Why is Uber and Lyft banned in Europe?
Why is Uber and Lyft banned in Europe?
Cuz muh (((taxi drivers union)))
Uber was banned in some states of Mexico too
EU is anti free market and full socialist nowadays.
It was active here but the taxi syndicate forced the government to essentially kick them out.
>ruining the life of thousands of family parents is okay and if you don't like it you're a commie xD
taxis are mafia
>ruining the life of thousands of family parents
like pricing your shitty taxi ride to abnormal levels so that people are forced to find another solution in order to not go bankrupt if they need to move from point A to point B?
taxi drivers are scum, wish there was more free market in EU socialist pigs union
It's an american company, who fucking cares, we'll make our own
t. Son of a taxi driver
Taxi drivers need insurance, pay for permits...
Uber: lolno not us lmao xD xD
It's not that hard.
Taxes, that's why
They aren't banned here.
In Germany you need to registered in order to operate a taxi.
Uber let's private persons that usually aren't registered operate as taxi drivers and doesn't follow the guidelines that come with being a registered taxi driver.
That's against the law.
Not this time, criminal scum
Uber is not banned here, I used the service only yesterday.
>know a guy whos extremely anti uber
>his dads probably a taxi driver
>find out his dad is actually a taxi driver
unions are cancer that's why
their commie governments can't drown them in red tape in order to take their cut of the profit
That's bullshit and you know it. I prefer to ruin a few taxi families rather than force society as a whole to pay unrealistic fixed prices for the shitty service they usually provide
Fox news pls
Uber isn't banned here
How are unions not shit. I'll wait
They are not shit here.
They protect people against exploitation. They're the voice of the workers who can't speak against their employers.
more like you need actual fucking taxi license and you need to be connected to a call center and taximeter installed in vehicle.
at least in sweden.
if you drive people in your personal car for money you're breaking the law, thus almost every uber/lyft faggot is breaking the law here.
>yuros need a separate license to drive other people around
it's worse than i thought
t. schlomo goldstein
t. schlomo goldstein, CEO of Chiquita
t. schlomo goldstein, CEO of CIA drug importation division.
There are 0 restrictions on cabs in the US? A 16 year old could potentially be intrusted with the lives of my family?
Because i want to be fucking insured and not ripped off if some random faggot is driving me.
Europe is a nanny state where Euros need pick a government approved name for their baby.
thank god, i dont want my kids to associate people families that name their kids like you retards do
and thank fucking god for that because at least we don't have obese 8 year old half-niggers named "Hjolmdarrrsssson" because their parents are room-termperature-iq amoebas and game of thrones fans at the same time
Cabs in the US also need million dollars medallions but Uber was allowed to break the rules screwing everyone over.
>unions are cartels
>europe should have third world tier work conditions and wages
>having good living standards is for communists
Don't forget that americans believe having government mandated vacations every year is their idea of stalinist hell
feels good not having to work two full-time jobs to support myself and afford healthcare and getting jewed by employers
I got 4 weeks vacation, 3% increase of salary and my employer pays commute costs. Even if you are not member of a union.
>b-but unions are shit
Sure, mister Zuckerberggoldstein
who do you think got that into mainstream use in the first place?
oh and just because YOU arent in a union doesnt mean your employer doesnt have a contract with the union.
and some shit might even be regulated with laws.
Uber is banned in my state because MUH TAXI GUILD
Because of (((taxi drivers unions))) and (((workers rights))) and (((EU regulations))).
why do your companies need to be told what to do? why are they incapable of offering it on their own free will
It's not.
There was a lot of butthurt from taxis and I don't really know where the law stands right now but Uber is active.
Not sure Lyft is implemented yet.
The employers also have their own union here. They will fuck you over if you are on your own.
>jews giving you shit they dont have to give you
should be pretty obvious if you look at the state of your own nation, fatty
>Estonian taxi outcompetes Uber for medium distance travels
That was crazy
>he's not a government employee and a member of a trade union at the same time.
Reading this makes me wonder why the USA doesnt have unlicensed doctors to fix the healthcare problem.
We do.
They are called chiropractors.
cus then the school jews wouldnt get tuition fees and banks wouldnt get loan debt
all of which are good things
>chiropractor surgeon
nice try, mutt
Uber was only in 3 cities here, and they banned uber pop, now the only people who can drive for uber need the taxi license.
In a way I understand why cause Uber wasn't paying their workers social deduction.
They sort of do
It sometimes boggles my mind that the heartland of "le most powerful country on the planet" has fucking medical relief corps like some war zone in the middle east
i remember reading that what uber and lyft did was something against license law in germany or so. they used private person as taxi drivers to make this whole business cheap as possible.
l-land of the f-free!
f-fuck neighbors i only care about myself!
Holy shit. You see this stuff in Africa.
their insurance doesnt even fucking cover jack shit lmao. listen to the mom of the twins "we have insurance but it didnt cover"
absolute state of "Land of the Free from gubmint regulations"
I wouldn't really bring up anti-vaxxers considering Europe is worse than us in that regard.
