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They should arm all children with a full-auto LMG.

Peace was never an option.

how long before a teacher goes on a spree?

>Arming more teachers

>most teachers in the future will have gun training
>they will have to be mentally prepared to take the lives of their students if it comes down to it
That doesn't sound right.

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I had a few teachers who didn't like me in school, and were shit to me

I wouldn't like them having a gun

>not liking someone
>shooting them
Are you mentally ill?

>Hispanic Greek

There's gonna be one incident when some teacher shoots a kid and say it was self defence

>be quiet student
>reach in back pocket for pencil
>get shot

I think they should simply make teachers desk also mg nest.

Forfity his desk with sandbags, a bit of barbed wire and plase machine gun on a tripod.

The last couple of shootings here happened because muh I don't like my fellow students

Rednecks come up with imaginary solutions to actual problems. Teachers don't want to carry firearms.

This is a good way to flood the gun market and have gullible and simple idiots believe that pouring gasoline on a fire will put it out.

Gun nuts are delusional.

Not long if they arm them.

I fully agree. Interlocking placements of stationary weapons should be the way to go. No need to carry firearms.

His mother was Hispanic, his father was Greek

He identified as Greek probably, though

>Texas: Arm children to stop teachers

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Should've followed Oklahoma's example IMO.

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Real texans do not hide

Deport all liberal's what? FINISH THE SENTENCE GODDAMMIT

Why dont they just arm students who pass a non-virginity test?

That's a philosophical open question.

A reader is encouraged to do thinking on his own, and then fill the blank of what should be deported.

It would have been cheaper if they just hired some whores

>school shooters start using helium tanks for maximum killarity

Yes! The one thing turbo-virgins fear the most!

Do we give them submachine guns for faster more flexible movement or light machine guns to utterly crush the nerds?

>still taking precious time to push your chair in
Found the liabilities. Better step up their training before they cost the whole class.

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This is somehow a first world country
I can't believe people just accept this as normal

Weak must perish

We need to ban guns already
Guntards need to be killed

It's not like the majority of school shootings happened because the shooter was bullied and didn't like those who were shot after all

what is your proposed solution then?

And no, guns cannot be reduced

with guns

Pretty optimistic there.

Only a first world country could afford playschool panic rooms.

But what if the teacher starts the shooting?
They should arm the kids too, I say.

arm everyone, teachers, children, everyone

that way everyone will have equal chance and everyone are a fair game

compulsory frontal lobotomies

How can guns not be reduced?

You're literally just discarding the biggest difference between your country and other civilized nations without ten shootings every year.


Making the tests harder. More psychological exams.

Gun ownership is a right in USA

That's like to suggest in europe that to protect people's feelings freedom of speech should be repealed

What about Switzerland? They have lots of guns and no school shootings

Just regulate ammos then

it is a right, but rights can be restricted. there are restrictions on gun ownership.

no, Chef Boyardee, it's a CONSTITUTIONAL right

It's mostly due to the US having more mentally ill people and a gun glorifying culture.

>That's like to suggest in europe that to protect people's feelings freedom of speech should be repealed
don't know how it is in Poland but this is already the case here
and america's problem isn't the guns, it's the people
full of negroes and the whites there are getting ever crazier

You can get a gun in other countries too. I could get a gun, I just don't because I don't need one. The problem isn't guns, it's culture and mentality.


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Why not just implement some kind of exploding chair system? If the student gets up, the teacher has like 5 seconds to press a button to approve it, or the explosives in the chair go off. Non-lethal solution could be gas.
Also mine the area between the students and the teachers.

How? 2nd amendment never mentions ammunitions

I guess he's making it easier for the rest to go through; I couldn't possibly imagine anyone being so well-disciplined and such a stickler to the rules as to push the chair in every time, even in a serious emergency like that.

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they're arming teachers to prevent school shootings, not to increase classroom discipline

If freedom of speech were responsible for killing hundreds of students every year and ruined neighbourhoods and made the police afraid to even pat down an old woman, it'd probably be a different story.

Yeah, but Switzerland is culturally a very peaceful nation with almost no crime rate to talk of, but sure, be more like them.

What if the shooter has shotgun with slugs?

legal gun ownership doesn't do any of those things though. but freedom of speech did make blacks in the south intimidated when clan rallies came around.

