Eternal Anglo never stops exploiting other countries

Eternal Anglo never stops exploiting other countries.

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Buy ours
The original ones

Why? Do you want less food for your country?
We are already sending a lot of avocados to usa already.

>local farmers being greedy
>anglo fault

Disgusting food anyway.

it would be a crime to let those avocados waste away in incompetent Chilean hands

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why the FUCK are they buying from chile not from us? avocado is our and we're closer

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Then. Stop. Selling. Them.

IQ-based eugenic population control is the only way to solve these types of problems
We're overpopulated, and most of humanity is retarded
The solution is obvious

>Guacamole disgusting

>t. brainlet

Your hass is tasteless garbage. Californian and Chilean hass hands are better. And hass had was developed in America and was farmed in Chile before you even started explorting to America.

You can tell yourself that if it makes you feel better, nothing wrong with that

Mexican avocados taste like shit. Akmost like tap water. Same with Kenya

Chileans, Israeli and Indian avocados are god tier

Your tap water tastes like shit?

S*dacas eat avocados with sugar, disgusting.

>he doesn't eat local food

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>that flag
>having access to local food
you must be related to the president

For real?
Fucking animals

In my region it's limestone-like

> Chilean villagers claim they want to stop selling their main crop and be poor instead
What did they mean by this?

I thought you Europeans were 1st world? Excuse me, I need to go have a drink of delicious and fresh tap-water.

Mountanous countries like us dont have problem like that. Its not about being 1st world

Clearly what's happening is that only mountainous countries, like ours, are 1st world.

Never heard that before.

they dont get decapitated in chile

>Going crazy over overpriced potatoes

anglos have pleb tier taste, avocados are digusting

what does that have to do with anything?

Flat earther here. Delicious and pure tapwater here.

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>all these people insulting glorious palta



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Groundwater is rarely clean enough to drink. I bet they treat it with chemicals you can barely pronounce.

have you even tried avocadoes before? You eat them raw, unlike potatoes. Btw, they are a fruit, not a vegetable as most people think

Attached: yo_las_llamaria_paltas.jpg (640x480, 66K)

>We're overpopulated, and most of humanity is retarded
this. europeans are having way too many babies
think of the forests, global warming