Hundreds of generations of normies marrying, having children, raising them

>hundreds of generations of normies marrying, having children, raising them
>it all ends with you

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Good. That means I will do at least one thing in my life right.

good, in fact excellent

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Imagine setting this pic up. Imagine the conversation that went into this pic's creation. haha wow

We both know what will actually happen is some woman who you won't find particularly attractive will seek you out and you'll settle choosing her without knowing other experiences where she'll pretty much blackmail you to have kids before divorcing you

I'm convinced that my mother's line had aspie genes going back centuries but they survived because they were in a female.

My dad is an autist though.

I would unironically be OK with this. Even if she was some washed up 30 year old cock carousel riding used goods. I would also be OK if I had to pay 60% of my income in alimony until my kids turned 18. But even this pathetic life is a pipe dream for me.

Trust me, it'll happen. It's much more unlikely for you to carry on like this until death

I know for a fact that my chronic depression gene comes from my mother's side.

>she had three brothers
>one became a monk
>the other one was widowed once, remarried, and divorced, ultimately had to disown his kids
>the third one an hero'd before he reproduced

>tfw my mother has always been telling me i remind her of the third

That's not true at all though. In those hundreds of generations, many would have had multiple children. Most likely only your parents or grandparents line is ending with you.

And here I was thinking Maltesers were chad MED BVLLS, when they're nothing but wojakposters

95% of autists never get married. Now, I'm not on the spectrum, but this is just an indicator of what poor social skills does to your image as a potential mate to females.

it's all fault of my parents who couldn't raise me right tho

i am a failure

Yeah real autists not the meme one where you are just socially awkward and have no desire to act like a normal. Women will deem you acceptable as they get older and realize they can't be picky and their friends start pushing them to marry anyone seemingly acceptable

Which women? I hardly leave the basement.

that is just a bedtime story read to young incels at night so they can sleep soundly

I'm the odd one out.

>my grandparents (both sides) had around 10 kids each
>my parents and their siblings had around four kids each
>amongst me and my other three siblings only one of my sisters has a single kid
How is overpopulation even a thing? Literally everyone I know is having less and less children.

I'd say so, but it happened to my cousin and an uncle

The ones your mom forces you to see after she sets up your online dating profile

>third worlders
i swear to god...
people have been having 1-3 kids for 200 years in my family
i honestly don't know what was in the minds of people who had more than 3 kids in the 20th century. i mean, there wasn't a period of more than 20 years when you didn't either have a world war of a global economic collapse. everything's going to hell and they're like "hey, lemme just make some more kids so that they can get a taste of the suffering as well"

all life has suffering in it. it would be shit without it

people didn't even decide to have babies, they just porked and porked and babies came out

like literal animals