What should I say my biggest weakness is at a job interview?

What should I say my biggest weakness is at a job interview?

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>admitting weaknesses

That's a weed out question. The correct response is to dodge the question and say an area you could improve on.

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working too hard :)


That's what a weakness is.

Social-emotional intelligence

getting a job


No. You can be strong a something, and get stronger.

Most people say something stupid like
>I'm a perfectionist/workaholic blabla

If you lack knowledge in some aspect, just say it and admit you need training.

little girls

That you bought Link.

the best answer is

>i havent had any notable weaknesses at previous jobs, and i cant see any developing at this job, but if it does im sure we'll quickly rectify it.

you have trouble communicating and working with other people



Kek. Trolls and idiots all the way.

Admit an honest weakness (a real one) but add how you could circumvent it. I have an utter lack of creativity, but in these cases I usually brainstorm for myself a bit and test the possibilities, until I have a sufficient solution.

Bad weakness to have as e.g. a surgeon, but as e.g. a controller, you have all day to tackle the stuff the retards throw at you etc.

>I wouldn't say I have a weakness as there's always room for improvements in all aspects. One of which is ..... that I plan to

This is the dumbest interview question out there and I pretty much write off any place that asks me this. I don't want to work with/for the kind of people who think this is a reasonable way of weighing my candidacy. I prefer not to play games. Don't ask me a question that you aren't expecting an honest answer for...and if you do expect people to answer that question honestly in an interview, fucking kys.

I can't bring myself to pretend that this is anything other than exchanging my labor for currency, this is not my passion, and frankly I think I'm better than you even though you're the one interviewing me

So, when can I start?

Japanese vomit porn addiction.

Admit a weakness but also include actions you are currently taking to improve this weakness.

How about that you are asking for advice on Jow Forums?

“Well Bill, through an intense reprogramming of my brain I have made it so that I don’t comprehend the idea of weakness anymore. It is not possible for me to have any weaknesses, but I don’t know what that means anymore. Perhaps that is my greatest strength that propels me above the plebeians.”

T. Me at my last job interview. Got the offer $600k/year straight out of welding school

Tell them you're a nazi.

Jokes aside, can I just give them a modest technical deficiency that I think will improve through experience/work, especially for a junior position? e.g. if I were applying to a junior software developer position, can I just say that my skills in xyz framework could use some polish?


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I am scared of ghost

Don’t say “I work too hard” or some bullshit like that. They know it’s a meme and it will make you look dishonest. Just mention a small weakness (doesn’t have to be true) that you know won’t matter in the job you’re applying for. You could also just say you don’t think you have any weaknesses that are relevant for the job, but if something comes up, you will do you very best to fix it.

also, Frankensteins

Answering bullshit questions.

I ironically said this once and didnt get the job :( it was the first and only time ive been asked that question and was not prepared for it

un ironically *

bullets and boobs obv

Attached: boobs.jpg (600x750, 69K)

I'm pulling in $725K a year as a manager at the local McDonalds down the road from me because I persuaded the interviewer to do that by telling them I will put McDonalds on the blockchain and all employees will receive sick dividends from the MCD coins.

>MCD coins

Yeah I’d be depressed if I only made $600k, but that welding job is only 4 minutes a week and I have many passive income streams that generate me roughly $999,999,999,999 a year. But good luck with your MCD coins, maybe I’ll buy a few out of pity for you and your poverty.

>pierced nipple
would not bang

Admit a weakness that is inconsequential to the job or is not a focus of the position.

Number one rule is don't sell them on the weakness. Sell them on you.


>They know it’s a meme
hr is only good for propagating corporate memes. for them to dislike you repeating work memes is arbitrary and retarded