Former Bull Turned Bear

I've been trading crypto for a couple years. I bought my first BTC when it was worth well under $500 US. Sadly I am not rich because I didn't hold onto most of the bitcoins I bought long enough. If I followed the HODL meme in 2016-2017, I would be rich right now. But HODL in 2018 is absolutely retarded.

Falls fro 19k to 15k. Buy the dip. HODL Falls to 10k. Buy the dip. HODL Everyone who bought into those memes is a fucking idiot. I bought into the HODL meme in the last third of 2017 and while I didn't lose any of my initial investment, I lost A LOT of profit in 2018. I lost so much profit that I can't help but HODL most of my stash. I have transitioned to more of a bear trader than a bull recently though. I do not short. Because this market is so fucking manipulated that you can't tell which direction it's going in the short-term. In the long-term crypto is going down.

1. Banks are putting blocks on transfers, wires, credit/debit card payments, etc. to exchanges. Putting a bottleneck on getting your money in.
2. Banks are putting withdrawal limits on the bank accounts of crypto exchanges and their payment processors. Putting a bottleneck on getting your money out. Here in Canada, cash-outs are taking forever at QuadrigaCX. Smaller exchanges like ezBtc are experiencing delays. Coinsquare charges 2% for cashout. Lots of people rely on Localbitcoins and ATMs. They charge a commission.

And where the fuck can you spend this crypto? You can't use it to buy groceries. Gas. Without getting a prepaid debit card and paying a percentage. Can't pay your bills. Bylls charges a percentage. Everything is about middle-men and percentages ffs. Vendors do not want to accept crypto directly because they hate the volatility. Maybe you can buy a fucking onahole with crypto but for the important shit, the vendors don't take it. You can't pay your landlord with crypto either.

So why the fuck would you buy this shit? Normies will never adopt it. It's not going to make you rich anymore.

Attached: dancing-bear-review.jpg (655x480, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I sold 5 BTC at 19$
I bought 50 at 100$

My strategy was to ignore crypto entirely until normies start talking to me about it

That strategy worked.

That's basically what I did, but then I forgot to sell, lol. Gambled most of it away on shitcoins.

Dam thats a lot of text.

Bears are just stretching now.

I lost ~35% gambling on shitcoins in Q1 2018.
The problem was the first trade i made did a 3x

Besides, it turns out the crash was unnatural because it was fucking gox dumping coins.

Then why dont you leave the space if youre too much of a pussy?

You don't understand the market. The only reason why normies are buying this shit is because they think it's gonna make them rich. Normies don't give a single fuck about censorship-resistance, privacy, being your own bank (TM), cryptography, banking the unbanked (virtue signalling bs), "blockchain technology", "interesting projects" (lmfao) etc.

With banks making it harder to buy-in and cash-out, the normies are going to leave. Normies don't want to meet some shady bitcoin "dealer" to do a cash deal. They want to buy bitcoin with an email/mobile phone payment, credit/debit card, pre-authorized debit, wire, etc. They want to use their fucking bank account. Meanwhile lots of people are having their bank accounts TERMINATED for crypto transaction activity.

Same with cash outs. Normies want to be paid direct deposit into their bank account. Just like when they get paid from wage cucking. If you receive an international wire from an exchange, there is a chance that your bank account will be turned off. lmao. Normies don't want to meet some shady bitcoin dealer to cash them out. They want direct deposit into their bank account.

So as long as banks won't play ball with crypto, crypto is dead on arrival. Only the most hardcore autists and libertarians are going to be willing to do cash deals.

And all your fucking shitcoins will go absolutely nowhere. "Interesting projects". "Blockchain technology". Blockchain technology is inefficient as hell. It has absolute no use to corporations. Blockchains work great for censorship-resistant money. And censorship-resistant money is a niche market.

At the end of the day crypto is for cyber-punks, cryptographers, libertarians, autists, drugs, kiddie porn, criminal activity, money laundering, terrorism financing, Daily Stormer, Wikileaks. Vendors stay away from this shit like it is cancer because of the volatility.

