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omg master race

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>no AMB
>no ZIL

2/10 for OMG

I guess you allready made it bro.
1k Omg here.

>1$ per token for staking
fuck off loser

What does OMG do?




But Yes OMG

You're literally not going to make it. Mediocre.

i don't think you know what "made it" means

Only have 500 here

i think his point is that OMG will be $300 eoy.

>3k OMG

Gonna make it bro. If only i had a third of that .. oh well 500 will do me well.


You sir, are a faggot

stay poor

One of the most soyboy portfolios I’ve ever seen

Us 500's won't get rich instantly with this but I think it will set us up to do so in the future if we are smart with what we do make.....We can still make it bro.

At least it’s just small bags of the total shitcoins. Your OMG should do well though

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OP, congratulation not only are you going to be three times richer than me, you will make it there 3 times faster!
Congats OP, now the hard part, Waiting

Don't know enough about everything else, but I don't see how elec can outperform OMG. Energy grids are either going to eat shit and die or survive under central management.

Elec might work in some markets, but not a market as large as OMG.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the memiest of them all?

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one dollar per token per month or year? either way that is not that bad lol

Fuck I'm jelly of that eng stack

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Rate me.

Should I get omg or eng?

Should I dump trx? Xrp? Xlm?

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You should have at least a little bit of OMG.

Board the Ark lads

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Cheers bro! You’ve done the right thing by going all in with the amount of funds you have imo. I see 90% of people with


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Hahaha fuck tell me you weren’t holding ARK when it was $10,’BTC when it was $20k, and LTC when it was $350

No one would buy those coins with $130k so something tells me you’ve been here a while and bought all of that shit when it was super cheap... poor user how absolutely wrecked did you get in January???

pls no bully

Why don't you hold more TOMO? Aren't you in the telegram?

>i don't think you know what "made it" means
I dont think you know what omg will become

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