How will $1000 a month affect your living situation?

How will $1000 a month affect your living situation?

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Well he's already won the non-white vote

How has being a faggot affected your life

Unless you understand basic economics it wouldnt affect my life at all positively. Rising wages/UBI == higher prices for goods and services. Socialism is a fucking retarded mentality.

>free money

How do magnets work?


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What if we get robots to do all the work?

I can't wait to see $100T in debt.

maybe bullish for crypto, as long as the USD crashes but doesn't disrupt production too much

UBI is unironically better than food stamps + medicaid IMO. Just give people a flat amount and if they fuck up from there they die poor on the street. Those who use the money to invest will make it. Or they can live on what they have. It fucks over people who have a ton of kids if they don't grant the gibs until they reach adulthood.

The problem is we won't let them die in the streets then. They'll just end up with ebt section 8 and ubi

rofl what an idiot

I'd give every at $2000 a month
can I be president now?

Then what good is money? Money is supposed to represent your working time in exchange for a value. If Robots do all the work, what good is money.

yay hyperinflation!

Hes got my vote.
Why would right wing libertarian would support this you ask? Because more spending money. I own a lot of companies like Yum, Wal-Mart and other shares. More people spend the more money in earnings companies make.

Free money for everyone!

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Actually there wouldn’t be any inflation if we just cut needless programs like welfare and military spending, as we wouldn’t be printing money.

He's got my vote.

UBI is the stupidest shit ever

Bezos shouldn’t get a guaranteed income because he already has a ton of money

>well we’ll just exclude people that are that rich

Then you’re just recreating welfare, congrats

Oh welfare is a bad word isnt it i forgot
Never mind guys back to the bus if its welfare its bad so nevermind

Once the prices of everything crank up, not at all.

Then the government would have to become totalitarian and dictate the prices of all goods and services so that people can afford them which will fuck everyone's shit up eventually

Alot of hassle just for some gibs

vote for me and I will give everyone $2000 a month

It's a great idea, but why stop at 1000 USD, why not give everyone an equal share of all the money printed, cancel social spending, then people will use that money to decide what services they want. Eventually we can have the ancap paradise we all want.

Too distribute value evenly. Like a token or ticket for Disneyland, you want everyone to have one a month or so but not season passes

I'll be able to feed my unicorn, since I'll live in fantasy land.

What if I could jump really high?
Your question is unrelated to the topic at hand. Money is a representation of social capital for the sake of more efficient trade, if you give money to everyone then it devalues money.
UBI cannot work because in practice the majority of the population is dumb and needs the helping hand. Give UBI without additional social entitlements and idiots would blow their grand on an iphone on day 1, go hungry by day 2 and start stealing/rioting before the end of the week. Give UBI with additional social entitlements and you've solved no old problems and created yet another tax burden on those who work.
"what if muh robots" doesn't make sense in any way sheltered white middle class urbanites imagine it. For muh robotic powered universal income to work, you'd have to deliver allocated goods directly to the people, not money.
There's ample documented evidence things given out for free creates a lack of respect for said things. People need to earn things, not out of short-sighted sentiment from people who feel they suffered and think others should do too, but because earning your keep is a necessary journey to value what you get. Purpose is quintessential to any human condition beyond savagery.
Any realistic form of UBI has to be authoritarian in its implementation, for the same reason you give beggars food and not money they'll trade for booze or heroin. Given complete freedom, most people would find a way to ruin their lives within days.

>$1,000 a month in free money
>free money

Where's that "free money" coming from?

vote now ask questions later plebian

this fucking millennial wave shit is why I’m a bitcoin and xmr maximalist. it’s gonna get ugly folks.

somebody like that would obviously be putting more money into UBI from taxes than he is receiving

You'll have extra money for a few months. After the market adjusts prices to account for inflation, you won't

So? Its still a waste of expenditure.

