What will be your "i made it" car? No matter how you made it - business or crypto etc (i for one don't own any crypto)

What will be your "i made it" car? No matter how you made it - business or crypto etc (i for one don't own any crypto)

Where i live used mercs are a big deal since it's a poor-ish country and even very well off folks can't afford new ones. Plus it confers status just by the looks of it, this car says: the owner is someone important, a sporty car/coupe doesn't say anything like that so i don't really like sporty cars.

I judge cars by 3 factors: looks, money (how expensive they look) and status (what kind and how much status they confer). If you want to get pussy with a car you need a balance of all 3 (sports cars don't confer status..are high in looks and money only). Mercedes C is a perfect balance.

How bout you?

Attached: made_it.jpg (2000x1328, 952K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I judge cars by 3 factors: looks, money (how expensive they look) and status (what kind and how much status they confer)
>Mercedes C is a perfect balance.
First off you’re a grade A douchebag. Second, mercedes C? Really? It’s literally the badgewhore car of choice. How about keep riding the bus until you can afford at least an E class. Or just embarass yourself with the Cheap class.

The E is not for young guys and not for getting roasties. The cars after C class, Audi A4 and BMW 3 series are just too solemn looking, like for a 50 year old executive not a young successful guy courting roasties

>thinks he will "make it"
Nigga we live in one of the worst shitholes ever,how exactly do you plan on "making it" here?

whale checking in, sunteti niste faggots

already made it by RO standards

dont waste money on cars, unless you have over 10 million.

Pump the market already, in pula mea

Net worth?portofolio?bussiness?

>Inb4.au ai mei un magazin

The better question is, how much of your worth are going to dump on a depreciating asset? Like let's say you have 1m, spending even 50k on a car sounds retarded.

>nigger mindset

I already have my made it car, a 2016 honda civic 2.0. anything else is unnecessary

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911 by singer
500k usd

Attached: Porsche-911-Indonesia-by-Singer-Vehicle-Design-image-1-672x372.jpg (672x372, 76K)

wow why does it cost so much? It looks kinda old..is it a collectable?

its all metal

>2016 honda civic 2.0
Looks pretty sweet in black..how does one go for (used)?

Sorry..won't go into details..i have a small IT business

software that is

I'd go with a 2014 Toyota Corolla.
>looks professional and elegant
>long lasting
>efficient fuel consumption
>high resell value

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you're way too dumb for this board, like so dumb you will never have a chance at even understanding why I am right. leave.

I have owned very expensive new cars and average used cars. I can tell you without a doubt that your life is better in an average used car. In my shitbox, I never worry about dents or scratches. When something needs repair, it doesn't cost $1500 minimum to fix. Ultimately the type of women attracted by nice cars may be high SMV, but they are shit long-term partners. If you're a young guy with a shit-ton of money who wants to roll in groupie pussy for a few years, get the nice car. If you're past that point, get the used mid-range car.

I generally dislike anyone who drives a tryhard car like Mercedes, Audi, or BMW.

Attached: 2019-Toyota-4Runner-Limited-Rumors-4[1].jpg (600x400, 56K)

>not buying an 2018 S class Brabus

Fucking poorfags

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made it off crypto this january

here's what i'm currently rocking

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Fuck off

oh god why

Jesus Christ do you have awful taste.

A car that I can travel with, go off-road and do camping.
What pops in my mind is this Defender but honestly I am a total brainlet concerning cars.
Any recommendations for this category?

Attached: defender-landrover.jpg (1087x725, 263K)

jesus man you need help if you think a busted $15,000 c class with 40k+ miles on it is going to get you anything but the back of the lot when the poor valet has to get into that torn leather monstrosity

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Proof that money can buy you luxury but not class.

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unglaublich dass du spasti dich hier rumtreibst

The defender will probably be overkill considering your offroad experience.

Why not go with something with more space?

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so a half million for a death trap? neat


this man gets it. also my "made it" car

i love Land Cruisers but this vehicle scream "my cock is so small it may as well be a clit"

A pristine, fully restored Saab 9000 Aero tuned to around 350hp.
>Fun wheel drive
>reliable as fuck when maintained properly
>cops dont notice you because u drive a dentist's car
>can blow the doors off of most other cars on the road
>god level interior
>the greatest car ever made by Saab
>sick nasty highway pulls without being a beat to shit honda

Attached: saab9000aero.jpg (1280x720, 264K)

these are genuinely fun, a friend of mine has one. Fantastic gearbox.

Lexus LS400 for commuting and KLR 650 for fun. Could buy both used for 10k easy. I have enough now, but won't spend it until 10k is a drop in the bucket.

Also an S2000

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That looks so cool. Saved

Found another car. This releases in 2019 so by then I will have made it. Right on time!

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Don't be a fucking fag and go to /o/, asshole.

Benz Truck

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Nice. Love that color too

I don't like the idea of buying a really expensive car with all the bells and whistles. Those cars cost a lot to maintain because the parts aren't made in the same numbers as more common cars. I'm not going to "make it" to such a degree that I won't have to run errands and buy groceries, so it needs to be convenient for that. Even if I make hundreds thousands on crypto I'd probably go with a Mazda 3 or some Toyota for reliability.

> S A A B 9 0 0 0 A E R O

>I'm an insecure peasant.

