Why the fuck are people so fake?

I don't understand, as I'm growing older I find myself more and more alone

This year I started making money, I don't have much yet but compared to most of the population in my country I'm better than average, however I feel more and more alone.

Fucking random girls used to numb the pain, but not anymore...

It's like no one has a shed of empathy, I cut all ties with my family because situations revealed to me that they are all pieces of shit who would sell you for cheap change, my friends are fucking narcissists who don't have a shed of empathy.

And you know what's the funniest thing about this? I have always been their rock, not only my family but for my friends, heck I even saved my 'best friends" life when he started doing drugs.

I would have given my life for every single one of them and now that I understand that what I saw was just an illusion my life is being deformed.

I finally understand why you pieces of shit are sociopathic as fuck, however even tho I don't know what I'm gonna do, I would rather kill myself then be a dishonest sociopathic scammer.

Seriously anons give me shit

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you need to go back.

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ah dont mug urself mate

Wanna know the bare truth?

The west did this to itself. It went down the path of materialism and MUH INTELLECT THEREFORE LIFE HAS NO MEANING. Society is crumbling because the values that upheld society in the past are no longer considered important. Hedonism was once something only the rich partook in, and now it's rampant in ever strata of society - and quite often even celebrated (OmGG lolzzz tristan thompson just said he nails 3 chix xDD)

The only thing you can do is either let go, give up and live a quiet life or fight against it and be an example to others.

Thank you

Cheer up buttercup :)

Hang out w/ devout Christians or Buddhists who practice love and kindness meditation.

There are plenty of people who are the exact opposite of the ones you’ve described.

be the change you wish to see in the world.

the problem is that you have empathy user, try fixing that.

All people seek power. It manifests in different ways (virtue signaling, bottom feeding, machivellian bs, assassination, cultural poison), but it seems that the people you know are nigger tier and just want things now, rather than play the game for centuries and dynasties like the elites have.

Check out MGTOW. Hermits have been doing it forever. Don't play the normie game. You can think outside the box. Either revolutionize the world through your memes, or become a big fish in a small pond and don't make any waves. (pretend to be poor, do any generosity anonymously)

the Western world is imploding

I agree with this, but I do think there is no clear meaning to life. That being said the golden rule is what I choose to follow. I do not like X, so I will not impose X on another. The "meaning of life" in my view is to do things that I enjoy, share them with others who enjoy the same things and do my best to impose as little harm as possible to others.


this guy gets it

the moment you stop caring is the moment you start winning

Its probably true that there are quality ppl he doesn't know about in his country, but you IDIOTS failed to grasp that

Telling him to find religious people who meditate and "be an example to others" are retarded AF

Saying these things out loud is good for a society. This is why the fall of religion causes problems.

reading Atlas Shrugged may cauterize your thesis OP. But also understanding that inside you is a horrible, cruel, and unmerciful judge that condemns the entire world for its sins. Beware your shadow. find your christ.

It may help to pity people who have these faults. Remember that they are broken, and deep down they are not content.

>The west did this to itself. It went down the path of materialism and MUH INTELLECT THEREFORE LIFE HAS NO MEANING.

The idea that the problem with society is its lack of fundamental irrational beliefs. Complete bullshit. Societies everywhere are fulled up with fundamental irrational beliefs. Your idiocy is the irrational belief that more irrational belief is what is needed.

I'm of the opinion that there is nothing that can be done about it. All someone can do is stay the fuck away from the irrational and religious as much as possible, because they are both the most dangerous types of people possible.

I actually posted this expecting "kill yourself" replies

Thank you, guys, seriously.

And no I don't think I'm an example, I actually think I'm also selfish to cut all ties now that I've seen them for what they are.

I guess I need to change, but I don't want to lose my empathy, I can't.

In my experience you can spend all your time throwing rope to drowning men and they'll just drown faster

pity isn't the right word. forgiveness is. be humble in your judgements of others, for you may also be blind to your own failings.

There's a reason why the lord's prayer includes, "forgive us, as we forgive others". It's a reminder. It reminds us that the cruel judge inside us sits on a thrown blind to it's own sins. This is the shadow, and it leads to the condemnation of the world. a very dark path to live.

The other option is to be humble, seeking out your own faults, being conscious of them, and forgiving others through that recognition as an exchange. An exchange for forgiving yourself.

I promise you, you will live to truly regret something you did in life.

You sound a lot like me a few years ago user. The key is to fill your life with meaning, as you do that your feeling of belonging will increase. Listening to Jordan Peterson helped me a lot, especially his biblical lectures. I also go a serious girlfriend instead of the endless circle of hookups and that has provided a lot of meaning for me. Looking to start a family and build a life now on my own terms. Pursuing my hobbies and focusing on my fitness in my free time. I found when I had more free time I felt more alone but now I'm doing things that matter to me and are meaningful so the people around me tend to be in the same position and less fake. Since I have so little time for people I make sure to spend free time on people who are meaningful.

