Based aryan Ukrainians are burning gypsy camps when your mom is probably getting mogged and raped by one

Based aryan Ukrainians are burning gypsy camps when your mom is probably getting mogged and raped by one.
Whats your excuse?

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I didn't saw gypsies for more then ten years. Thos before they were pretty common here. Don't know where they all gone. Probably to Ukraine.

>Whats your excuse?
We never let them in to begin with.

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but you let in millions of white sexpats who treat your country like a giant brothel

VERY enlightened!

we're civilized Europeans now can't go around burning gyp- Romani* people alive anymore :)
props to the the ukrainians, good riddance

>but you let in millions of white sexpats

Meanwhile you let in millions of pakis.

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>aryan Ukrainians

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Last time I seen an gipsy was early 2000s. They are gone somewhere.

>implying thailand isn't infamous for being an open air brothel

who are you trying to fool? your men turn themselves into women and your women are slaves to white men. nation of cuckolds.

say what you want about britain. i'm here to study (i'm not white or british)

How would you know? You can't even afford to come here on a chimney sweeper's wage. What am I saying, I bet you're a paki yourself. Better pray to Mecca instead of daydreaming about paradises you'll never see in your lifetime.

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>(i'm not white or british)
Oh shit I fucking called it.

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We like to remove other shit nations from premises, like turks, poles, russians.
Faggots who disagree that they need to keep nation pure are cucked sissies from another cunt filled with Muslims... or Poles (who do like we do anyway).

no amount of damage control can repair thailand's international image. when people think of your country, they think of whores and ladyboys

what kind of wage are you on? how much does prostitution bring you ladyboys?

wow, what an achievement. who cares? would you think of what i said differently if i was white, mr white worshipper?

white people don't give a shit about your country either, btw. all the white people here plan sextrips to your country (or the phillipines) and plan on steroid buying sprees in your shithole country too

don't pretend to be noble or enlightened, you dirty brown gook

shut up ahmed

By the way I've been to the UK, it's a dump. Shitty weather and nothing to do. Whatever you paid to go there was too much and I hope you can get a refund because you got ripped off, boy.

don't care; i'm moving back to the US after i get my degree

you'll always be a cuckold, who watches FARANGIS enter your women (and men (ladyboys))

this is why I don't really feel bad for Ukrainians at all ever. Like 99% of their population are straight up Nazis who, if given the option would exterminate all gypsies and jews.

just like in crimea? LOL

i agree with thailand. thailand is one of the only asian countries worth seeing as human.
Id say japan, korea and thailand are the only ones id see as human-tier

its because theyre poor. you dont lose your job when youre caught smashing some gypsie's head in. and if you do, criminal records dont matter because of corruption and bad bureacracy. moral of the story, they have nothing to lose which makes them willing to do these things.

You know the great thing about Thais? We know we live in a great country with almost zero immigrants, low unemployment and easy access to women, men and everything in between. So whatever you try to tell yourself about us doesn't affect us in the least because we already live here so we know it's great.

You won't find self-hating Thais like you find self-hating Brazilians or Filipinos. Because we know we live in the best place on Earth. The best part? All our Muslims are concentrated in the South where they kill each other in their containment and leave the rest of us alone. That anger you're feeling? That's you wishing your retarded gay goatfucking religion allowed for the half the things we allow.

Yeah, people like coming here and even more wish they could stay. No one's going to your country because it's a shithole that even you can't stand. And that's why you left.

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Don't care about jews but there's literally nothing wrong with exterminating gypsies. Net positive for the entire world.

>y-you m-muslim!!

lmao i'm not a mudslime, gook.

thailand is a brothel. you ARE self-hating which is why you bend over backwards for foreigners. even your OWN WOMEN don't want you. I bet yoU EVEN have women in yuour OWN family who are with foreigners lmAO LOL

so in denial. what a gook-a-zoid

So you're a shitskin AND you live in America? Goddamn just when I thought it wasn't possible for you to be more pathetic.

By the way, this is my US passport and I'm not going back to that shithole but good luck there, try not to get shot kek.

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don't care, shameless sexpat

kill yourself, you scum. cuckold thais and disgusting immoral sexpats like you are what has destroyed thailand.