Because we Germans are proud of our vocational training.
Banning Uber has nothing to do with being against a free market but with protecting standards of quality
>americans are so dumbfounded by the idea of "having a day off work" they think "vacations" and "vaccinations" are the same thing
The average taxis are shit tier here desu
We have a stupid taxation system and Ubar wasn't able to cope with this, that's why it's banned.
In my opinion it's just some shitty protectionism for the taxi cartel desu. Taxis are freakingly expensive here, nobody actually uses them. Uber would be a solution to this problem. But German politcians are backwards as fuck. This is why there are no innovations from Europe these days.
This. The people who support these companies are stupid cattle who think their lives will get improved by these leeching international companies.
You are supporting international companies which suck away money from your country.
cus your shitty nation is influencing them. illegal to deny people healthcare here.
Taxis are trash though and really expensive.
This can't be real
But in some ways it's actually also harming the consumer with hefty prices. Here you pay 15 Euros for about 5km. I would like if they would find a compromize, to stimulate competition in this market, as most taxi drivers are just sitting on their asses all day.
oh my fucking god
because the only ""progress"" allowed there is lgbt, everything else should be banned
>Even the Chinese have more days of than Americans
>literally losing money if you drive
>all profits to the company
kill yourself
Beware of Moscow taxi drivers. Route from the airport ~100-200 $
When taxis here introduced a "service fee" of 4,30€ people started using Uber en masse.
Imagine these idiots, they charge you 4,30 without driving a single meter. Hope Uber makes these greedy idiots unemployed.
I see primitivization of swedish socierty goes well
fuck off uber shill, being uber driver is actually worse than driving a real taxi here.
t. real taxi driver
Taxis in my area are absolute garbage. There's only 2 or 3 companies running most nights and often they don't have anything available for an hour or more.
Uber and Lyft have been great for us. As a bonus they cost about half as a regular taxi.
Wow that's more than even London
This. Taxis might be okay, in other countries, but here it's mostly rippof supported by the states cartel.
we do that here and have no issues. it actually cost taxis to go pick you up, they could just as easily have increased their rates to cover it too but then you'd get even more fucked if you go longer distance.
>hurr durr greedy taxis
lmao tard
Here you can't even go long distances with the taxi, because you will get poor. The only thing I do, is taking a taxi to the airport. And even this small trip already costs you 20 Euros.
I guess you are one of those persons that think it's ok to ask 80 euro for a 30 minute drive.
Our taxis and public transport in general are way too fucking expensive. If you want to use the bus for a year that's almost 10,000 kr. 50kr for a 10 minute bus ride back and forth; if you can't walk somewhere it doesn't exist.
More like anti free marker and full of corrupt criminals in high political positions. I literally don't understand why taxi drivers and their companies have so much influence, all they do it rip off foreigners all day.
yeah because having a taxi costs money, and that is the shit uber/lyft is trying to avoid with their american business bullshit.
>fuel cost
>maintenance cost
>driver wage
>employer fees
>pension fees
>holiday fees
come back and say it's greed after you tried running your own fucking business where you have employees, retards
>10k sek for a year
breh, i bet you live in a bigger city and too retarded to buy a fucking årskort.
adult single ticket isnt even 40sek here and my town has 15k pop
to specify, adult is 25sek if you dont use cash like a retard.
1 year ticket in the WHOLE STOCKHOLM COUNTY (not country) is just below 10k sek.
you can get away with way cheaper where i live cus they divide the county into smaller zones
>come out of the mainstation
>see 50 taxis waiting on the parking place
>taxi driver just stand outside, talk and smoke
>go and ask one of the driver
>he responds, take another taxi infront
>go to another taxi
>don't see any of them working or having clients
>finally get the mercedes s-class
>this guy seems to have money
>it's not far home but I have heavy bags
>ask him to bring me to my street
>he says it's about 15€ (I could walk this bit in 30 Minutes, if I wouldn't have the bags)
>arrive in my street
>it's 14€ and something
>give him a 20€ bill
>he doesn't give me any change back and pretents that I paid him 15€
>never take a taxi again
you're a fucking retard beta and should have called his boss or paid with card
Taxi unions share their profits in most countries. So, it is a big thing, if there are small drivers who are more lucrative than the union.
and even more retarded for sweeping EVERY TAXI over the same edge as that one guy.
fuck you
This. Our average taxi in BA is a meth addled freak who rips foreigners off
not here, they are individual companies that compete with each other.
having some burger company that comes in and takes your job and doesnt pay all the same fees the rest does is anti-competitive.
cus you're fucking 3rd world ex-soviet shit country
Then it's fine. That's why I said, in some countries taxis might be a good thing. But here it's basically one big monopoly coordinating all taxis and sharing profits.
there are some benefits with that, for example in stockholm it's normal for some taxis to trick people with fucking huge rates. it went so far that they had to regulate with a max price law.
>not using that as a chance to beat the shit out of some subhuman shitskin
god i wish that were me