means you're a bagholding faggot
Juan Williams
oof down 25% in a day.
Carson Flores
Literally nobody cares. There's tons of companies which accept crypto - large ones even. When normies see that as a payment option, they couldn't give less of a shit once the credit card fields roll into sight and Chrome fills the card info them for them. Jfc - people who really care that much about their wife/spouse seeing the charge will just buy a prepaid card. Crypto is way too volatile to be used as a currency and this privacy niche is mostly unneeded by normal people. Maybe if you were high profile or something this would be more interesting.
Alexander King
whats cum supposed to mean?
Ian Flores
i mean i'm positive it's going to recover, any kind of real life adoption like this is impressive. because it's all speculative and not much hands on approach has been established yet by any coins.
Many don't like torrenting. This is why Netflix is successful.
Same applies for porn.
Jordan Edwards
Fucking this, the supply of porn is way too high to justify any spent money. Also look at how degenerate our society is and how it gets worse every day. In 3 years we will have a legal instagram-like app where everyone posts their nudes and porn vids, why would I pay to see some bimbo with weird fake tits getting fucked?
Ethan Rodriguez
If nudity was less taboo there would be less need for porn.
Matthew Wilson
Yeah but we're getting there, I mean look at what young bitches post on fb or instagram or tinder or whatever. That's pure softcore porn and would have beeen scandalous 30 years ago. It doesn't need a huge step to go to full nudes and further from here.
Elijah Hall
It's crazy that we got here in the first place.
Blake Cooper
fun fact. over 2/3 of all court cases involving torrenting/piracy is from people downloading porn.
Ethan Gray
Will it go up, go up you shit.
Blake James
>Why can't everybody in society just be a whore lol I can't wait until Jesus throws your degenerate ass into the pit of eternal fire
Robert Foster
I disagree. Please give your reasoning for thinking that. In the old days just seeing a pic of a naked woman was enough fap material for most guys. Finding a ripped page from a Playboy as a young teen was like finding gold. These days most 13yr olds have already watched dozens of women getting slapped around and gangbanged because of how easy porn is to access on the internet. By the time these kids become adults they need even more hardcore fetishes to get off. At the rate we're going snuff films are going to be needed two generations from now.
Eli Gonzalez
WTF does nimiq have to do with pornhub. Nimiq is a joke, stay poor.
I feel what ya mean, its pretty revolutionary. We need more fairly distributed cryptos.
Isaiah Nelson
Crazy fucking volume being moved. Insane how the buy orders are able to keep the price somewhat level. Once the butthurt bag holders finish dumping, it'll skyrocket.
Lincoln Parker
There's been traded for over 500 million USD in Verge the last 24 hours.