StakeNet - OFFLINE Staking

First coin in the world that allows cold staking from a ledger possible.
THIS is it, if you're looking for a solid project!

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Interesting, any more info you can provide? Where is it traded etc

>Masternodes are live
>TPOS is live

Cross chain proof of stake is the next, HUGE development in the works for Q4. Its a game changer.

It's trading on Livecoin and SistemKoin, with more exchanges being added shortly


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So I can keep my funds safe on my ledger and stake it at the same time??
Wow, this is HUGE!!!

/comfy/ masternode holder here. Get about $15-22 a day staking

Yes. Or you can choose to become a merchant, and stake other peoples coins. You'll have to work out the commission percentage on your own. It's a nice extra income, the trick is to find people with a lot of coins, that is worthwhile to stake for.

At the moment, I'm getting:

>Stake Rewards
>Masternode Rewards
>TPOS Rewards.


Can't you just steal their coins? Where is the security? I don't fucking get it

No, you as a merchant you do NOT have access to the coins of whom you stake for. This is why it's called TRUSTLESS Proof Of Stake.

If you follow the TPOS guide, you'll see how it's all setup, and that the merchant is using a shared key, that he, and the other guy shares. It's like a bridge between you. It's genius really.

I'm more excited about CCPOS (Cross Chain Proof Of Stake) as of right now, and atomic swaps.
Once opens for their Staking service, it's gonna open peoples eyes for the possibilities it creates for convenience, and piece of mind.

That's pretty neat to be honest. Just a little worried about the low volume right now.
How many coins do I need for a masternode?

The volume is at around $140k right now according to Coinmarketcap.
Devs are working with exchanges to get us listed, and the community on Discord does their part too for the free listings. (Small exchanges) that depends on votes alone.

You need 15,000 coins for a masternode, so still fairly cheap desu

Where do I find the official announcement. Any link?
Want to read more

Ever used Google faggot?

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People love to get spoon-fed all the time, haha

I don't see XSN on Ledger?

>First coin in the world that allows cold staking

That's called Minexcoin.
Well ok, it has it's own chain and is not an ERC20 shit token.

You are 4 months too late for such shit tokens

Are you retarded?
XSN is NOT an ERC20 Token.

Will be added shortly, according to the devs

POSW is on there. XSN, the swap coin,is being added soon (you can see it on ledger roadmap)

well.... still a shitcoin with no purpose.

But ok ok, we are on the shitproject wave 2.0 with the upcoming Bullmarket.

Create a shit project for the next run early enough.

Shitcoin? Dude, do some fucking research, once goes online, expect a HUGE price rise.
CCPOS will move the price x50 as well

$15-$22 / day?

..and this would only grow upward with coin eval?

am i being pajeeted right now?

why wouldn't some street shitting asshole grip $3,000 (not that much money) to buy a masternode for this?

Oooooooooh this is PosW?

Wait.... let me laugh even harder

Come on people don't be THAT stupid to invest in this shit.

wait, is this bullshit just POSW re-wrapped?

what the fuck

POSW with new dumfuck shillers ready to get JUSTED again kek.

That's why I'm still laughing.

I'll be laughing when you buy my bags at $20+

street shitting cocksuckers.


New team
New devs
Entirely new concept
New blockchain

Entirely different

Thats how these coins incentivize early adopters, get great staking rewards now and as the rewards get lower with block height the coins value should grow in proportion

Also a masternode is roughly $6,000

> someone stupid enough buying that shit at 20$+
There is your failure.

People won't even buy that shit NOW.
According to the last 2 months.

Re-naming is the new big thing.
We hit the peak.
Now fuck off with PajeetOSW

>has outperformed almost any coin in that period

user are you fucking retarded? Fucking faggot jesus christ

I'm holding a lot of different coins. Guess which one performed the BEST during this bear market?


Enough said

Guess which heavy bags I hold which I wish to unload?


now let me keep shilling.

I'm up 700%

Not selling for at least 2 years

Haha, keep convincing yourself that faggot.

>Meanwhile making $150 daily from masternodes and TPOS rewards.

My coins are being staked by a buddy of mine who charges 5%. Commission. Is that a good deal? Just wondering what the normal "deal" is?
Holding 12500 coins, love this tech. Nice that I can stake without needing my computer to run all the time

Some merchants charge up to 20%, which is kind of steep desu. 5% is a pretty good deal.
Once you reach 15k, you should consider setting up a masternode IMHO

depends on how many coins ur tposing

the less coins the higher the commission and visa versa

When does open? It looks like a great concept.

This will surely pump soon... SHIT, those order books is looking sexy as FUCK!

i just checked and it has a coming soon page now, not bad

Q2 I believe, check the roadmap


Fuck off

I'll keep a strong eye on this one, for sure

it's that time of the year again
the pump and dump season

>not getting in on the next 50x

user, i...

that cheap shilling and 1 post by this ID'er

Oh do we realy have so many newcomers not knowing what is shit?

eat shit and die

hitting where it hurts, ha?

Just get out while you can.

And lose out on HUGE gains?

Kys, jeez whats with light blue IDs and being total flaming cocksuckers today

Any Eoy predictions?

coin has no product
ponzi scheme style (tpos)
very few use-cases

literally the coin is useless at this point, the banks would do a better job even at their laziest jewing hours

Very few use cases?
Dude, they will literally make the GO TO Staking platform, with multiple features such as atomic swaps, masternode pools, and more.
You're retarded, lol

Staking means nothing if the price tanks

Tpos is a service, it allows people to stake offline.

Are you fucking retarded? Its not a ponzi


quite possibly the dumbest thing Ive ever read here

Attached: 1418228156215s.jpg (250x250, 6K)

stakenet is possibly the dumbest coin Ive ever heard of. it's literally useless, I would rather buy bitbean if ever I'm gonna get a piece of shit coin

Buy bitbean then you fucking faggot, we'll go to the moon without you, don't worry

400m marketcap

That would be insane, considering it's only at 25 mio now!

So, using TPOS, I can stake with my computer turned off?

Yeah... Read the fucking thread man

Don't worry, it wouldn't even reach 50m before crashing back to 5m. PnD groups and their shitcoins are leeching on your money.

Have you not heard of ark you absolute fucking brainlet?

We'll see user, we'll see.

You clearly haven't even read their announcement, done any research.. you're just talking trash out of your mouth.
CCPOS will change everything, heck even their staking platform will raise the price.


Ark is delegated proof of stake you retard, that's a completely different matter. I'm invested in ARK too FYI.

Fuck your mum mate, you can stake from ledger.

Does the platform let you stake other coins from cold storage for instance pivx

Should be possible in Q4 with CCPOS

Go eat shit, and do some actual research next time, fucking fag

This sounds like an actual USEFUL tech for once. Definitely looking into this, thanks OP

if biztards are calling it a vaporware/scam, then you know for sure it's going to be successful. ;)

Well, there is loads of hate here towards the project. Some of it is probably FUD from those who haven't accumulated enough in time, lol

>CCPOS will change everything
This is what I always hear from the shills from Verge, Bitconnect, and Tron.

Yeah right might as well just rebrand to STINKNET then.

Please do some research buddy. It's quite ground breaking.

no thanks pajeet

Why do you even bother commenting here, if you aren't interested in the project at all? What a waste of time, lmao

Retard .. lol

kek this shit coin again

was good for the pump a few months ago