Rolling Coal is a popular practice in the American South

Rolling Coal is a popular practice in the American South.
It's the act of burning more diesel to exhume sooty dark clouds in protest to Prius drivers and cyclists.
Have you ever participated in it yourself? Or seen someone else perform it?

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that's pretty retarded

Sounds childish and stupid

yes i see people do this

i dont really have an opinion on it, i mean, who gives a fuck what they do

Rolling coal is illegal.

>who gives a fuck what they do

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What if you had a baby child who died on their ride to school due to asthmatic attacks caused by a coal roller?

then the baby was an evolutionary failure and didn't deserve to live

when i drive behind an old diesel car i want to pull the driver over and ram a hammer down his throat


>caring about pickup trucks when modern day agriculture and shit like vegan diets getting more demand for foods to be delivered across the world which destroying the earth ten fold

which are*

its far more likely for a baby child to die in a car accident then a asthma attack from somebody's exhaust.
>what is AC

>it is simply unthinkable for the american that the child in the example would be using some other form of transportation than a car


i assume you watched varg last night

he talks about the same shit over and over in every video. its not even necessary to keep watching him

what, do you expect them to ride bikes?

he has a simple philosophy. Live simple

you're right, expecting that would be cruel treatment of children

Before the internet i used to think Americans were hardworking, nice and educated like the Japanese, but now i realize Americans are just Russians who speak English.

Uh, pretty sure it’s a midwestern thing in reality.

fucking kek, this is as delusional as believing Brazil is civilized

>shit like vegan diets getting more demand for foods to be delivered across the world which destroying the earth ten fold
Are you fucking retarded, dude? A vegan diet is the least carbon and water intensive in the world. A single cow requires thousands of gallons of water over it's lifetime and tons of cropland once you account for what they have to eat to survive. Inb4 soy, most that is used to feed cattle

Not all Americans are rednecks dear bacterinho.

most Americans are hardworking and nice, there's just a lot of us and the ones who are awful dominate the internet
For example, why would the everyday cool yank use Jow Forums or Jow Forums/internet ever? They would rather go off roading, shooting, church or play call of duty or something. American internet is mainly full of the social rejects. Look at /cum/, that thread doesn't resonate with what Americans are. It's just sperg shitposting

Yeah, but a solid quarter of them are

>what is used to move large quantities of resources across the world for 100, Alex

>They would rather go off roading, shooting, church or play call of duty or something

so, Russians who speak English

>Brazil making this post
glass houses

Whites are like half of americans and rednecks are 1/5 of white americans so no.

K. That applies to everything not produced in your literal backyard, dumbfuck. It's called global trade, skeeter. The US itself is continent sized and demands massive amount of energy just to move food and resources within town to town

mainstream americans looks redneck to everyone else


I live in Pennsylvania and I saw someone do this last week.

global trade is also the bigger problem :-)
My point was that the demand for exotic nuts and bullshit from Africa and wherever else itself causes more environmental damage

Do friends actors look like rednecks to you?

People also do it here, depending on where u are



If it were but true. Unfortunately, the automotive industry is an enormous contributor of greenhouse gases.

Depends on where you are. Lots of Americans sneer at you for using plastic at grocery stores. A lot of Americans don't flush their toilets to save water. Don't make generalized statements

Well they don't look like your own rednecks

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>It's the act of burning more diesel to exhume sooty dark clouds in protest to Prius drivers and cyclists.
Strange, I doubt you'd find many of them in the South anyway. It would make more sense to do it in San Francisco.

Lol the south isn't as wierd as you think. Jap cars still exist there.

No it doesnt.

well d'oh lol

It's easier to discriminate against minorities.

Based. You know with less smokers these days and lack of second hand smoking, coating our youths' lungs in coal, soot and other carcinogenics may be just what they need to prepare for global warming and the reduced oxygen levels in our air.

no, it's illegal to not have a filter and we are not this fucking insecure

What is the point of protesting people that try to reduce environmental impact?

