POWER HOUR edition

POWER HOUR edition

>where's the hedge fund?
A resident tripfag, obergruppenfuhrer (Comfy), requested that it be excluded until he gets the next version up and running. Will refund those involved. Stay tuned!

Popular brokers for stock trading:
>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
Not being approved in 3 days seems to be the new norm. Nevertheless, call/email their support if you've been waiting more than that.

> When is it coming to my country?
The only "plans" are on an Australian and Chinese beta. Neither of which has gained much traction.

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Movers:

Earnings Report Calendar:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on Options:

Previous thread:

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You are such a disappointing failure holy fuck

golden bull run begins today



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Hold on to your butts.

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placed an order for a £6000 HSBC FTSE all share tracker fund, should execute tomorrow. Wish me luck boys.

Someone gas me.

>pic also related

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death is too good for you, faggot

Double dubs

Close out of everything NOW

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I should get some cinnamon gum. I don't drink Fireball, but need to know what it tastes like.

HMNY is good dip buy potential

This is turning out to be a pretty comfy day. Gentle rises, sustainable gains. Up about 3% at the moment.


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Well it happened, I'm up 50% on BGFV

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>there are people here who are unironically not buying $TLT puts
its like you guys hate free money.

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mid teens when sir

I am endlessly entertained by big 5's bull run.

Imagine buying at $20

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It's not that good, don't worry about it

none, dubs have confirmed a great bear is on the horizon. You just have to listen.

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Yeah, we all saw it the first time you posted it.

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please pay respects to big 5 guy by saying " IM SORRY I DOUBTED YOU "

Looks overvalued DESU

Is it too late to buy TLT puts or is there still time? Also Big5 somehow turned out okay.


Honestly, it's the future. It's the perfect hedge.


top kek


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Im nervous guys

bogs getting btfo rn

bulls have been prepped

Holy shit! I have to check stocktwits to see the fucking meltdowns.

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There is nothing to be afraid of

We green during power hour or what

hoping the high volume on TSM creates a bull like it did to facebook.

Holy shit, I needed a laugh

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>tfw bank stocks are literally straight up since this post

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Power hour incoming. Here comes the volume.

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The ones that are even worse are the people who are still bullish, the coping is next level.

I'm all in on MU anons (1,000 USD), I'm going to make it.

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>I said i was gonna ride this to 0 and its looking like i may get my wish .

Top kek, good bants. I feel pity and laughter at the same time.

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take my power user

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Friendly reminder

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This has not been my day. Gold is unch, SPY isn't going to end the day on a low.


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I told you, goyim. It's time for the BULL POWER HOUR. Money for all the goyim today.

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feel free to stop posting like a Jow Forums retard any time

zucky was selling 50m~ worth of stock every other day?

ceos get paid almost entirely in stock
its totally normal to dump a large amount of it
i'm not in management at all and I get partially paid in stock and sell all every quarter.

LPL guys. Very undervalued OLED screen manufacturer.

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probably not because samsung is building new factories to keep up with the demand of flash memory. mu is only stealing their market because they can't keep up with demand.


he declared the intention to do this months ago

for funding some charitable trust or some bullshit

Won't matter, the stock will just keep mooning for no discernible reason as usual.

I'm holding. I don't see any clear moves, and ill spend today Rea searching.
What do I research?

Stop being anti-semitic, I'm just cheering on the bulls. Don't tell me you shorted this golden bull?

so this is the power of liberal humour and morality.

I'm down fucking 6% today.


so what's the consensus on RAD? i'm bagholding till they're bankrupt or might they turn around?

No, this is Patrick.

Been Watching OLED for a while.
Waiting for a 80's entrance.
Semi conductors not looking good.

An odd event as his selling this last quarter and this month have far outpaced anything else. I wonder why. Rats are always first to leave the ship.

Same, OLED sub 80 is a juicy prospect.

Nobody really knows why cuckerberg does anything.

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never doubt the bull

He is just doing what [Insert species] does on a day to day basis. He will then partake in the consumption of caloric meals for the purposes of sustaining heat.

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is this joke seriously still funny to people?

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Anything that pokes fun at that fucking greasy jew weasel makes me laugh.

He's probably one of the most disliked people in this country.

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You underestimate the power of a inter dimensional collaborative textile manufacturing forum

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>tfw you have worthless options about to expire

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these are reddit / tumblr tier images. seriously not funny at all.

Tfw yours are expiring tomorrow and unless the pump of the century happens they're fucked

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Come on Zuck, have a little human humor we're all friends. Hows that occulus acquisition going?

What do you do when the market doesn't tank and you lose your ass because you were on the short end? Asking for a friend.

I'm sorry humor Oberstleutnant, it won't happen again

seriously, look at this image
>Water is yummy.
is this supposed to be humorous? maybe to a 12 year old

this is better

What time did you short today? It wasn't before power hour was it?

You become me and end up down 90% for the year.

Hold on let me check with my friend. He says he went short @ 12:12:04.

cover and approach again when you are in rhythm again, it's like jump rope, but you aren't the one controlling the rope you are the one jumping

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So, how's Stocktwits to get a sentiment?

>TFW your Meme Coins are making a bigger return than your stonks

i can't even

I think you might be OK today. Sideways power hours not lookin too hot anymore.

I just bought another 200 shares of AMRS while they're down. Was that good or was it a brainlet move?

I'm sorry I don't know what true humor is, mind posting your holds so we can see true humor?

hopefully some of you got that juicy HMNY dip

>waiting for the market to pull up out of this tailspin like

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Yeah I'm going to be ok.


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Never mind, a wild green dildo appeared

People are starting to load up on shares, these people are the worst kind of brainlets. At least they are attempting to buy low, but the stock is complete trash.