>retarded bear writes another textwall was trying to make idiots sell.
50k EOY.
P.S: kys

Because I love crypto and you normie cucks ruined it. This was our thing. And now you faggots made it all about the money. Money that ain't gonna be there forever because this shit is gonna go down long-term. This is a gigantic bubble and a lot of you are going to lose a shit load of money.

$50,000 EOY how you fucking idiot? How are people gonna get the money in the system to buy your fucking bags when the banks are cracking down on crypto exchanges and vendors don't want this shit?

Ok, 60k then. If you keep reeeeeeing it might go as high as 100k, so meme responsibly!

How in the logical fuck is it gonna go to 100k if the banks are not on board? You think normies are gonna be hitting up their localbitcoins trader to get in? Who may very well be a Homeland Security honeypot. lmfao.

It's over dude.

>Literally admits that he would be rich now if he had just held
>"I think it's a bad idea to hold now"

Didn't even bother with the rest of your post tbqh senpai.

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That's because bitcoin was

Do not underestimate the power of (((the bankers))). The bankers are not going to let crypto go to the moon. Normies like having bank accounts. And banks can fucking shut your account off for buying/selling crypto. And it already has happened to a lot of traders. Three different banks have threatened to shut my account off for my crypto activity.

When the choice is security (((banks))) and freedom - crypto, cash and being your own bank. Being responsible for the safeguarding of your own fucking money, the normie sheeple will always choose security.

Richard Heart, a BTC OG and BTC Maximalist, has kind of gone over what I am saying. No one wants to admit it to themselves that crypto is over.

My hope is that bitcoin crashes back to triple digits so that I can have my second chance to get rich. Because there is no fucking way that bitcoin is going to $50,000+. LMAO. In order for me to have fuck you money, bitcoin would have to go to $200,000. That ain't happening. My best hope is for BTC to crash hard and see the market FOMO hard back in again. But I don't think the market is gonna FOMO hard back in again. 2017 was it. It's over. (((They))) have won. We should be thankful that crypto even exists desu. Censorship-resistant money is very important. But it will always be a niche. I'm never going to leave crypto 100% even if I ever do decide to sell most of my remaining stash because I will at the very least use it. I can't let go of my 9+ BTC. I fell in love with bitcoin. And these normie cucks are all about Lambos and wanting to impress roasties with wealth. For me it was always about freedom. Being free to transact with whoever I want without needing permission from anybody. Wanting to be free from (((wagecuck slavery))) and (((big daddy government))).

A brainlet like me that knows close to nothing about these coins is still surviving even tho I bought the December peak.

Been a tradefag since day 2 in the game
Never been a fan of hodl
Which in the end makes me smarter than 90 percent of biz

They can act like geniuses and know all the memorized information they read

But when it comes to decision making, being logical on making the most profitable move most ppl here are followers / sheep

Duhhhhrr if I held btc from x year to x year I'd be 1000x

Yea , enjoy staring at pixelated nonsense on your screen. What all of the smart people want is more fiat. You will never have useful fiat if you don't sell.

who the fuck cares about normies you fucking cuckstar?

It's the institional money we're after, normies are fucking worthless expect for an occasional pump and dump. they want their money in their little bank accounts? Fucking faggots should suck their lords dicks and STFU as if they knew a thing about anything.
Fuck all normies till the cows come home. They should leave and never come back like Gollum. Let them crash and burn in agony, the less of them idiots in crypto the better. Kek, I never bet on normies to make me rich and whoever thinks that is a tremendous retard who deserves to sink into the abyss of bankruptcy.


it's interesting you made this post and replied to it with increasing panic just as bitcoin is going back to 9k, why didn't you do it sooner? I wonder if there is another motivation perhaps.

t. sold at 6k

What a bitter little bitch we have here. Boohoo everyone sell so I can have another chance, cryptos dead but I want to buy back in at 3 digits so I can have a lambo..Wah Wah I'm a fag

