>you will never be swedish
Why live?
You will never be swedish
you had the chance
I'm fine being American. If you tried hard enough you could be one too
I hate being sw*dish.
No one loves me, people make fun of me and my nation is just dying.
You're Finnish though, and Finns are better than other humans. I am a Finn ( Swede ) ( Finn ) Swede-Finn. A Swedish Fenno-Swedish Swede-Finlander from Åland ( Karjala ). Have a good night
I am Greek
So it appears Macedonian with a proxy makes these threads since he always quotes them in /mämmi/ with the hopes of starting the daily swe-fin shit-flinging entertainment fest
Hmm he quotes them in our general thread too
this is mighty strange indeed
Japanese women love Swedish men
REALLY makes one ponder.
Let's make him butthurt by reporting his spam quote posts and by boycotting the threads he quotes now on.
Or we could discuss how pathetic """"""Macedonia"""""" is. Literally gypsies LARPing as ancient Greeks. Shamefur dispray
Tein tän ihan saman langan eilen enkä oo mistään vitun balkanilta
Enkä lue tuota teidän syöpästä rinkirunkkua
you can still be
move to sweden and spend as much time as you can on learning the language and accent
Come here and derail this thread please
you can't trigger someone with no national identity
this is why FYROMians are the best baiters
Indeed what a vittu baalkanineekeri that guy is my fellow Finns
He is very mad now's your chance to meme him
I'm a fennoswede, but never be a Swede. I'm from ostrobothia bönde not those nyland jews
Hmm then why aren't Bulgarians better baiters? Aren't you just turks larping as humans?
unlike fyromian shitposters, nordics aren't as low-IQ, as obsessed or as insecure to do something like that
Being a farmer from Ostrobothnia is literally master race though.
You underestimate the low quality of Swedish and other Nordic posters
trust me. you guys are NOT that autistic.
Have you ever been in a Sweden-Finland shitflinging contest thread? Shit's rough, man
What do you think?
I have, but it lacks the spicy hatred that is born of the manletism of one person.
What an evil Macedonian guy that is
nope, just a permabuttblasted manlet
Will manlets ever learn?
Yes I am this autistc Im not some balkan
Normal stuff. Dairy, forest, farming. Working for my dad
Based, I come from a similar family.
>tfw no Finnish friend with similar upbringing and ancestry
why even live
love these images
Most of my friends moved to study. I'm 22 and waiting for my inheritence. No grills neither. Probably will buy some thai or slav wife like others
Bönde sucks
we're the same age too
Call me if you're near Nykarleby
lmao fucking bönde bögar :---DDDD
t. banker
All me