There isn't really a point to it. People in this country are just immature and find it funny to do shitty things to people they disagree with.

It's perfect for showing your contempt to dirty hippie commie filth when they hold protests and demonstrations on the roadside.


I don't live in retardistan (the South) and it doesn't immediately/directly affect me. Hopefully they'll all die of lung cancer before enough of them impact the global climate.

Thats what children do in rest of the world, so why not?

Walk to school, take a bus or ride a bicycle. Sometimes I feel that Americans are some alien creatures from another planet.
When you think about it Americans and Russians are basically the same people
>muh military
>very social
>don´t travel
The main difference is that a teenage Russian girl would probably drink most American men (wohoo I smashed 2 sixpacks of Coronas) under the table.

the ascended mutt

What if you died while doing anything

More babies have died from dingos than rednecks RL shitposting against faggy prius owners

ffs how can you ask this here kek. were doing the same thing but we are pussies so we do it anonymously

how can their cars produce those huge dark cloud of smoke?

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Modification that make them use a lot more diesel than needed.
Fuel is cheap enough in the USA to do dumb shit like this.

>in protest to Prius drivers and cyclists.
No way will any american ever convince me they shouldnt be genocided

Based. America is a car country. Fuck off to Europe if you want to drive your faggy Prius' and bikes.

nah bro mother freaking cyclists taking up the whole road y'all

>Russian girl would probably drink most American men (wohoo I smashed 2 sixpacks of Coronas) under the table.
Sounds like a woman I can really drink with

Yeah, I roll coal anytime I see some faggot on a bicycle. Though I live in Michigan, not the south.

how do you do this?
stay in first gear so you have a very high rpm but low speed?

Clyclists are absolute faggots on childrens toys who take up the whole road and disregard traffic laws. Fuck them.

la abominación

If it weren’t for blacks the South wouldn’t have a shred of respectable culture.

They should have been sent back when we had the chance

I bet you love that bike seat up your ass, amongst other things.

But then who would you have to blame and harass for all your problems?

Yep we do. And yes I have, my brother have owned several old diesel Volvo's, Mercs etc so we used to cruise around and annoy people.
>pic related, pretty much a common sight a Friday night

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This is the purest form of swedish autism I have ever seen.

Who gives a shit because we wouldn't have any niggers

Purity is important kek.

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The thing is, all that coal just proove your engine is ineffective and that you could have gotten much more power if you wouldnt have been a retard.

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t. Muhammad

And? You don't do it to show power, you do it to annoy people. That's the whole point.
Leaving a 30 meter long, black cloud of smoke in the face of a prius owner is fun.

Can I fuck your sister?

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>beeing a retard anoys people

Yeah, punching them in the face does too, but nobody will get on your side for that either

You mean his wife?

>be american
>ride your bike to get some exercise and to get where you want
>get arrested because physical activity is communism and so is oppressing the oil oligarchs by not buying their products

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I don't have a sister.

>nobody will get on your side for that either

I don't want anyone on my side, you keep missing the point..
Rolling coal is like being a Raggare, you keep to your own.
We could be 10-15 cars blasting smoke through town at night.

I dont really understand why anyone would want to be hated by the general public tho?

At least not when they achive zero things of value, harms innocents and it only costs them money.

Its like beeing a theif, but not getting to keep what you steal, I mean why would you do that?

I hate the concept of making your car do this, but I admit I laughed at all of these.

>mean why would you do that?
Because it's fun. Same reason I have an airhorn from a semi truck in my car, blast Onkel Kånkel on the stereo and other stupid but fun shit.

Oh, you are underage, I see.

I also enjoyed beeing a cunt when I was 15, you'll grow out of it

No I'm 28, brother 36, friends between 25 and 40.
No need to give on life because of a number.

>"give up"

I guess some people never grow out of it

"Growing out" of something mean you never liked it to begin with.
Like posers with music etc.

I'm from New England and live in NYC but even when visiting the south I've never seen it. However, I've only been in Virginia and the Carolinas.

Mongo, would you also claim that breaking up with someone means you never loved them?