Lol what a fag

>institutional money
banks have shit all over crypto. don't tell me you are buying into the "corporate blockchain applications" meme. It's all complete horseshit being fed to you by early adopters who want you to pump the value of their coins. Blockchains are fucking useless. It works for bitcoin. Ethereum kinda works (smart contracts are littered with bugs). But don't pretend like blockchain is like the new fucking internet. lmao. Good God no. The dot com bubble was pretty bad but at least the internet was very useful. Blockchain has limited usefulness. Blockchains are horribly inefficient. "Let's put this on a blockchain, let's put this on a blockchain." It's a fucking meme.

Dude if BTC is really going to the moon like you guys say it is, then I have nothing to worry about. I still have 9 BTC and I can buy more. It's not going to the moon though. My only real chance is for this fucker to burn to the ground (since I have more fiat than I do crypto) and then bank on the normie cucks FOMOing a third time around. I just don't see that happening though. 2017 was your chance. It's never mooning again.

I'm bitter that I missed out on being rich in 2017. Sure. But do you really think that you subhumans still have a chance now? It's fucking over.

I can't wait for the Pink Wojaks. I will check in then.

The recent bull market has nothing to do with this post. Because there's no fucking way BTC moons. If BTC goes to $200,000 like you retards think it will, then I'm rich bitch. Since I own 9+ BTC. It won't go there.

I've only been feeling this way recently because last month a bank interrogated me pretty hard. I think they suspect me of money laundering or they know I trade crypto. And I've been experiencing delays with cashing out at a couple exchanges here. And I see all this news about banks blocking transfers, credit/debit card payments, shutting off accounts for receiving wires, etc. The writing is on the wall. (((They))) have won.

Imagine being as retarded as OP

finally someone who is talking sense in a sea of idiots. When BTC is doing well, Jow Forums thinks all the same way. And then when BTC is doing shit, the pink wojaks are everywhere. When the Pink Wojaks are back, I am going to return and say "I told you so" to these idiots. Heh.

At the end of the day it's all about fiat maximalism. I really wish I cashed out mid-December.

I have shifted more towards day trading myself. I switch from bear to bull, bear to bull. Long-term bearish though. I'm not afraid to buy BTC when things are getting bullish. But when things get ugly, I am not afraid to exit. And I'm not afraid to take profits. You are better off exiting at a small loss than stuck hodling a heavy bag.

the retarded one is you for thinking that money is going to be pumped into this shit. When banks are openly hostile towards crypto. Crypto is a vehicle for money laundering. The banks face heavy fines for not reporting suspicious transactions. Every single deposit, every single withdrawal is tainted. I could sell Fentanyl on the darknets for Monero, trade XMR for BTC, cash out BTC at an exchange. The banks want no part of that mess. Banks are fined for not monitoring, reporting and taking action to fight money laundering. And banks do not want competition either.

Held from x to x year here. The problem with you autists is you always have to be fucking fiddling with something, it's your soyboy impatience. I bought through last time from your predecessors and literally sold it to back to (You) in December, enjoy shredding those bags faggot, I'll be here to pick up the pieces later in the year.

think you just made it 200k bud, keep it up

Day trading is a tough grind admittedly. I have been concentrating on that more lately as an alternative to this hodl shit. Day trading is a game of whales for the most part though. If you don't have insider knowledge or you're not a big enough of a whale to move the market to your will, it's pretty much just gambling. It looks like this is the end. The dream to be rich, the dream of Lambos and escape wage cucking has propped up this bubble. That's the only thing fueling this bubble. It's over. (((They))) won. Accelerationism is the only hope for humanity.

If it goes to 200k then I'm rich bitch. I have 9+ BTC. lmao. It's not gonna happen tho. We're not gonna make it. (((They))) won.