Religion has nothing to do with it.
And before you call me a fedora, it's not like there isn't truth in there. There is, but assholes and useful idiots have coopted it like any other organization. It's better to have common things without being so dogmatic that you believe in scraps of paper before any neighbor of decent moral fiber.
Philosophy > religions

I get it, OP.

There are still some good people out there. People who won't disappoint you. Hang in there.

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with that said. don't be a push over. sometimes we need to move on from relationships that are no longer beneficial. Just be honest with yourself and take it seriously by being objective about severing ties. I'm just saying it very easy to find fault in anyone, and to condemn them for it. Relationships are very important in life and are not easy. Honest dialogue to inform parties of their fault and forgiveness is a noble aim. Cutting people off cold can be cowardly.

I don't know how old you are, but I'm mid-late 20's and can relate.
Decent job, not gonna get rich off coins but they're performing nicely, gf of 6 years, nice town, good house....

Over the years I've let many of my friendships evaporate apathetically. I can now count on one hand the people I truly consider friends, including gf, and even their presence in my life seems waning because quite frankly I'm tired of most of their self-absorbed bullshit.

I need to make richer friends. People who work in kitchens this late in life have an overinflated sense of value.

Don't but you have to find likeminded people else you will struggle.

I wasn't suggesting religion was the answer. Quite the opposite. The things of value that are lost with the fall of religion must be brought to the nonreligious somehow.

if you're around the wrong people it's because you attract the wrong people. be different, there's real people out there user. and quit bitching on biz about it

This. I can't stand spirituality in any form, really, but society needs a new church, minus all the God stuff.

Wouldn't it be cool to just get around with your neighbors every week just to, you know, talk about shit going on in the neighborhood?

Then carry on, friend.

Think bigger. Yes religions have irrational beliefs, but they very often have strong core values that allow humans to function cohesively in society. You need to keep people in check or they'll do stupid ass shit.


Seriously bro read any of Robert Greene s books

Also buy Nano, go all in, sell after it 200x then buy a house in the mountains, tank mi latah

There’s more to life than earthly desires
There has to be
Just don’t think about it
Just try to find something you like doing

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Legitimately, the more money you make, the fewer friends stick around. Not because they're bad people, you just end up with less and less in common.

I have all new friends than I did 10 years ago. You adapt. If your environment is complete shit, consider relocating to a place with more people like you.

I can feel you. I'm in my late 20's and pretty much cut ties to all my old friends except 2-3, and only speak regularly with one. Hell I don't even feel the same towards the friends I'm left with which sucks.

What do you mean by normie game?

No user, let me help you:

I've made alot of good money swing trading nano, it's my favorite pump and dump and it will soon without a doubt gonna dump. Sell your bag, wait a week then buy again.

I've checked out of society. I hate everyone.

What you’re saying is a really dangerous idea just think of the ethics religions provided and to just do away with the religions and keep the ethics... good luck

Well if you can’t look at the spiritual side then maybe you can look at the methaphoric side of a god

What do you mean checked out?

48 laws of power highly recommended

You’re human just like everybody else get off your high horse and learn to love society because you are apart of it

> no friends, no social life, no gf
> don't care

Checked out

Has friends.
Kys normie

its always been like this dont kid yourself

So stealth mode? I have to admit, that sounds comfy.

Ethics never had a chance to breathe with religion sucking up all the air and blowing poison everywhere

Any complete and honest appraisal of history reveals that.

What do East Asian suicide rates mean to you?
Japan - high intelligence, highly atheistic, highly suicidal

Higher intelligence - more likely to convince yourself that you're no different from a clueless frog living the entirety of its life in the bowels of a snake.

You're not alone, either. I am lost in a similar situation, user. I always treated my people like royalty - turned out they just liked free shit.

If someone comes over to your house every time you have what they want, then suddenly come up with some bs excuse if you don't - burn that bridge.

Loneliness is a hollowing thing - especially if you feel crowded on top of it. The type of alone when you are lying in bed on a warm, sunny afternoon while the dog next door won't stop barking and someone's blasting loud music downstairs... That is the worst kind. Urban loneliness. I don't feel alone in nature or the wilderness.

Out of 1000 "friends", I have 1-2 close friends. Everyone else can get fucked.

Love yourself, user. Keep getting stronger. Read and exercise your way out of this place. Be ready to die. Make your days fulfilling. If you still can't shake off the loneliness, step out. Take a walk, go to the store. Clear your head. God is good

This is so true, for some reason when I'm actually alone in the wilderness, I don't feel lonely.

