I'll admit it, I'm a december buyer, but have been on Jow Forums for many years. I am down 33% from my inital investment. Once down 60%. Who else /climbingoutofthehole/ here?
I'll admit it, I'm a december buyer, but have been on Jow Forums for many years...
february buyer here
almost /breakeven/ here, thanks to MUH DCA
December about to break even with LINK
What is she doing?
fuck off polfag
december buyer and still doubled on my investment
gravity bong, kiddo
She's about to hit a home-made gravity bong. The bottom of the plastic bottle is cut open and there's water in the bucket.
She's using a gravity bong
Nice, yeah, I fell for the hodl meme.
Got it.. thanks.
Is this Taylor
>tfw bought in january of last year but coinbase fucked me over and only let me put in $20
>Finally authorised in december so I go full in on ripple lumen and neo, gain 100% and then go full in on FUN to get right back to where I started.
I'm a December investor and I'm up 64%. Never dropped below my initial but was as high as 150% and as low as 2%.
Did you just buy pump and dumps?
>Is this Taylor
Yeah I thought the same thing but then I looked at the room and thought no way Taylor Swift would be any where near slum like conditions.
Hope you can afford to eat the loss. Could be years or could be ever.
Entered in January with 1k$, yesterday on starting positions, today 1100$. If I entered in December will probably be on 5k now.
I thought it might be her but there's some weird krocodil scar on her foot
I've put around 700 dollars into crypto since October. 1000 if you include my first purchase 3 years ago. I'm down to about $70 at current market price.
Made some stupid mistakes and spent a lot of it. That's crypto though.
Actually I have some coins left on Kucoin so it's more like 120 usd
Started in December with $800, added little by little up to $2.7k
Was down 36% of the initial investement at one time but never less and 300% ATH(yep...didn't sell)
Now I'm 10% up in fiat, but what's surprising I'm at the absolute ATH in sats.
Like 50%.
I'm too much of a brainlet to figure out how that happened.
Anons what are you doing now investement wise?
I'm selling the alts for BTC where I can and trying to get to .5btc
Some of bags of course I'll lose forever cause this shit isn't going to recover.
After surviving this crash I think I'm paranoid that it's going to happen again.
she's about to drink a big bottle of cum which was on ice
Entering in September with $500, not adding anything through since I am a poor student.
Go all in XLM during IBM news, managed to reach portfolio ATH of $24000 in January.
Sold XLM since then since I realized it's not a good investment. Now my portfolio is around $11000. Now my short term target is to reach my portfolio ATH in january. Hopefully soon.
My entire trade strategy is picking a few coins I like (I have 8) and picking percentages for portfolio distribution. When something goes on a run take profits and distribute to other coins. If something dips hard and nothing has fundamentally changed take a bit from all other coins and buy the dip.
Keep a minimum of 5% in cash and 10% in BTC. Rebalance on runs / dips.
I can never decide what I like cause all of it is so much hype and not that much of a product or no product at all.
I chose a few coins that I liked and got burned as fuck.
So instead now I'm getting a coin, waiting for it to grow and sell enough to cover my investement and 5% and leaving the rest to ride or die.
You don't want to know how many coins I've got.
It's an addiction.
And now they are all mooning (except for the january/february purchases that is) and I think I'll do the house cleaning kek
I'm down to 8 coins. I stay in coins I see long term potential in. Most products don't exist, and I value currencies based on progress and not price.
24.8% OMG, 22.06% ARY (in the MN beta), 13.17% ARK, 10.08% MCO, 10.03% DRGN, 8.07% JNT, 5.9% BPT, and 5.87% OLD.
Some of them I got into after reading about them on here. I just waited a week or two to buy since they are normally over priced when being shilled.
Phone autocorrected. It's PLR not OLD.
I was actually googling for OLD coin.....addiction I tell you.
I have a few that I will hold because I believe that these are good projects.
The rest I don't care about but every time when I sell 100% of something it fucking goes 300% up. So I sell them little by little and put in the coins I chose. And now really mostly in BTC.
I'm actually impressed with your percentage of folio figured out. I wouldn't be able to tell you what percentage of what do I have. I'm no trader, I'm thinking I'm more of a god damned collector at this point. Will have to try and change it.
I guess as long as I hold the coins won't moon that much kek.
Started in March of 2017 with $100, added about $3000 through July last year, hit $2.3 million in January, hovering around $750K right now. Still sitting pretty comfy.
wtf what were ur biggest trades? I started in march with a lot more than you and only hit 260k
what did you buy?
Bought at 11200 back in December.
I'm afraid sooner or later my wife will find out I lost our money
Fuck I should have sold when I got break even
First big hit was XVG at 1.8 cents. Then got into XRB around $5. Got into Vechain early Jan around $3.
Wasn't all in on any of them, lost some during the crash. Rediversified and have put in more every week. Highest I was up was 600% (but that 600% was less than the total I've invested in fiat now.. was early). Sitting around 70% up right now.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Whatever you need to think.
so you only bought low market cap coins then?
i think that's where i fucked up. half the people on this board are hyping high supply shit coins
January/February buyer, down 20% but slowly recovering thanks in small part to free gibs from Jow Forums. One user gave me .2 ETH and another gave me 5 Ark the other day. I know it's just a small amount in the grand scheme of things but it's something I'll never forget. This board can be really cool sometimes.
How in the fuck did you retards not DCA into this shit jesus christ
Get ready to get fucking ass raped by taxes
Started in December with $12500, had $19000 ATH, have $6000 now. Missed all the December moon mission coz held LTC to it's all time high and sold @ my initial buy in price.
Proper trading is difficult enough already, and you're going to throw tax considerations into the mix? Enjoy getting reamed by the most volatile asset class in history.
Right? This little bounce back and I'm completely even.
I didn't really trade much, just did bought ETH at first, then started doing ICO's. My best were Neblio, Dragonchain, Payfair, Sophiatx, and a few others I'm forgetting.
I started my crypto journey a week ago already doubled my money! Mainly thanks to smartcash lol
churning butter
Im a Dec 1st buyer. Put in 6k USD, have about 20k USD atm.
XLM saved me.
>I'm a december buyer, but have been on Jow Forums for many years
How fucking risk adverse are you? You followed the only path to losing money. What finally made you decide to buy?
sorry i'm now 2x. at the bottom i was still up 20%
Holy shit I think I'm in love
Down 45% because I have no idea what I'm doing, no idea how far coins are supposed to move after scalping 1% all March, I need to let my runners run