Being this delusional

>being this delusional

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>Querer ser un titere gringo

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yeah sad
>implying Trump or anyone cares

ajjaja esos escualidos estan bien babosos

It leaked that Trump said to Macri in a personal meeting that he was willing to 'back the military option' on venezuela. Macri outright refused.

Maduro won?

of course, and these escualidos are now crying, after calling for elections for many years hahahahha

Well, their ballot is eletronic and it's from a Venezuelan company, so it's pretty easy to hax into.

these retards are asking a military invasion, because they know they are not the majority

Depends, as long the military generals are being well paid, nothing will happen from them. Plus Maduro has his own Militia.

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The ones that would vote the opposition did not vote because they live in other countries now

>Querer comer de la basura

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82% of the total voting population didn't vote
that's the majority.... and they chose to do nothing
could at least perform punishment vote on Maduro but they didn't even do it

They elected Chavez many times. Venezuela deserve pain.

hahahaa, yeah they either live in miami or madrid.
but i am talking about a foreign invasion, not a military coup, thats impossible, because their eternal president Chavez was from the military

>titere gringo

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>82% of the total voting population didn't vote
>could at least perform punishment vote on Maduro but they didn't even do it
deja de decir tonterias anciano baboso

Yea yea i know. The thing is, Venezuela isn't a threat or isn't being threatened by any US's "enemies" so they won't give a shit.

>change something

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I mean yeah, like Trump can read Spanish

>la extrema pobreza y la subsecuente desprovisión de seguridad alimentaria son situación exclusiva de venezuela

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Tbqh Venezuelan delusional hopes for foreign superpowers to intervene and solve their problems go all the way back to Miranda sucking British cock before the revolution.

Last time I checked millions of Argentines didn't emigrate because they were starving


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Since when are you commie Jamundi?

they just come here to be waiters hehe

You don't even need to do a military intervention, just to pay a guy to kill him with the excuse of 'muh liberty' or offer better thing to the country's generals

The country will eventually collapse because they need to import everything as their industry is non-existent, but they don't export any oil anymore so no dollars for imports.

The regime has no future


Attached: 01-global-food-insecurity.png (1686x838, 173K)

You have to be a complete fucking idiot to starve here. Besides food being cheap as fuck, there's literally fruit trees everywhere and the govt even give food for 1 Real.

Wtf I love Brazilen MORE now!


here is one from 2014, it is only rich people who say they are starving to death

I don't need your sarcasm desu.


It is not sarcasm,I'd say that I'm a Brazilboo unironically.
The food is good (Uma delicia is a fucking meme) you have a ton of great foods.
your women care about how they look(big pro) and are friendly to everyone!
The people are very welcoming if you get to know them.
Cities are full of history, and you have magnificent landscapes everywhere.
A con:
Your media is... A bit mysogenic (Silvio Santos fucking throwing money to dumbfuck women) that's bad desu.

I have been to Brazil,went as a tourist, came back as a Brother

That's why there are refugee camps for Venezuelans in Brazil and Colombia right?

Maduro closed the border. Fucking joke, meanwhile our politicians here are discussing about if they do it or not.

Why would Culombians support Maduro? He hates you and floods you with immigrants


It's a famous columbian shitposter called Ceron (0n). He's just farming yous. He can't be that fucked in the head to actually believe all the shit he is saying here

the people supporting the destruction of ths Venezuelan govt are no differnt from the ppl who wanted Gaddafi out

How can I know that you are not him too just trying to get more Yous?

that's not him
cer0n is always trashing anything related to leftism

¿En qué parte está implícito que apoyo a Maduro? Aprender a leer, imbécil.

of course he cares.
Oil needs fredomz.

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Lol no. Ceron has been a commie for like 2 months now . The Columbian who is completely right wing is not 0n

>Ceron has been a commie for like 2 months now
>The Columbian who is completely right wing is not 0n
0n = cer0n

ceron (0n) however you wanna call it, is a sjw, face it beto

>giving ammo to the Maduro-Chavez crowd so in 15 years down the line, as soon as the American puppet president ends up in anything remotely shady the muh imperialism politicians get free votes from the people that forgot how they ended up with Chavez in the first place
this is what CIA means with blowback, let the Venezuelans suffer and fix it on their own, pay for their own mistakes

Why don't they just hunt the seagulls and eat them?

>U r gay
>literally a giant farm
>medium risk