Why do they hate each other???

Why do they hate each other???

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nobody knows who threw the first stone
[spoiler]the serbians did [/spoilahs]
but the silent war between them continues on and on
it's not a joke, you can have this friend online from Cacak and the next month his account gets closed and everyone is like "RIP Andrej". they attack back of course

What the fuck are you on about
It's Kosovo

History of conflict going back over around 150 years.
is right in that it's mainly the Serbs fault seeing as how they also had problems with literally every other neighbor and went to war with everyone in the 1990s.

>nobody knows who threw the first stone
>[spoiler]the serbians did [/spoilahs]

Attached: laughing cheetah.jpg (225x225, 8K)

just contribootin' man, what do you want

please don't even compare these two

Albanians are not even human

I see a lot of people hating on Albanians here, many unironically want them genocided. I know nothing about the Balkans, so enlighten me as to why they're so hated

you could switch Albania flag with any other Serbian neighbour and still ask the question.

allow me:
you might think that's based and all that but imagine living there


idk ponders the mind really



you're replying to a serb in bosnia

i am replying to a shiptar in amerika :)

look at that flag
he's a servonigger whose father is probably a war criminal

you have to go back you subhuman dog

>fyromonkeys replying to me

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The subhuman Alb*nian always starts it

t. greek


My father is a war criminal
You try your best and convince him if you can
No one has balls to take him to the court

My daddy has conquered lands in Bosnia
You try your best and convince him if you can
No one has balls to take him to the court

My father is in fact a dangerous man
You try your best and convince him if you can
No one has balls to take him to the court

If we ignore my flag/country, consider the following for other people/countries:

>Muslims majority country that's European (can't be disputed in anyway)
>Balkan nation, which is by default bad to many people
>Lots of criminals, again, the Balkans

Not, not literally every neighbor, 3 countries in total, and fine, blame the war with Croats and Bosniaks if you must, but as far as Kosovo went it's part of Serbia, and we reacted as we should in that instance no questions asked...and besides, any criticism coming from Americans is laughable given your war record. Also, imagine if Mexico tried to annex parts of the US. You'd go apeshit on them in a second.

>No one has balls to take him to the court

Attached: servesonlinevsservesirl.png (1820x844, 1.47M)

>It's the Albanians, they are degenerates and subhuman people!
>It's the Serbians, they are degenerates and subhuman people!

the real subhuman people are the ones still in that mentality, that retarded balkan mentality. normal people don't care where you're from.

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>tfw shqiptar replies to your post

Attached: helloshippy.jpg (480x480, 74K)

back to where, Dua Lipa?

Mexico OWNS the US now and they're taking it relatively more nicely

well it's easier said than done and then some band of [insert balkanic gentilic here] shoots you or your friend
because it's no longer an official war you might compare it to gang bang thing

Judging by whats on top of their heads I'm assuming that they are, in real life, of the ethnicity corresponding to the flag

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>from Americans
cyмњивo кoгa ќe зeмeш y oбзиp дeкa имa шиптap иcпoд aмepикaнcкo знaмe тyкa (миcлaм пoceбнo нa oнoј co вeбм-oт)

You are correct

No shit Sherlock

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Actually, the real subhuman here are both, since there is no fucking difference between the people down there.
>brown looking guy "we be da master race we wuz nordic n shieet"
>brown looking guy "no we be da master race"



there is a huge difference

Albanians are mostly Asian tribe who moved to current Albania around 11th century

Serbs on the other hands are descendants of ancient Illyrians

Oh no I forgot SHIT

there was one albanian trashing the serbs because they are subhumans who caused wars

Kosovo is rightfully American clay

All look the same to me.

>Albanians are mostly Asian tribe
>Serbs on the other hands are descendants of ancient Illyrians

Attached: Starovic-Sasa.jpg (1000x1344, 200K)

nono, you have it all wrong

The Serbians evolved from the gypsy kings of the Adriatic-Thracian coast but also were apart of the general Greco-Slavic ethnicity in the Balkan Penninsula.

The Albanians come from an ancient Hindu-Asiatic mix of the Mongol people who happened to settle in the ancient Illryia, blending with the Romano-German peoples to the north.

