Would you want to live forever if future advances in medicine allowed you to?

Would you want to live forever if future advances in medicine allowed you to?

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WTF Portugal

Mate I don't even want to live till tomorrow

Nah, just a really long time.

>Would you want to live

Would rather go back in time and make things right.



>I want to live forever so I can go skiing on Mars in the future xD
No, humans aren't meant to live forever

Not yet, at least


If you're going to try and pull out an argument from biology then we weren't meant to make music, manipulate the flow of electrons, travel through the sky, live long enough to get cancer, etc. etc. etc.


>Poland is not eastern eur...

since this only implies biological immortality sure i'll give it ago and off myself when I get bored

I can't imagine anything more awful

If I could transfer my conciousness into a robot body I would

Just if the people around me had the same chance.
Must suck seeing everyone you love die while you just stay behind...

Then you have a terrible sense of imagination.

>can be fucking wasted everyday
>drick my self to "death" but not die
Fuck yeah.

reddit tier post

That's the premise of this movie



>tfw no gf for eternity

I would like a quick painless death at sleep.

If living eternally doesn't mean eternal youth then absolutely no

wtf is this true?

>eternal youth
That just means you'll be stupid forever.

yes, absolutely.

Then you could actually experience what it's like to meditate on things.

Imagine being able to waste time and enjoy watching things happen without having to maximize the enjoyment from every moment. It's so rough, dying so young, after changing so radically over a lifespan.

plus I mean I like the idea of playing virtual reality with my niqqas for yeaaaaars

it's a joke, Portugal has a similar life expectancy for the rest of Europe, but a few years lower than the average.

Someone edited Portugal to Africa levels hahah it's funny