Stop buying high caps

It's a pipe dream at this point to expect high caps like VEN, ICX, NEO, XLM to 10x anytime soon. Just buy smaller cap coins like under 40 million market cap and ride then put when they hit 100+ mill plus

So many great low caps out there for cheap at the moment with all star teams

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It took me a while to realize this but mcap is a total meme

Yea market cap is meme cause it's determined by price * supply but its a good metric for measuring the growth potential

Not really

>Implying smaller cap coins are not absolute shitcoins
Have a good time gambling

mcap is only relevant when alt rallies

Shhh. Let them enjoy giga 8% increases. Buy high sell low lad.

Meanwhile i bought a low as fuck mcap coin which made a 3000% increase in 3 months.

Is holding a coin from 40million mcap to 100mcap. better gains than 1billion mcap to 2 billion mcap?

Can you do math?

It is sweet.


Go to school dumbass

Very risky, that's all. Majority of shitcoins will never make it. New ones this year have a good chance of doubling at some point, but only the rare few will break into the top 100, say.

Yeah don't ride them out for too long and set a limit sell order on your exit point. Don't get upset about leaving to early sometimes.


Everything is risk versus reward. The larger cap coins offer less risk and less reward. Smaller caps have more risk and more reward.

It's all about what people see as their personal risk tolerance. There are also smaller cap coins with absolutely amazing use cases and teams that just haven't done much or are at the low end of the j curve and post hype cycle (great buys).

Top 100 coins are just as risky for the most part considering most of them are just fancy whitepapers without a working product so far

What a fucking retarded post. ICX is going 10x in the short term. XLM and NEO at least 3x. Don't like Ven. And if the market takes a turn and they become bags, at least you can sleep easy knowing they are worthy investments.

shitcoins are the same asset class brainlet
diversification is DIFFERENT asset classes, stocks, property, metals,crypto

>implying bigger cap coins aren't also absolute shitcoins

>lord i miss old /biz fuck this 2018 poorfags are unreal

You are retard.

Fuckin % is % no mather what cap.
Yes 10 mil cap can 100x but it is 1 of 100 every bagholder "beleves in his coin".

Everyone who thinks hes got formula (including this low cap meme) is retard.
If market crashes you want to baghold legit project with potential for recovering.

Patience, iron hands, lots of reaserch, few ballzy swingtrades every now and then.
Only shit that works since start i wonder why.

Btw i member when eth was like 30$ after insane run and anons here saying to big cap now no point in buying...makes you wonder.

No wonder anons here are poor..

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Market cap is how any financially literate person estimates the size of an asset. There are other methods, but market cap is by far the most popular. It's not at all retarded to think that a 10m market cap coin has a higher chance of going 100x than a 10b coin.

the absolute fucking state of this board

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>BTC will never be $1000
>ETH will never be $1000
>no room to grow

90% of the projects from 2016 have already failed

celebrate! dumb money is back!

Larger cap coins are just as shit, except they've got far, far further to fall should people decide to dump. I pretty much exclusively buy sub-million mcap memes and probably do better than you


10 mil cap have xxx more chances going 100x than 10 bil coin.

Than again 10 mil cap coin have xxx more chances of not going anywhere or jsut rolling over and dieing.
And you sir are investing same amount of usd/btc/eth, and make no mistake this is LONG game.

I guess there's logic chasing small caps if you are poor.

But when push comes to shove would you put your last 100k $ on black that nets you only double or number 22 that nets you huge amounts (ok game where house haves edge is bad example, but point stays).

Than again mcap is meme and not real number at all.

>shitcoins with no tangible use case and/or working product
>worthy investment

holy shit neck yourself


when I think of it problem is anons are gold diging for dat 100x like its only way to make money in this unrel market....

And that survivor bias of few that did 100x in 1 year is eating them alive.

Anons are just bad at math i guess.


I was here when Ethereum was added to coinbase as well. What does your portfolio look like? I only put 500$ in and didn’t invest anymore I feel like an idiot, but my portfolio is at 17k now from ok trades.

Last bull run showed large caps can still do really well and you can feel safer in them. So I mean, by all means do you but the large caps can still do very well. We saw ADA, ICX, XRP, XLM etc go on large runs

But Banyan Network.

hahaha idiots.

Not at all it's just a number and if you are still buying based on market cap you are never going to make it.
All projects you named are great and have more room to grow than you can imagine.
>he still thinks market cap is total amount of money invested