>I'm not afraid to buy high, sell low

>I'm not afraid to buy high, sell low
Lemme guess, this was you
buys at 19k
*price drops to 15k*
*price drops to 10k*
*price drops under 6k*

amirite? Buy the dip and HODL is a meme. A meme pushed by early adopters who bought-in way earlier than you. Unless you are one of those sociopathic early adopter fucks who is dumping all kinds of semen on these FOMO'd normie cucks. Then congrats.

>tells us he didn't get rich because he didn't hodl
>tells us hodl is retarded in a bull run of 2018
checks out

there is a huge fucking difference between hodling at

whats the difference you fucktard?

Anonymous (ID: m1aYCS88) 04/19/14 (Thu)13:37:56 No.8980549How in the logical fuck is it gonna go to 10k if the banks are not on board? You think normies are gonna be hitting up their localbitcoins trader to get in? Who may very well be a Homeland Security honeypot. lmfao.

It's over dude.

Adjusted the timestamp of your post to highlight how dumb you sound.

If you buy now at $8k, it is very VERY unlikely you get rich. If I held onto my old coins, I'd be rich. learn math you fucking moron

Has anyone ever used litecoin to buy anything ever

Gox gonna dump. Sorry i wish it wasnt so, i would be a millionaires.

2014 was then. This is now. That ship has sailed. Bitcoin is not gonna fucking 40x from 8k to 320k like it did from 2014 to 2017 when it went from fucking $500 to 20k. lmao.

Buy eth, get rich, how fucking hard is that?
>oy vey, it has 6 times higher supply, it will never get to 4k
Yeah, just like bitcoin never hit those 20k when people like you who bought at 500 sold for alts thinking it will never make crazy Xes again. Stay retarded. Short with 100x leverage, you bears love that.

Gox dumping is done. You havent heard?

You saying they hold 0 coins? Url pls?

>Bitcoin is not gonna go from 10 USD to 100 like it did from 1 to 10.

You don't get it and you never will.

Attached: america.png (735x661, 673K)

and no one mentions Putin or Chinks ?

I often wonder about the logistics of these porn videos. It's hard enough to coordinate an enthusiastic audience for a game show, so where do you find dozens of women willing to smile and clap in a porn?

>You don't get it and you never will.

I feel like this is the theme of the thread. OP made a mistake, which is fine, but the problem is that not only has he not learned from it, but he is still trying his hardest to argue against the lesson he should have learned. If he didn't learn it himself, he's not going to be convinced.

Also, holy shit man, nice ID

please don't dump

I heard the same thing when Bitcoin was $100

OP you retard. You are brainless. Fck off and go to hell.

crypto a better lifeboat than oil for scurrying rats before global recession hits.

Attached: oh sinner man where you gonna run to.png (799x600, 118K)

Imagine being as genuinely retarded as the OP of this thread

Your failed long position is causing you to make irrational decisions. The time to sell was at 13k or above after failure to make a higher high. You've now turned bear after a higher low has been made, which is fucking retarded.
You add so much crap to your post rationalizing your decision lol

Attached: Sayori_After_Story_2018-03-30_00-20-12.png (1280x720, 1.61M)

Contrary opinion was why we rose to 8k in under a hour, because everybody and their dog was shorting
I don't know why I even bother replying to him, I'd get more money if there were more retards like him

Attached: contrary opinion.png (1024x688, 56K)

"HODL" is meant for brainlets like the OP who sell into weakness during the despair/sucker's rally phases, not traders like you and me

most boring fud I've read in two years

Maybe in the US, where it's about to turn into a 2nd world shit hole in a few years. In places like South Korea and Japan, crypto will absolutely thrive. South Koreans especially love crypto and literally fucking murdered a politician for fucking with it not long ago.

tldr=I make shit decisions so crypto is over

Article for proof:

Also they jailed one of their presidents recently as well. Any politician that fucks with crypto there is dead or in jail. If China creates their own cryptos we will see adoption soar. US influence is dying so it really doesn't matter what the west does at this point. Crypto adoption depends more on Asia.