Depends on the amount I've made. I have a "Dream Car" for every price range from $20,000 to $200,000, in increments of 20k. Someone give me a # and I'll give you my dreamcar for that range.

Ideally I want to start at the bottom and progressively upgrade as I get more wealthy. I'll skip a few of the increments, but still get the gist of it.

Final ultimate car is a Bentley Continental though.

Attached: New-2017-Bentley-Continental-GT-Supersports.jpg (1600x1068, 251K)

bought a black edition Porsche Boxster with crypto earnings in jan, lambo next year

3L Petrol 326 bhp BMW 1 series M135i twin turbo (see pic.)

they look absolutely fucking phenomenal imo

Attached: m135i.png (786x456, 734K)

Fucking X6, of course.

About 90% of you has terrible taste holy shit.

Especially this fucking guy.

this, also w126 AMG coupe is really awesome looking. Probably could throw in SLS as well and E34 M5

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nissan leaf or ford focus electric

Probably a Tesla but public transportation is great in my city and I live close to everything so I don’t really need/want a car (I’m not a burger).

Why? That says you made it...in the lower or middle middle class lol

You guys are faggots

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Doug is the man.
Is the chick from the Viper video his wife?

A nice clean minimal sleeper BMW M5 in matte black with the license plate "LINK"

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Are you fucking kidding me?

What car is your faggot ass buying then?

Already have a c300, going to probably upgrade it to a c43 amg sedan here in a few years though. Can confirm Mercedes C class is awsome, I've driven the e class as aloaner, and yes it's considerably nicer but not really worth it, rather get into AMG instead with my money.

Mercs/BMW's/Audis are the object of desire of all kinds of gypsies, bydlo, and in the west, mudslimes. Basically in works this way in any poor ghetto, no matter where in europe it is. By getting one of these, especially the lower-end ones like C class or 2 Series, you associate yourself with them and their aspirations. Mind you, this is something their marketing teams have worked hard on, a sand nigger from poor part of Paris knows he'll never be able to afford a near-new Jag or so, but a downsized Merc or BMW is totally within their dreams. Even if a E class is something totally different than C class and going further, A class has the very same engine as a Dacia. But it's fine, it can cost twice as much. It's a Mercedes. The marketing knows it gets a pass, because there are people who want to show they made it and can afford a Mercedes. Sounds familiar?

Basically, you are the gypsy.

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2018 nsx



I can confirm it’s the same in Scandinavia. If you see a mid/low-end BMW it’s a Muslim 3/4 times.

if i made it i will don't need car

Porsche meme

My goal is pussy because i’m kinda ugly. I could care less about the prestige outside of pussy. I don’t need men’s envy..

This user gets it aswell. I'd buy a Toyota/Mazda over a low end Mercedes just because of that.

the only right answer

I wanna make love to that car

this is why capitalism was a mistake. peasants like this shouldn't be allowed money, look what they do with it.

Jag F type 2020 sport SVR jet black everything on it

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>Saab 9000 Aero
You have nice taste sir

I wanna puke in your mouth, '19 is the worst looking facelift for a g class I ever saw, THE worst, like with all '19 mercs.

Anyone saying don't buy an expensive car will never make it. What is the point of making it if you can't buy things?

I have a $150k car, wifey has a $100k car. Why? Because it feels damn good. It's the same reason we have a nice house. Wherever we spend time should be aesthetically pleasing. It's also symbolic to your personal standards. We also keep our house and cars clean.

That said, I don't carry any debt either. Going heavily into debt to live outside your means is retarded and probably not a good life. If you need a tiny bit of debt to get something a lot better, that's fine if you have a skillset that is useful at making money, even if things go bad.

>I don’t need men’s envy..

If men don't envy you, you sure as hell won't get pussy. Women have shit taste in cars. You need a man's approval to know you have something good. If men validate it, women definitely will because men are more discerning.

I stopped driving few years after I got my license. I don't have anywhere to drive.

I never even borrowed iconic sport car from my parents just to try it for free

Its like all these retard car designers make the cars purposely hideous so they can make the todays average ones look beautiful to the next generation that will look back at the car scene today


This is not a try hard car, this is a car actual wealthy people drive. Don't put it in the same category as Audi or BMW.

If he takes the c63 amg black series then he will be okay. You wont pull anything with a regular c or s class where I'm from.

Sorry man, that's a meme fag car.

Tesla Model X. $80,000 is a little steep even if I was a multi-millionaire, but I'm an Elon fan & I like the idea of contributing to the electric car movement. Once enough people are in electrics we can actually start to have them make sense for the environment.

>10k is a sign of being well off

Kennst du ihn? Wer ist das?

>>long lasting

come on guys.
Dodge Challenger SRT Demon
This could be the last time EVER that a real car is the fastest thing on the roads before Elon's soymobiles put an end to the glory days. Also I saw some company will tune these from 840 hp to over 1000! Nice just bought 1k hp

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Aston Martin DB11

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Call me a douche but it would be an SV roadster, 488 spyder or 911 turbo s cabriolet for me.

This picture gave me aids

Did someone punch her in the face? She has an obvious bruise.

Tell me your dream cars for 20, 40, 60, 80k

The boxster gts is cool but unfortunately also over 100k

Thank you