Today history was made

Today is the day I bought a bulk order if tendies using my crypto gains. They will be shipped directly to me without having to leave the house so I can focus on my trading. I'm so freakin happy. I've been waiting for this day. No visa prepaid bullshit. I just went to nanex to trade my eth to phr, then bought at least a month's supply. Have fun shilling your gay Monaco debit card meme while I can already buy tendies without having Visa up my proverbial ass.

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10k PHR here. will I make it?

Where did you buy the tendies? Shill me.

that's my favorite tyson product. good taste.

user bought at Phore Marketplace. Loads of stuff for sale. Download

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Holy fuck.....that's it user. You've made it......gratz fren.

>I just went to nanex to trade my eth to phr, then bought at least a month's supply.
that sounds much easier than using a credit card or paypal

IRS comes at user's door because of unpaid taxes on eth->phr TENDIES transaction

Are these any good? Look terrible nutrition wise but do they taste okay?

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If you are not going whole white meat tendies what are you doing with your life?

Mechanically separated chicken is for shitskins. Only the finest tendies for my temple of a body.

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Chicken Selects are better fag

this, wtf is wrong with you OP

These are the fucking tendies that I buy. The only I've ever bought. Motherfucking patrician tastes, OP.

he thinks Tyson is a good brand

you buy link don't you?

super good boy spotted

sorry not this faggot
YOU are the real good boy!

all i see are perfumes

So buy the ones you like. Stay comfy.

but i want chicken tenders

not looked very well user

i clicked food and nothing let me try again

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Tyson a shit.

Costco has this brand Coleman that is really good.

i search for Tyson "nothing found"

maybe its becuase of my geo loc ?

lying sack of shit where the fuck are my chicken tenders

I don't like frozen tendies or nuggies in general, especially all the other tyson chicken. But those honey battered chicken tendies are fucking legendary. Quite literally the only tendies I buy. They don't have the same shitty taste the other tyson products have. Trust me. They're special.

I hope someone murders this faggot for saying the word tendies

tendies... KYS