You should look at religions text before you go off cursing it because those stories are metaphors for the big picture

Welcome to life, enjoy your stay.

>You should look at religions text before you go off cursing it because those stories are metaphors for the big picture


Believers STAY IN THE MATRIX and there is nothing anyone can do about it

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>highly suicidal
It's as taboo, due to the past Samurai culture, embracing it.

Japan's suicide rate is more to do with the soul crushing amount of hours worked per week...it's the same in South Korea.

Nano/Raiblocks is a broken shitcoin

Now they want koreans to buy their bags. Most bittrex coins get on upbit but they gave up on XRB years ago.

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Don't read anything from Soviet Jewess Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum aka "Ayn Rand."

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that's called community, something that humans naturally gravitate towards if there's a central anchor point.


Communities only exist where there's trust. Trust only exists where there's common ground. In the past we were united as a white Christian nation. What is there now? We ain't white anymore, we have edgelords ditching religion, we can't even be proud of our nation and history. there is no community because we're diluted, and forcefully being shamed into forfeiting our identities...

>inb4 user realises how much we have actually lost

>and forcefully being shamed into forfeiting our identities...

It's the opposite, you wish everyone was the same. Individual identities are exactly what you're opposed to, if someone steps out of your "community" mold you view it as a bad thing.

Kali Yuga.

What's his name

That's sad user
Here's a cute cat to cheer you up

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If you don't like the society you see, then work against it.

And what's the best way to work against it?

Become a banker. Participate in the markets. Help extract wealth from the rest of the world. Help extract wealth from the people supporting it.

If you can't beat em, join em.

If you can't fix it, break it.

But how do they do ? Why do I feel like I'm the only one suffering of the lack of bonding and true human relationships ? How do all these drones go through a life so fake an empty and are not killing themselves ?

extremely hard to find, all my friends (4) are like-minded because we worked towards that in the beginning, and now we are a place where new friends is borderline impossible to find, if you want to stay the same.

We all have our intern memes and offensive language, if I where to bring a random person into our group, he would leave the second he came. If not, It ends up with an awkward room, everybody knows what everybody wants. Get the newfag out.

I feel sorry for you OP, I wish you luck.
You can have a picture of my little kitty Saga

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well mate, thats what art is for. paint, make music, make videos, whatever that you like and enjoy and is artisyic, do it. also, do it on weed and modafinil. good mix for creators.

kill yourself pussy

>fucks random girls
>complains about people not having a shed of empathy
Fuckwit, this is the path you went down. Should've stayed on the straight and narrow path of virtue and morality, that is the only path that can potentially lead to happiness.

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Dude I love doing my own thing and being alone.

I grew up in the 3rd richest zip code in America 5,000 sq ft 2.8 million dollar home vacations to Hawaii and La Jolla yearly. Dad made 400k a year in the 80's and 90's in investment banking up to a million before the dot com bubble.

And he was miserable 90% of the time.

I thought to myself. Fuck all this shit. Do my own thing.

Plus... your gonna get bored fucking your wife after a year even before you get married.

Kids? HA! Not a chance with spics and Muslims flooding this country. I wouldn't be able to bear having a girl just to have her gang banged by inbred Muslims and then say it's ok because she doesn't want to be called a "raczicst" for calling them out.

Wait wait wait....banging a bunch of whores every night whilst fucked up isint fun! fak that was kinda my plan

>make bunch of money
>take drugs and bang women during the night
>run business that i feel allows me to creatively express myself
>rinse and repeat day in and day out

maybe your just sad because a life time of being grown up on the wests bullshit ego spouting has left you feeling that one must have "purpose". You're an advanced monkey user, have fun.

*tips fedora*

that's cool, I envy you. how did you meet them all? I only have 1 very good friend like that and even after moving to different cities we still haven't met anyone better than each other. I've met so many people yet I've set myself such high standards for friendships that's it's hard to meet someone I like. also I tend to not get along well with West European people

/reddit/ spacing, why do the /reddit/ cunts bitch so much?
OP you think way to fuckin highly of yourself,
>heck I even saved my 'best friends" life when he started doing drugs
what you grabbed that heroin needle out of his arm?
you don't know fuckin shit, grow up. Still so much to learn, those around you distract you form reality. they become your reality. you will be fine user, you have no idea of how bad it is.

You can step out of the community all you want, but that doesn't mean that homogeneity is a bad thing.

Perhaps you should stop being edgy and rebelling from your roots.

(((They))) got you pretty good didn't they?


>a horrible, cruel, and unmerciful judge that condemns the entire world for its sins.
What's horrible and cruel about that?

I wish I had a friend like you op.
be safe