If I was a teacher I would not want a gun because most likely I would get shot by a cop during an incident.

guns and ammo and everything gun-related cannot be infringed, by constitutional right. All solutions to shooting problem cannot, in any way, reduce the number of guns or efficiency of guns

Solutions include
> increasing budget to mental healthcare
> bulletproof mini-rooms in classrooms
> bulletproof clothing and backpacks
> armed police officers in schools
> drills, so people know how to react in shooter situations
> multiple exits for each classroom

Both issues could be tackled simultaneously. I guess the school shooter could just stay sitting in his chair, like most Americans these days.

difference between right and privelige is that it cannot be taken preemptively without a good reason

So no tests or gun permits

Unless you commited a crime or given any reasonable caouse to believe you are a threat, no restrictions on firearm ownership can be allowed

You can't fucking compare us to them, they are way fucking ahead of us except military.

>guns and ammo and everything gun-related cannot be infringed, by constitutional right

that's patently false. there are lots of restrictions on gun ownership, from age, storage, licensing, type, etc etc

Colonization was a mistake

>cannot be infringed, by constitutional right
Americans used to be able to legally own fucking SLAVES. Times change. Change your fucking constitution; they're called AMENDMENTS for a reason.

That's because constitution gives right to bear arms, not to own all kind of guns. Guns that are stationary are obviously exempt.

Also government has ability to regulate public space, so it can ban gun carrying in streets etc.
but government cannot do that in private property.

All of those cost money, a lot of fucking money. You can't even afford to give kids a decent meal here, no clue where you plan to implement that shit.

Nuke this shithole off the face of earth, please.

>Its a bunch of sensitive western liberal retards who don't know anything about laws and guns get together to post their retarded opinion episode

Protip: the shooter was using an already illegal weapon in a gun-free zone

then nothing can be done, because guns are not going way, ever

>no guns
>free zone

If it's withoug guns, it's not free


>>but government cannot do that in private property.

that's not true at all. there are restrictions on the type of magazines that some people can legally possess as with some types of automatic guns. it varies from state to state but there sure as hell are restrictions on gun ownership on private property.

Fuck off idiot. Just fuck off.

Well let's send them our cheap thoughts and prayers and save some for the next shooting :)

That's a restriction on accessory, not gun itself

and the point about automatic rifles?

I walk into a gun-free zone with a gun. How do you stop me?

and short barreled rifles and shot barreled shoguns?

> law-makers can't even pass more gun restriction laws in local and state governments
> surely they can get a 75% agreement at the highest levels of legislative branch and AMEND the right the bear arms

If the children were armed it would be a thousand guns to one!

there would probably be a shooting at the capitol if they tried that

they should just ban schools in america, what's the fucking point.
it's just a dabbing platform for students.

They also cannot be banned in principle.

there was a federal ban but it expired in 2004, and it didnt ban "all automatic weapons" only certain weapons manufactured after certain time

Are they banned?

I recall there is a ban on "undetectab;e weapons" but I dont think shord barreled weapons can be banned.

I actually think it's a great idea for schools to be delivered via VR Chat or maybe Skype. Do you think so?

Teacher stands in studio, and talks
students, in their own homes, put on VR helmet, and interact that way

I'm pro-gun but arming teachers is fucking retarded
There is a serious mental health issue here, and being a mentally ill fuck you do stupid shit like become a superstar on every news outlet for a week because you shot people

I'm sure you would love a tax hike to pay for your retarded idea

unrealistic and stupid
but the public educational system is a mess, thanks to 3rd worlders it feels like a jail instead of an institution where you learn and socialize with people your age

some states outright ban them. and it is federally regulated to own one. it is in the most obvious sense 'infringed' if you must ask the government for permission to own a weapon. the concept of 'infringement' is if any sort of regulation is placed on the ownership of guns. and it is certainly true in the united states. look at how the gun laws are from state to state. i don't know why you are fighting me on this. it's all on wiki.

It might be cheaper than real school

> don't have to pay for land or school building
> don't need to pay for school buses
> teacher sits at home with VR headset
> every child already has a house and internet and Steam VR Chat anyway
> children without VR can use normal Skype

I'm sure it is not the constant budget cuts and the massive spending on the military. Just imagine if 1/3 of what we spend on the military was used on schools and higher education.

We're talking if billions of dollars here, average families would be literally ruined by taxes to pay for all that, I guess this is the price of freedom

*of billions

then VR schools it is

>giving more money to leftist school teachers to indoctrinate children
no thanks. This is not a financial issue, it's a cultural one.

not going to happen. kids need to be in school as a daycare system. it functions both to educate and to supervise.

> thousands and thousands of people lose their job
> kids don't go out, they don't do sports, don't socialize, don't make friends, cheating is easier than ever, obesity is off the charts
> b-but i get to keep muh guns

Your idea sounds retarded because it mass produces cheap defective products. How will kids learn science without lab work? How will they get prepared for college without interacting with real people let alone entering the workforce.

Don't take ancapistan retards seriously lol