>accept $1,000/mo
>move to your choice of caribbean island, latin american, or south east asian country
>live like a king in perpetuity
your move UBIfags

Not to mention higher tax rates. Might as well keep the $1000 every month until its tax time.

The Australian government had a thing where they gave homebuyers something like $15k free money to help buy the house. I think within something like 1/1000th of a second, all it resulted in was the average sale price rising by..... $15k.

UBI came up at my work today, and a coworker that was interested in crypto decided it'd be better to wait for UBI than invest. Slave mentality.

LOL fucking RETARD.

Not that much when a gallon of milk costs $80

Exactly this. UBI is fine if your cutting all other programs and using UBI as a replacement to save on overheard and administrative beaurcracy. But go ask a group of leftists what we should do if a poor person spends their $1000 on crack on the first day of the month. They'll still want him to get free medical care, free food, and free housing.

UBI would give me $1000 per month and cost me 2.5k in taxes. Luckily I don't pay taxes and put all money funds into crypto. I'll be outta this nigger infested shithole in a year, with no Bank account for the IRS jew to FACTA their way into. I bet you can buy an apartment in Seoull with crypto right now.

personally, $1,000 is like pissing in an ocean of piss, kek

>325 trillion people in the US
>$1000 a month for 12 months

That’s 3.9 quintillion dollars per year

what the fuck are you retarded

How many children does an average household have in your world

answer 2200000

It will make me even more comfy since I have a lot of cryptocurrency and UBI would cause persistent high inflation so any cryptos that still exist would moon beyond belief

while i agree that you dont need a world police like the usa you still need to defen yourself/ your interests as a state
so YAY hyperinflation

Nothing, due to inflated prices in the consumer market.

i thought chinks were smart wtf

we need to do 2 things in this country: make any form of mandatory insurance illegal (including medicare social security and medicaid as well as FDIC), and allow people to die in the street if they can't afford to pay. In 2 generations we would be 1000 years more advanced

Guess we'll need price controls too, nigga

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I fully support a UBI if the majority of jobs are replaced with robots. Prices won't go up in this scenario, and actually would most likely go down because a UBI would only offset the lost wages while business owners enjoy lower overhead and greater efficiency.

A wage still matters when people don't work because prices will still act as a way of allocating scarce resources. Unless we truly end up in a post scacity world in which case you can all go fuck yourself and do whatever you want because I'll be enjoying myself, and not wasting my time talking to braindead losers

Hey if thats what it takes to end the fiat system hes got my vote.

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Not by much, it would however cause my savings to grow by 800 dollars a month.
The other 200 would go to local charities in my city.

>ending all state benefits
>replacing with 1 UBI payment

You could meme this into existence as "the right at fair thing to do" then when they get it and find they are $10k out of pocket have an extra laugh. I like it.

You get a Tax Deductible Pepe

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military is the primary reason people band together and form governments.

Best way to decimate the middle class and create a caste of indentured slaves.

Sounds like a pretty chink campaign platform to me. I fucking hate democracy sometimes.

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theres so many damn people 1000 is way too much we cant afford that. we are broke we cant even afford 1 dollar for every person

I would immediately quit my job unless wages went up. Finally I would be able to stop being a slave

Too Asian to win

>Too privileged to win.

The government can't give anything because it doesn't produce anything, it can only redistribute. If it borrows money to redistribute then it's stealing from future generations, if it prints money then it's stealing from anyone who saved fiat and if it redistributes taxes then it's stealing from anyone who is productive. The more we're taxed and the more things become socialized the less our work corresponds to our income and the less incentive we have to do hard/unpleasant work. The notion that when the hard work is automated we'll be free to pursue our passions is a meme, most people don't have passions - they have addictions. We're the first generations born into the decline of Western Civilization. Buy guns.

thats why they are promoting homosexuality, transgenderism, abortions, independent lifestyles etc. To lower the population because they KNOW this will come. They will also blow up half the population with a 3rd world war.