Anyone else thinking of flying to Berlin and going to Berghain once they make it?

Anyone else thinking of flying to Berlin and going to Berghain once they make it?
>Imagine candyflipping while a German hipster dominatrix is sucking your dick.

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it's a gay club dude.

Most overrated shithole in the whole country
If you need to go their you are either a tourist or an idiot

whats candyflipping

I am open to other club recommendations but usually people are salty because they didn't get in.

I went a few years ago while visiting berlin and didn't get in. if you go try to look as gay as you can, don't talk or smile in line, go with one other person max. also go around 6am on sunday morning.

Why should I recommend tourist scum the good clubs. So you can make them tourist shitholes. Fuck off scum.

or better yet just skip it and hit one of the many amazing brothels. I went to artemis and it was one of the best days of my life. fucked 3 very hot women. 2 at the same time. not sure if that is still the spot it was a few years ago but you get the idea

oooooo so edgy. what's it like to be the cool edgy guy on Jow Forums must feel super cool and edgy

Would probably move to Berlin if I made it, and would definitely frequent Berghain. One of the best clubs i've been to, touristy or not!

german clubs are ruined by faggots and repressed sexual queers

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I'm really into techno so I dread visiting berghain because I would probably neck if I wasn't able to get in

Can confirm, berlin is great. Played the Mera Luna festival in hildesheim and the place was a goth hipster chick magnet. Haven't gone to any coins since I dont drink or socialize much. Id rather be on biz than a club.

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kek. was in berghain before. if you like pounding techno it is the shit.

if you also love being pounded by big faggot germans

you can go full gay there if thats what your into. Otherwise there are fucking 11/10 chicks there all off their tits on coke/mdma.

Berlin club scene is amazing. Got some of the best E I've ever had there and went to the most awesome club I've been to. It looked sort of like this on the outside, but everything was underground after you went inside. I guess it used to be an old slaughterhouse or something. It was sprawling and ruined-industrial aesthetic, one of the best nights of my life

also we didn't get to the club until 3 am and when we left at 10:30 music was still going and people were still dancing. Berlin parties hard

yep, berghain is fun and I like it that the tourists don't get in


Consuming a certain drug while under the effects of another one.

gate keeping shithole, tourists get in, rich ones. they never host good underground artists anymore, also queers

>I'm a druglord AKA coolest guy at the rave. but you can call me Cy|3er|>/-\g/-\n

Taking LSD and then after it kicks in a couple hours in taking Extacy or pure MDMA.

first time I tried LSD I candy flipped while at a music festival. After seeing Chance the Rapper my mind was absolutely racing I couldn't form a coherent thought or I would talk to people and forget what I had told them 30 seconds ago and say it again. It was pretty fun. I was probably really annoying.

dawg, I think I've been there, but I can't remember the name. you stood in line and the entry was on the left.

I hate the Germans.

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anyone here going to EDCLV?

>tfw will be swimming in a sea of young asian ass while high on acid

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..and you wnen down a stairs the cloak room was ahead of you and the toilets ahead and to the left. on your right was a tunnel with running lights overhead....

it's been a couple years so I don't remember the entrance clearly. You walked down a long hallway covered in graffiti to get to the club. Multiple rooms, multiple bars

i am there every couple of months. you have to take drugs. have some E and some Keta and get ready for the time of your life, no kidding.

just an example: on the berghain floor toilets there is this guy sitting below the pissoirs and he will drink you piss if you like. fucking freak

i get in because i am a berliner and know the rules. you won't, sorry

are you a faggot? it's literally a gay club

it's not. 50% gays i'd say. girls there are hot as fuck and full on drugs

>I get in because I'm gay
we know

can i smell salt coming from your direction?

it's the shitty 10% xtc stuck in your nose

you might be gay user

in my nose? you think people snort that shit?

oh what a little fag you are.

usual guests in berghain pic related

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I went to Berlin for new years (different party)...fuck that place is amazing. I'm Indian too. Scored some nice street coke (even then it wasn't bad) ...people were a lot nicer and sharing. I'd love to move to Berlin.

I'm a brit and I've been turned away 3 times. Best chance is to go with german people.

But I go to techno clubs and candyflip now, I dont really care for the prestige of the place when I'm getting off my nut. Nah, I can't wait to settle the fuck down somewhere quiet and occasionally organise conferences with the LINK marines to decide how we're going to influence global politics.

the last thing berlin nightlife needs is amerifats with paper gains to brag about

(((somebody))) is trying to normalize this filthy degeneracy on biz... this is like the 4th thread specifically about this place, that's alongside the many drug threads and you even have trap threads trying to seep in. There is something "else" in the MDMA btw. consider yourselves warned!

fuck off you junky. you're a waste of space. all drug addicts should be exterminated.


i fucking love Jow Forums, where else on the internet can you read about american neckbeards critizing glorious european electronic music and nightlife.

i hope they nuke coachella next year

Berlin should be nuked

>implying they let basement neets inside

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Back to faggot, you're a immigrant here

get the fuck out of here filthy degenerates. this is a christian board

How does an American get into Berghain? Serious question

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>don't go in large groups
>don't wear dress outfits
>go because you want to enjoy the music
>learn some german and say gutentag to sven
>go on sunday morning

>1 post by this id


everyone else, consider yourselves warned! Youn may get rather more frontal lobe damage and sexually transmitted bioweapons than you bargained for...



go to farbfernseher if you cant get into berghain. it is a 200 m2 club but really good and fun.

you sound angry

what now you stupid Jow Forums refugee faggot

Yeah go to Berghain you dumb piece of shit
I hope you get assfucked in the darkroom, dumb motherfucker
How bad is your life if this would be your endgoal?
Fucking kys nigger
Berghain isnĀ“t even worth it

it's a basic bitch shill tactic

it's amazing how you can detect whether someone is honest and kind or completely dead inside just from their Jow Forums postings