How do you make money on the side as a software engineer? I'm talking real engineer who has a daytime job as a coder...

How do you make money on the side as a software engineer? I'm talking real engineer who has a daytime job as a coder, not some faggot who just learned HTML. Upwork is a fucking race to the bottom infested with pajeets. Even if you know what you're doing online $$ is a fucking meme and always was. The only time I ever made money online is when I bought liteoin and sold it at 700% profit.

Attached: mcafee.jpg (2048x1365, 220K)

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engineer software for people

By making a good software product, SaaS or app?

>Upwork is a fucking race to the bottom infested with pajeets too

Try making a trading bot

Shhh, let em wander aimlessly and never figure out market product fit matters more

make customizable porn games for people. The more degenerate the game is, the more you can charge

Find a niche. The only time I ever made money was online.

Are you a web dev?
I'm unironically >assembling a team
Drop your ProtonMail or something so I can contact you.
put it all into powh, then engineer some software to promote your masternode
not even memeing right now, guy that made discord life feed bot got like 70 eth in divs if not more

>By making a good software product, SaaS or app?
That market is overcrowded to the point where it's probably easier to win a lottery than to make an app that makes money.

1. take charge of some really annoying piece of legacy tech at your workplace
2. evolve it to the point that no one else really knows much about it or wants to, make it so it needs frequent simple care and feeding
3. get a different job
4. offer old employer to continue maintenance for a high monthly fee
5. automate the maintenance

I don't know dude. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure this out too. We're too late to the party. The appstore was a gold mine in the early days but now it's pretty hard to make decent money with independent apps. Likewise, every decent SaaS idea has a hundred working products on the market.

I've pretty much just turned my efforts toward trading crypto now.

At this point you either start your own biznes (only if you have money and time to burn - very low chance of success specially since most devs are autistis) OR work for the man. In 2018 there are no other alternatives that can pay a western Dev salary or even half that. The app train is long gone, maybe crypto software? But since crypto will die shortly..


no, its painful

Please elaborate

Jow Forums pyramid with 10% dividends on buy/sells
if someone buys/sells with your reflink you get 1/3 of those 10% on both buys and sells

Thanks..but where does software dev come in?

Develop social skills and become a consultant. You have to be a legit autistic to ask this question.

i don't know, maybe something spamming etherscan might work or posting on boards, or maybe something that would interract with pyramid itself, just yesterday some guy made simple 2x contract that put 50% eth that was put into contract into powh, he then put 100 eth into it and shilled it to retards that bought 500 eth more after him giving him 200 eth from his contract and 15 more from masternode

Hell one of the main reasons I became a dev was to avoid dealing with ppl. Worked out well for me.

Why? Dont do that to him. This is the biggest pitfal by far. He should know to focus on product above all else

Fuck that shit. Consulting is something else entirely. We're talking side projects here...where we make the code work for us.

Affiliate marketing fag here, made hundreds of thousands since I was 16 (now 21).
Making money online is not a meme, and honestly is easy as piss if you know how to rank on google or just spam sites that are spammable (instagram, twitter etc).

No offense mate but a Dev is not a software engineer.

Pretty sure this market's dead too user. Are you making new sites that are actually doing well, or are your money makers already a few years old?

You dumb kid.

engineer a software that makes potatoes grow bigger and then grow potatoes

I have a very comfy day job...not trying to change that.


Normies think it's fucking easy.

Make a trading bot and then what? Sell it?

What does the bot have to do (well) ?

Ironically I can think of plenty of things that could possibly make me dough that are illegal.

Simply learn to suck dick, that's all.

Guy thinks it's the 80s.

How can you build software people want if you dont / cant / wont talk to them ... kys

just look them in the eye and give a firm handshake.

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You analyze search traffic to spot demand and preferences. That's what i did.

Not dead at all, it gets harder as time goes on, but I can still setup new campaigns in a week or so that I can bank from a few months down the line.

If you can program your own account creation & spamming bots then you're golden.

Are trading bots a meme?

Dont try this.