South Serbs are slavicized Albanians\

Northern Serbs are slavicized Austrians and Hungarians

>brown looking people

Have you actually visited the Balkans and know what the people in these nations look like?

yeah this albanian was also comparing chetniks with ISIS too

Thats a "white" Hungarian ironically

chetniks are basically orthodox ISIS
beards and all

Attached: ukraine-protests-chetnik-serb-crimea[1].jpg (600x400, 45K)

Magyars are just Slavs speaking a Uralic language and Austrians are Slavs and Celts speaking German.

yyyy más o menos

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it's the pic lighting
the guys in the pic are the first three in pic related

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Serbs (including Bosniaks, Croats, Montenegrins, Macedonians and Slovenians) are your usual Slavic subhuman cattle that has taken away rightful Illyrian land


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was watching that video and chetniks are saying how they will combat evil fascists hahahaha

if albanians stopped claiming the territory of EVERY single neighbor's land perhaps they wouldn't be hated

Well to be fair, I know two Bosnians and they look pretty light. Not as light as Swedes, but blue eyes at least. But I thought Bosnians were the dark ones though.

who am i kidding they are all inbred muslim criminal trash

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When you say Serbians you are talking actually talking about all Balkan slavs. It's impossible to separate which ones were Serbs/Croats/Macedonians/Bulgarians

It's enough to just take a look at the language to prove you are intruders, a collection of immigrants. In Balkans there are only 2 main language groups, Slavic and Greek. Albanian is unknown language, in middle ages two nearby villages in Albania couldn't understand each other at all. While someone from Niš (southern Serbia) could understand a guy all the way from Split (in Dalmatia, Croatia) without problems

it's a muslim thing, you have to "respect their different cultures" [/german cockslurping]

The language proves YOU are literally intruders tho lmaooo

it amazes me how macedonian rodents have the nerve to call anyone else inbred when they look like this lol

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do these look like european names to you?

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what do you mean they weren't ugly like this since antiquity?

>Grigori Griogirov
>Ana Argaovich Anaov
>Ivan Ivanov
>Borko Borkazhaev
>Dragana Draganov
>Filip Macedonov

they were
macedonia is a known dumping ground where the sludge of balkan society was shipped off and forgotten about creating an unholy mess of inbred 70IQ subhumans that is your modern macedonian

these pictures arent even cherrypicked, an albanian from /balk/ posted an archive of macedonian graduation pics and literally every picture featured uber inbred triangleheaded gremlins

kind of sad - but that's life

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>as opposed to these beautiful specimens

>never mind he completely ignores the criminal statistics

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heres another
we try not to insult macedonians in /balk/ too much but they usually start issues with everyone else, mainly because its too easy and we feel bad for them

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they might be considered ""white"" in your country though

Attached: butiful albanians 2.jpg (1702x888, 412K)

agreed bro - our standards have fallen

>About Whiteness

>literal insect diaspora


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Attached: we albanians are white and european.jpg (779x1110, 475K)

i am not joking, north arabs are considered white in america

what if serbs and albanians are both retards

true, but we barely have any in the first place
the fact still remains that 50 years ago macedonian inbreds would never be considered white or even allowed in the country though

>we makedonians are descents of alexander himself you know

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Some people here say that you guys deserve it because you didn't had a balls to backs in 1998-1999.

But then again, you would be gtfo too probably if you did so. With burger base in Skoplje, so maybe some people are idiots. Can't decide. What do you think?

F. ZLATKU is okey

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....i'd bone in these two 2bhlads

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oh yeah, public service announcement, don't reply to this macedonian inbred incel
he's a known mentally ill /balk/ poster that proxyfags as different flags to create arguments between people

the daily swede/fin hate threads? him
the daily EU thread? him

if you piss him off he'll come to whatever general your flag comes from and start shitting it up

its safer to allow him to sperg-rage in peace (note its well past 1am in FYROM)

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what about them?

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dibs on H. Aliji
i have glasses fetish

Ademi looks full on Turkish but the rest look normal IMO

Look much better than any of the Macedonian pictures

>diaspora shitting other diaspora
oh the irony

Urkan looks like a prostitute

time to roll

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nuff said

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Alexander the Great was Serbian, his real name was Lesandar Karanović

i'll try



hajde te babaa

666 is literally me

albanians despise everyone who isn't albanian. they don't tolerate outsiders, not even other muslims. while i do not hate every single albanian and would not mind having albanian friends, i do strongly dislike them as a nation.

is it folder dumping time

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