Screwed because of good work ethic!

My department at the office has gotten smaller and it seems my supevisor is trying to offload her work onto me. She took on the workload of an underling who left. WTF I'll basically have more work because I'm efficient. Possibly double the work for the same pay. Hate working there, supervisor asks for favors and help often, saying "no" doesn't work either. She also tries to joke around with me which is annoying. Or when she gets a call she puts me on fucking hold, I'd expect better treatmemt considering I'm one of the harder workers. Now she wants to increase my workload while pretending to be busy at her desk. I've been there she can clearly do more. Or when she calls me to ask me stuff she can figure out on her own, heck she did this before I got hired why does she seek my advice!?

What do you recommend I do biz?

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lol dumbass, that's why I never overextend at work. do the absolute minimum

Invest all in chainlink, quit your job now and prepare to strap in for tomorrow

Follow the advice of green tag and you will make it

>see my tag

The hard work isn't even helping towards a promotion. More responsibility but no promotion to a better job or wage besides standard increases when they're "due". Yet this woman has the audacity to try to dump her work on me AND act like we're friends by joking around with me!?

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You must be decent at what you do so finding another job should not be a problem.

faggot hardwork does jackshit in the corporate world, kissing up to the guy higher than your current boss and the ones who promotes you is the only way to move up

except getting promotions is NEVER about working hard.

it's about networking with mangers and being mentored by a higher up, who will then go to bat for you

right now I probably do around 10 hours of work max during the week because I'm on a great project while I'm already getting paid more than the people I joined with


Sounds like she secretly wants to suck your dick, too bad you're gay.

you only do hard work in a farm or a trade, thats where that shit matters

The quickest way to a raise in any industry is an external promotion... Barring that, have you asked for a raise based on your performance? Sounds like they'd be in a real pickle if you left...

>except getting promotions is NEVER about working hard.

This is somewhat true. I promote people I can't afford to lose. Those tend to be the smart and creative ones. Sometimes they don't work as hard as others, but they end up being more productive because they are smart and can get more done with less work. The problem with those types is they eventually cap out. If you want upper management, you need to be smart, creative, and hard working. The Peter Principle is real.

What do you do?

Prepare to leave if you don't get more pay
If you don't complain, they'll realize you're beta bucks and can be easily exploited

Have you talked to HR about this or is this a really small company that doesn't benefit from HR?

Try to remain professional, that way if this goes nuclear you can have that as your trump card. If you feel hard done by talk to her and explain to her that double the workload might not take double the time but it does mean half the concentration on other things, if she still seems cold say that you've contacted HR about the problem and their not pleased.

Go over her head if that doesn't work I can't imagine that her boss would be pleased about her offloading work that she is quite capable of doing onto you without good reason.

Contact the better business bureau and complain to them or union if you have/ are in one. Obviously use the equivilent if not in the USA.

i unironically did this with 20k linkies

am i gonna make it?

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if you have to ask random strangers on a vietnamese basketweaving forum for validation, you won't.

Maybe she wants to repay you by sucking your dick or something?

Unironically the best advice in this thread.

Op, I promise that if you do not do this asap you will remember this post a couple years from now and kill yourself after realizing you could have been financially independent.

Do the needful.

Tell the boss you would gladly take on more responsibility, because you love your job but you think that these new responsibilities outpace your pay and title, and that you would require a promotion and a pay raise of "this much" to be happy to take over more responsibility.
It's a negotiation after all.

>Be me
>Does the absolute minimum
>Browses half of the Time
>Still get praised and got a nice raise

she's trying to detect your limits. you seem to show more and more capacity, so it is used.

Your supervisor is like a marathon runner, you are the leg that signals pain. because the leg is still moving, the runner uses it and tries to use it even more, checking if the pain becomes unbearable.

Hahaha fell for the "work hard to get promotions" meme

Fell for the "work hard not smart" meme

Fell for the "work more then the minimum" meme

People like you are the ones neets make fun of.
You deserve everything you get.

Welcome to the real world kid.

>Striving for promotion over just job hopping

>peon complaining he has to do peon work
>peon complaining that the supervisor isn't slaving away on peon work instead of supervising

A supervisor's job is making sure that everyone under them is part of a well-oiled machine
That is their job first, and they should only jump in to do subordinate work when it's an emergency and there's deadlines to meet or something, but a good supervisor will create a system good enough that they rarely need to step in

This is why so many peons have the "Omg, our supervisor is so bad, we do everything around here but they get paid more!"
They've deluded themselves into thinking that since they "work" more, they're to credit for the branch's success

They're like sled dogs thinking they wouldn't die lost and in the cold without the human telling them what to do

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>theyve deluded themselves
i doubt it. for workers who look down on supervisors doing little is becuase they really do little.
its not like workers cant organise themselves

Where's the gun, fgt?
Just quit already, your idiotic ramblings became annoying like 3 threads ago.