I wasted so much time trying to get a bot working that trades based on technical indicators & tried a lot of machine learning stuff. It does not work. Full stop.

Hedge funds don't make money by market making or building indicator based trading bots. They mainly make money by being quicker at acting on publicly available news than the next guy.
The only crypto bots that worked for me were trading certain people's influential tweets, and trading new binance listings (this still sort of works btw - their API leaks which coin they're gonna list before they announce it publicly, but they sometimes throw 'spoofs' that they never actually list).

While that clearly worked assuming not larped, I think your going to struggle to build software for businesses (the ones that pay monthly contracts and dont stop paying if your not an autist) based on keywords, from the sounds of things based on your method you could just produce t-shirts and other meme tier quality items based on your algo (but I think theres is a start up for that now), because of course search terms die out quickly so your must have to develop apps an incredible rate

This is why there's a bold asshole like Ballmer in Microsoft.

Knowing how to make upholstery for example doesn't mean you automatically know how to profit off the skill on your own. It's a separate game altogether to find people who will buy some shit - making the shit itself is just half of it.

Attached: ballmer.gif (464x356, 2.09M)

I spend 2 years learning programming and building a bot. Last 2 months where finally succesfull. And last 10 days it made 500$. To only lose 280$ yesterday.

Need this thing to work before next month, how fucked am i?

They have the fucking exchanges wired so they have the shortest fiber to the server as speed of light matters. It's fucking ridiculous.

That's not to say crypto is any better. Coinbase if dirty as fuck, after they introduced Bitcoin Trash they closed the exchange so they can insider trade. You're always a step behind someone else.

Programming a manipulated marked, did you back test ? What indicators are you using ? Are you doing sentiment analysis (if so are you making a best effort to filter spammers / shills)

not fucked. idiots will buy your bot for 0.1 BTC each if you market it well. don't put any of your own money into it though.

There are programs that look for correlated shit and stuff like that. It's not the 80s, not the 90s anymore. Every shit you come up with is already being exploited.

I did backtest, but only on 1 market. Now i'm trading all. And if 1 horribly crashes i'm fucked. Probably need better market picks. Mix of different indicators. It trades pure on price so no.

If an opportunity exists to make risk free money in a market you can guarantee that opportunity will only last for a very small amount of time.
You backtest on full order books? You collect the data yourself or buy it? A half decent dataset will set you back like $4k

Hmmm, no, just let it run for a year collecting it's own data. And getting more experienced myself. The data is bullshit, because if you bought ETH on a small dip and sell at 5% higher you would've had the best year untill 1400$

I am a S/360, S/370 Assembler system programmer. Hacked the IBM MASS for MVS/SP back in the 80s and sold it to the Russians. Cracked the MVS/370 before that, which went for top dollar to Moscow.
Screw online, nothing beats a briefcase full of cash.

I made 500k with a trading bot in a few weeks, got lucky but also spotted the opportunity and exploited it while it was there. My main source of income is easy webdev. There are plenty of opportunities for software developers, just make shitty games using the latest hyped tech or whatever.

how old are ya

Do you still make money with the system? Or did it die after a while?

LARP, that's the plot of "NICHTS IST SO WIE ES SCHEINT "

It only made money for a few weeks. It's still running and never loses money but mostly just stays flat.

Didn't that money attract IRS or bank's attention?

Why wouldn't I pay my taxes?

Are there any pugin/modding marketplaces that are not rigged like the iOS App Store and Google Play?

Not in the mobile/app space, nothing worth while that i know of.

However there is (was?) a big market for wordpress plugins.

im not even a dev, going to shitty IT college and learning by myself but i know the next hype and i wont say it :)

why bother posting then?

Ideas are worthless unless put to the test...all college kids think they are gonna develop the new hot s**t

don't feed the Linkies

Attached: linkies.jpg (600x393, 47K)

Do you have a masters? You can do consulting and make some pretty big dollars. I'm an instructional designer and I basically tell people how to tell other people how to adequately train their workforce. I've got about 10 years experience as a 9-5er, and still work a day job. During that time I learned all the ins and outs and tried a lot of stuff to get my company's learning going smoothly. Now I can just use that to help other companies. I'm sure in your field there is something similar.

