Could someone help me indentify what these medals are and their country of origin? If anyone could read what the writing says that would be a huge help
Could someone help me indentify what these medals are and their country of origin...
The writing is in a Chinese script, it must be either Chinese or from a country somewhere near China.
Thanks based Saudi
the characters are chinese and not simplificated
I can't give a definitive answer, but they resemble Taiwanese military medals.
Or possibly even Qing medals, but I doubt this.
They're certainly not Communist chinese medals though, as almost all of these have either hammer + sickle/chinese flag/mao
>making fun of me for not submitting myself to perfecting speaking the *Nglo language
So salty, I bet a swede would have graciously accepted the help
>posts a mocking image
this is the anglo mind
lying and deceiving is so natural to them that in the end they expose themselves to those who knows of virtues such as honesty and empathy
Show me where the anglo touched you
it's called banter you fucking autist
he wasn't mocking you, just poking fun
You fuckers have a worse sense of humor than actual Germans
I'm unfamiliar with the Kuo Ming Tan army, can you tell me anything about them?
Nationalist side in the Chinese Civil War is the more common term.
They're also the founders of the Taiwanese state.
all over the world he touched me
he destroyed everything he came in contact with and he is still not aware of what he has done
came down blubber
apparently my posts aren't banter, eh?
>the Taiwanese state.
I think you mean Chinese Taipei
Shut up and let me fuck your boipucci sissy country
Ah right thanks for the info
Destroying the world was just banter on our part desu
The political /banking /military elite that fled mainland China before the communist takeover to Taiwan
Just look up KMT medals on google, but I haven't found your design, it looks different and there aren't writings on the back
Alright thanks I'll see if I can track down the designs
With a higher resolution image I could try to translate the writings, even though waiting for a Taiwanon to come would me the best thing to do
it is a medal of national revolutionary army
Can't really provide a better picture, I just ordered them off eBay for cheap recently and those were the only pictures he provided and they're not high quality