XLM | Stellar - General

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (dashboard.stellar.org/)
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (lumenaut.net/)

Recent News:

- IBM Blockchain VP on XLM: medium.com/@kuipr/ama-with-the-head-of-ibm-blockchain-jesse-lund-64b8fe13ceba

Upcoming Events:

- BayPay Forum - 19 April w/ Jed McCaleb
- Global Money Transfer, Dubai - 29/30 April

Recent Partnership:

- Keybase.io
- Blockdaemon.com (Blockdaemon claims Stellar will be *THE* Ethereum of 2018; Blockdaemon backed by Comcast)

Big Things to Watch For:

- Jed claims "interesting" announcement soon; likely IBM's plans with central banks + tokenization of central bank fiat
- Official IBM news on their Hyper/Stellar Ledger plans
- Stripe BTC replacement announcement circa April
- FairX Beta - April/May
- Lightyear.io major announcement late March/April

Overarching Goal of XLM (and why it could be worth a ton):

- XLM is Asset-to-Asset Bridge

The list below will be fully operational by year end, ask yourself the price of XLM by then:

>Central banks onboard
>Other assets trading on stellar (talks of reaching 1000 this year)
>FX across Asia
>Pure Stellar ICOs
>ICOs bailing on ETH for Stellar
>New IBM clients
>New uplifted SDEX interface
>Lightning near roll-out

This is your last warning, nigger.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>- Jed claims "interesting" announcement soon; likely IBM's plans with central banks + tokenization of central bank fiat

Fairly certain IBM will be the ones to announce that. Jed's announcement will likely be related to the organization based on past history.

Attached: basedIBM.jpg (2160x2528, 533K)

I wanna buy more but my funds don't arrive til Saturday and it's so fucking pumped already. It's most of my tiny portfolio

>check my blockfolio for the first time after the posthype decimation
Alright alright alright

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yep, thinks are looking quite tasty

cant wait for the central bank + fairx announcement

Don’t forget about Mobius AKA the Chainlink Killa

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EOY price for 2020?


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lol, if that would happen I'd be a millionaire.

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OP, I am tempted but I missed out on XLM last week when I was looking where to park my WAN profits.

Now I am angry that missed it and I won't sleep tonight if I FOMO into the top of 7 days steep green.

Attached: FairX1.png (908x677, 92K)

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cmon break 4300 again you cunt

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The joint venture in international trade is we.trade.

rabobank.com/en/press/search/2017/20171017-we-trade-dtc.html (old)

Oh wait, he was talking about a different one.

Bullish on XLM

Even the fud doesn't make sense

if SDF airdrops 10-100xlm to 100mm africans, this may cause a temporary price dip, but long term would be either irrelevant as that demo is not a current purchaser of XLM or a major boon

if I were a coke kingpin in bogata and someone airdropped a gram of blow to every person in asia, do you think I'd be mad?

>$5 EOY

What are you going to buy when we go galactic?

Attached: HippityHoppityIJustwanttobuypropertyy.jpg (1285x9243, 2.34M)

paying off my debt and not buying a fucking thing

request granted

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buying a ranch and filling barns with mining equipment. gonna live comfy just shooting shit with automatic weapons on my property far away from civilization and tending to my mining rigs

Mobius a shit.
t. nonlinky

>A view from the top! The driveway is in leading to the top of your mountain where you can experience incredible views of picturesque Aeneas Valley! Lots of building room there for your cabin or great site for that off-grid living - lots of sunshine for your solar powered system! Property has light tree cover and openness. Lots of privacy and tranquility! Wildlife roam abundantly-whitetail/mule deer, turkey, coyote, moose, and only a few miles to some great fishing lakes and national forest.
>top of your mountain
>your own mountain
>Only $50,000
>40 acres

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