This is the perfect europe

no arguments, this is it

Attached: perfect europe.png (2988x2187, 471K)

>let me tell you about your continent

based GroBe PruBen

That's one big Latvia.

Honestly, not the worst Balkans I have seen

Nice grossgermaniums very epic

> this is the perfect europe Anonymous 05/22/18(Tue)03:53:16 No.89920591▶

no arguments, this is it

Attached: yurop.png (2964x2184, 705K)

Make it even more Übergroßgermanium

Attached: 1525168828949.jpg (1392x1600, 551K)

>Åland is Swedish

Thank Dog London is finally where it belongs (under the sea)

thought that was estonia

Catalonia BIG


That's very nice, but why does Poland has no Lwów and Carpathia?


Attached: 1526593160452.png (1080x793, 1.15M)

We should be a part of the Suur-Suomi

That orange part wouldn't be the area where the war is.


Attached: shutterstock-203589544-1.jpg (729x425, 48K)

Attached: grossgermania1.png (1000x1000, 1.82M)

somebody has no chin?

step aside..

Attached: perfect Europe.png (2988x2187, 542K)

Europe will never be perfect unless rusoland will be ocean.

>talks about America
>american talks about Europe
>has a shitfit

as is usual



Attached: NDH.png (1757x1517, 252K)

I wonder if any former empire causes so much butthurt in its former territories and sphere of influence as Russia.

Dismantle Russia and Germany in tiny states and we're ok

Germany in ww2

ummmm ottomans

Retarded Europe. Germany has no claims on Northern Russia and St.Petersburg, it NEVER belonged to their states.

I'm ok with big Germany and unified Ireland though. I think we should also give European Natives (Basques) their state for the first time in their history. Also Georgia should be BTFO'd from South Alania, they proved they don't deserve this land.

natural order of Nordic Council

Attached: 1526979196461.png (1694x1134, 176K)

back to your contamination general fiend

extra members: Danelaw, Livonia, Ireland, Scotland, Wales. Free City of Pietari

>Åland swedish
Finialy someone using their head.

Found the traitor cuck

>being a turkroach

>alb*nia exists
Um, sorry sweaty but no

Still way too many countries
The entire Balkans including Turkey, Armenia and Georgia could be united under Magna Graecia and it would still be more functional and less redundant than the current situation

da best

Attached: Untitled.png (2988x2187, 529K)

>Germany is GROSS
>Ireland is united and independent from Britain

that is one grob germaniums