I've been everywhere you've been and more. So you're only lying to yourself. You went to a shitty country and you're going back to a shitty country. Either way, you lost. Get over it, man. Move on with your life. Stop dwelling on your shitty situation and try to make something of yourself.

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Yeah you're a mudslime. What's funny is you keep denying it. THAT'S how ashamed you are of your goatfucker cult.

i'm not muslim. here: fuck allah

would a muslim say that? stay in denial

how many in your family then?

>turks, poles, russians
bruh. our nation is literally a mixture of all of that.
and dont forget a lot of mongol blood running through our veins.

I can tell by your syntax and grammar that you're definitely not a native English speaker. Meaning even if you are American (I doubt it), your job prospects are probably slim and your education level limited.

Don't worry though, I'm sure you'll get a nice cushy job driving a zamboni.

Oh and you definitely are a mudslime.

those estrogen pills are really getting to your head, but you gotta do what you gotta do to make money, huh, kathoey?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

Thai pussy was made for BWC. Thai """men""" are sissies.


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Isnt Ukraine at war with itself right now?

You know the only thing worse than a mudslime? A Muslim who is so ashamed of being a mudslime that he'll deny it instead of owning up to it and hate himself for it later. I wonder how many trips to the mosque you'll make to make amends for this pathetic display.

Oh and protip: Typing "hahaha" in all caps just showed your desperation. Now I know you're feeling defensive, like the walls are closing in as you try to wriggle away from how bad you're feeling, but that feeling isn't going away. Oh no, you're going to stew in that and I'm going to enjoy watching you boil...

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Yes, more mudslime tears... I grow stronger with every desperate move you make, every frantic rush to the exit. But there's no exit here. Only the abyss in which I have you situated for all eternity.

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cringing at your post. if i had a fedora pic on this laptop, i'd post it but i don't. if you want me to be a muslim, to soothe your anger because i exposed your country then so be it

i might google images pictures of notorious areas of thailands and dump them here to show people the whole towns and cities you have made specifically to prostitute your women to foreign men

Yes, you lost. And now I'm reveling in your defeat... I'm swimming through your entrails as you lay bloody on the ground. Can you feel your draining mudslime blood nourishing me? It feels rejuvinating... it feels like... POWER.

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cringing hard

They went to a EU member country to claim citizenship and benefits.

good riddance. when are we getting more of this in bulgaria?

Dripping with sauce... rolling off the bone, baby! I can feel your life slipping away as I stare into your fogging eyes... as they bleed life and hope away with all the weariness of the world.

The Germans call this... Weltschmerz!

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UK is the shithole of this earth, Thailand must be much better. Never been there though.

alright, i haven't got time for this shit. gonna go play dota.

i'll leave everyone with this message:

thailand is full of pussies and cuckolds who let foreigners take advantage of their friendliness, which has lead to insane amounts of prostitution and a growing drug trade

bye gooks

You've made a wise choice.

I accept your surrender.

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You should come, you will love it. Paradise of the orient, with better food than anywhere else in the region and not nearly as cluttered or chaotic as Vietnam.

Whether you're looking for the old or the modern, we have it all. And you will always have something to do.

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I would love it, actually I might work there for some time in the future. What areas of the country are nice and which ones should be avoided?

Looks nice.

Just avoid obvious tourist traps and tour packages. Island destinations are popular but even just exploring Bangkok and everything there is to do would keep you busy for a week. Chiang Mai is a favorite for tourists and expats because it's not as busy and has a lot of culture to soak in.

You'll like it too. Very welcoming and safe.

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Ukies on the right

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like pottery

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Thanks, friend

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My excuse for not getting raped by gypsies is that im not gay and dislike non-whites

is thailand cheap? you hate greeks or not?

we are the ones robbing the gypsies
its why they behave themselves here and try to make a honest living
fuck ukropshits tho
its all fun to bring a horde with you to beat the weak
not so fun when a detachment of russian mercenaries defeat your entire armed forces
and before any ukrot or ukrotenabling faggot dares to reply to me he should get the FUCK back on the fucking cables where his rotting carcass belongs
you fucking slaves in a warehouse
american master doesnt care about you anymore
munch on that cookie, from over 4 years ago, munch on it because that is all you were ever going to get

>you hate greeks or not?
What a bizarre question.

Is this why the nazis liked the ukrainians?

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>your mom is probably getting mogged and raped by one
Impossible everyone hates gypsies here