The time is near

Accept Bitcoin Cash as your savior. There is only one true Bitcoin. Don't listen to these false prophets.

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Hunting season on cashies is open
1 btc per shill head
100 btc for the head of Craig, Roger, Jihan and the marketing companies CEOs involved in this shitshow

The blood god demands blood, cleaners need to eat

Whats up with the cashie shills today , its just another shitcoin m8 the flippening is the biggest meem ever.

Looks like the real bitcoin is decoupling from segwit coin

Do not give in to the violence. It's not to late to be saved.

It's no meme my friend.

I want to own Rogers skull and drink wine out of it. That is worth the money

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Then there is no saving you. You and your kind are destined to be eternal poorfags.

I wish I did my own research in the fall. Now I understand. All hail the one true coin.

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That's why i'm spreading the word that it's not too late. We are blessed by Satoshi

people are catching on to the uselessness of lightning network. why complicate things so badly.. having to pay high fees to open a channel, lock up funds and stay online 24/7 or lose your money? only to use centralized hubs (banks) who take fees away from miners who are securing the network. its really retarded. I wish I had learned the truth sooner, but I just surf r/bitcoin which is censored and controlled so I never got to see the real truth, I just bought into the anti-ver/anti-bch shilling and 'muh lambo' 'muh over 9k' posts

I just rebalanced 30% of my overall portfolio into BCH 2 days ago. This here pump feels so good. Am I accepted to be saved?

Same here sold all my VEN a week ago and got 40 BCH and im up 10k already

Seriously if BCH flipped BTC everyone would greatly benefit from it. Especially altcoins. BTC is holding back everything and once LN drops it'll get worse.

my son is a nigger

That depends, do you accept Bitcoin Cash as the one and only Bitcoin?

Altcoins getting rid of BTC shackles would be the dream. This is a really good point.

you assholes are shilling this too hard. i'd rather buy BCC

talk big on the keyboard but Roger would kick your ass he's also a black belt so bring it on

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Kek on binance unironically bch is bcc

The millions and millions in fees people save from moving corebucks would actually go into the coins instead of fucking more mining power/profits

Bitcoin Cash will save crypto

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Yes, we will save crypto but don't be left holding digital crypto babies

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these are some high quality technical arguments. you must have a high IQ to really understand the tech this deeply. refreshing to see high level debates on Jow Forums again.

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