Developing a simple yet game changing app is like striking it rich, huge luck component. As with all other things, gotta work hard and provide a service for people to pay you otherwise.

Completely agree.

i have made over 100k in the past 3 year doing pretty much nothing but stroking my cock how does this make you feel gypsy?

what do you mean

i think he means passive income..but from what i do not know

No, sounds more like a Hungarian LARP

why Hungarian?

because they call everyone Gypsy and like LARP

im running few porn streaming sites. you brain monkey niggers there are sooo many ways to make money

So you make money off ads?

Or spamming or hjacking computers to mine/spam from them. GTFO with that low brow shit. You're the gypsy here. You can't run that from a 1st world country unless you're a pajeet.

Software engineer here. I will be monitoring this thread. I'm thinking at this point the best way is by lucky investment.

There are a few freelance services that interview you and weed out to the top 1% (but it may be intended to replace your day job). Haven't had any luck with Upwork or Fiverr or any of that bullshit.

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Freelancing online is a losing game. Do it locally if you can or better yet become a consultant if you have the experience and social skills. But mainly is either start a business (low chance) or work for the man.

Software is one of the few field where wagecucking is kind of worth it.


Create Android apps. Most apps are pajeet trash, find popular ones and make them better. Market and release. Repeat. Once you've got a few out, you'll have enough passive income to fuel your crypto buys forever.

>put into link
>spam link meems on biz
>have zero moneys after a year

I wrote apps for Android and iOS, it's a shit experience for a publisher. I wouldn't invest my own time and $ into it.

What would be cool is some app market (like a broser plugin, email client plugin, game mod) that is young so there's no mafia controlling it yet.

Did you actually did that? It’s not possible unless u invest heavy ad money into your project...and even then it’s a pretty low chance it will catch on.

I'm going to give you a hint since I do what you're looking for.

Business solutions. Don't worry about long shots like a hot app. Find local businesses, offer to build them a tool that with make them save money, and charge them for it.

Bonus if you're actually a good developer and can build it in a modular/generic way so you can easily sell it to several businesses with a reskin.

Reminds me of when I wrote my own TeamViewer ripoff and the next day they changed my contract to say any software I develop at work belongs to the company...

That would probably work in US tho

Work in Info-sec instead, you earn wayyy fucking more.
As a freelance worker on hackerone (depending on how much of a script kiddie faggot you are), you can make upwards to 3-4.000$ a day from home alone.
If you can score yourself a good position in a bigger company you can earn upwards to 250.000$ a year.
But sure just slave away at some shit GUI for 90k a year if you feel like that

Attached: cobalt_final.png (1000x2766, 191K)

Literally anyone can do this if you're not a complete retarded

Anything that runs Windows is easy to hijack. I know how to get around some spam filters, know unix-based systems - prolly could try it.

Attached: 4379-Windows-Firewall.jpg (640x560, 60K)

Spoken like a true scriptkiddie
you're ready

>script kiddie
you mean you just use public well known tools and are actually successful with it? Hard to believe

No I don't. I've been working with Info-sec every since I was 15 .
I'm just saying for others, find a new company with a small budget. They are usually easy to work with

Arbitrage dummies

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 4.49.02 PM.png (978x1202, 205K)

I know of public facing terminals where when you click on certain parts of the screen you get into the admin menu... some completely retarded programmer thought that's secure... security by obscurity. There's a lot of bad programming around.

Wow user you can use a public library! We are so proud of you

>when you click on certain parts of the screen you get into the admin menu
You already proved you're a skid, you don't have to say it anymore

Lol wat that's not public I never uploaded it anywhere

Also i made all the interface for all the exchange interfaces myself i didnt use bitex or something like that because none of them are feature complete

It only checks once every three seconds because poloniex has a crazy low rate limit so it doesnt detect a lot of possibilities and when it does the profit margins are so tiny its barely worth it.

Sorry I mean kraken. Kraken is something like one request every 3 seconds. For comparison, binance lets u poll their rest endpoints 20 times a second