Wow. You just called OP a sled dog. Fucking harsh, user... but true lol.
Hey sled dog, tell your owner you're going to need a little more food at the end of the day if you're going to keep mushing an extra 10 miles a day.. or stop being a wagecuck and get yourself sorted m8.

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>ITT: peons who don't realize their supervisors were also once peons and have likely done far more work that you to get where they are

My supervisor is the CEO's sister-in-law. She has a psychology degree and no prior work experience.

Lel, does her last name end with -stein?

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What you do is gladly accept the extra work and wait a few months until she forgets how to do it. Then you start being flakey to make them think you are leaving then demand more money.

The last thing a wagelord wants is to have to train new wageslave.

This. Continue to work hard and be nice to your supervisor. If your supervisor isnt completely stupid, she knows how important you and your work are and that she actually depends on it, hence she will include you in projects that are important (because they are projects she‘s been assigned to by her own supervisors).
Once you meet her supervisors and get to know them, it‘s time for phase 2. Make sure that THEY know that it‘s actually you who does all the work. You don‘t have to tell them, they will recognize if you‘re smart (and you can bet that they are, too). Once they know that you‘re good, you‘re automatically next in line to replace her once she gets removed (downwards or upwards, depending on her performance).

Welcome to the corporate world user. Working hard is just one side of the coin - politics is the other one.

>falling for the meritocracy meme
Capitalism is a joke and the sooner you get the punchline the happier you will be.

Why the fuck are you working at this place, OP??
Is the pay at least good, or do you just enjoy working under a woman who is clearly looking do zero work?

>Or when she calls me to ask me stuff she can figure out on her own

You're too conscientious for your own good, you want to do "right" so you help in situations like this thinking it'll get you ahead or that you'll look foolish if you fail to deliver. Instead of following this natural urge, do the opposite, when she asks you for help/advice just act slightly aloof or unsure, "I'm not really sure about that", "I'll put some thought into it but you should try asking so-and-so", etc.

Worst case your boss starts looking to someone else for advice and you lose your favorable position, but if that position is causing you headache and you aren't getting ahead by holding it, then it isn't much of a loss.

Just be calculating in whatever you do, don't spaz out or have a meltdown or do anything that gets you labeled as "unstable" in any way.

Additionally you could try to get more money by telling them you're thinking about pursuing other opportunities. Don't give them a direct ultimatum, as in "I want more money or I walk", most companies will tell you to fuck off if you do it that way, but if you're more subtle about it, as in asking your boss if she'd be willing to give you a positive reference letter as you're looking at another great career opportunity, that can sometimes get them to come in with an offer to keep you.

politics is far more important than conpetence in the corporate world

>the last thing a wagelord wants to do is train a new slave
depends. if the business is small and the manager is also the owner, probably.
if its corporate hierarchy, everyone is just an employee anyway.

Hire some angels jeeves.


It's true. Corporate world is what you get when you put a bunch of incompetent normies in a room and tell them only 1 will be promoted. Naturally since they are all objectively more or less idiots they will resort to politics as the way to gain advantage.

Punch her dick off

I worked hard for the first year or 2 then eased off a lot and people still think I work hard. I must be lucky I guess


Was in the same same situation OP. Hard working people that took on the toughest work kept leaving one by one. They wanted me to take some of the burden while not giving me a raise. They will just give you even more work. Long story short I left. They even gave me the annual bonus they legally didn't have to because my bosses knew they fucked up.

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This is probably a solid solution. Her boss is not going to be happy at all about the fact that she isnt even working to earn the amount of money he is paying her. Chances are he will actually demote her to your position and promote you to hers

Well now I know.

What makes you say that?

Work at a place where raises only happen once a year, I think. My supervisor isn't high on the totem pole, heard from someone that she doesn't make much.

I've already complained.

There is a union.

Place I work at is very large, intended on staying here to try to jump into something better but so far no luck and it has been months.

Raises only happen once a year if I'm correctly informed on that. However when I was new my supervisor looked like she was frantic, on the verge of a breakdown. If I leave her workload will likely return to that state.

Thanks for the advice. The position of being sought out for help by my supervisor does not seem to net me anything but more work.

I ditched out on a better paying positions testing process because I thought I could jump to a better position here but I'm still in the same position.

Her position sucks, heard the pay is only slightly more. The responsibility at that position seems high too, no thanks.

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quit right now

He larps on the internet. 300k starting.

Seriously gl, like most sensible people here said take care of yourself. Try your best to keep the situation as civil and as professional as possible because it's best for _you_. Don't be ashamed to tell your supervisor that your workload is maxxed out and you guys have to figure out a way to make that situation work.

It sounds like that company is too large to care for people just like my old job. They're not going to change how they operate because you and your supervisors are maxxed out. They'll just find two other people that are just smart enough to get the job done, but dumb enough to not complain about it. It sucks but that's the reality.

Make sure you're mentally in a healthy spot. Go to the gym or take regular walks/jogs, it does relieve stress.

Don't buy the joke of people saying your supervisor wants to fuck you. Most adults know how to communicate that. That's how we're here.