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Attached: tron.png (938x242, 69K)

Tron is the future, get over it, its even named after that futurey movie

i knew justin wasnt gonna actually just us

this is just the beginning its not 2 late user

Fucking biz hate easy money... it’s guaranteed to got up until main-net lauch. Get in while you’re still early

when will mainnet launch?

On schedule last day of May.

this shits going sky high

i forgot, why is tron not a shitcoin exactly?

It is another "TRX is mooning to 600 sats while the entire market is big dick green" thread. How many times so you guys need to be dumped on? Stockholm syndrome type niggas.

what dump? this is still a good entry. don't you get it by now? we're in this for the money.

trx is poop. literal copy pasta of ethereum code fit to run on javascript. chiniesium.

Don't worry OP I'm not buying TRON.

I wouldnt touch that shitcoin with your dick

Attached: tron.png (634x424, 308K)

>people will dump 1 month before mainnet

Attached: IMG_20171231_191328.jpg (403x403, 23K)

>muh tech
Not gonna make it

Nobody gives a shit about tech anymore, good tech is not what makes money in this piece of shit market.

Retard... Tron is better than ethereum how can it be a copy.. 10,000tps vs 25 tps (fucking lol), free tx etc...

whats a realistic estimate for TRX eoy?

60 cents to 1 dollar.

nobody gave a shit about the tech but that's ogre until the tech becomes useful, the only way to make it now is to buy the handful of techs that actually make it, this is where the buffet 2.0s will be made

1200-1500 sats before mainnet.

Cap it.

fucking kek

But I just bought..

bought at 500 sats for a swing

dunno if i should just sell, im not a big believer but this pump was insane

im sure an experienced trader would just lock profits and sell...

#1 rule to succeed in life, always believe niggers