The great debate
The great debate
Also checked
How is that a debate? Kate is really cute and has classic style and grace, the other is a fucking monkey.
White one, obviously.
I'll pass on both. Give me a qt asian waifu
asian women are better and under represented in the royal family of the uk
Pippa won actually
Kate is the more classically beautiful one but she seems to have no personality. I’ll go with the American that played the long con and made her way into the Royal family.
>virgins picking the boring one
inb4 repressed, you know she'd just lie there
The white one.
Imagine being Wills and having to choose white because you're first in line for the throne? Anything after you gets whatever he wants.
The one with the better feet.
are bongs white?
HeIlo reddit!
>having to choose white
Why would you want to choose anything else?
I wonder.
Whiter than murricans.
So why is it legal for the royal family to induct niggers again?
Do you have to be Asian and have squinty eyes to see this picture?
The mulatto had a nose job, didn't she?
none of them
The one on the left is a woman. The one on the right is a slave.
step aside plebs
How do the manlet gingers do it?
You fucking know what the answer is
markel unironically and without a single shred of sarcasm or memery is not attractive
magan is cuter and still looks younger because of rounder features
This picture never fails to make me laugh
>picture of white bong
>picture of half cast burger
Phwoar, i'd pop my pippin's in Pippas pooper, if you know what I mean
>Meghan at the bottom centre
6"1' isn't exactly manlet territory. Don't reply with stupid meme pictures.
The peoples princess..
fuckingjesuschrist, you faggots. How can you pay any attention to this shit?
(hated Right on Suits)
The smile on the right strikes me as extreme joy, but not because she's marrying the person of her dreams, she will now go down in history as a princess or whatever, and she can say she is royalty now. That's what that smile is.
LOL manlet
She was a whore.
>Fucking Arabs
>Dies in """""Accident"""""
Don't piss off Queenie.
Watch your fucking mouth.
I think this is a more appropriate choice for /tv/.
Mommy or Loli?
She's a good breeder.
I was impressed at how much hair Wills has lost.
Why doesn't he buy plugs? FFS your only job is to look good.
I like many types of women so this isn't a race thing, but left > right. Markle only has the "up to no good" "freak in the sheets" facial expression going for her, and that's about it. The picture of her hooves proved my point. I bet Harry likes her mainly because she's the best fuck he's ever had. She's not gonna fuck you like that anymore bro lmao.
stop posting pics of my mum
me on the right
>FFS your only job is to look good.
Not really no.
It's more Gentlemen and Traditional obviously.
Her husband was having an affair with an older horse-faced woman
>being this retarded
The royals hold literally no power they exist like a relic for bongs to look at and reminisce about times long gone
There's no debate, you go for Kate
Right, but for fucking and not introducing into one of the oldest most successful monarchies on the planet.
But it's not his sole job just to look good. He has other duties which he does.
Ian Hislop's grown some hair back I see.
Like what, faggot
Shaving his head.
Like piloting a search and rescue helicopter and saving people's lives.
Must be hard for the little sister. She didn't get the looks nor the prestige.
Can someone post that pic of Meghan's disgusting niggertoe monkey feet? I dont have it saved
>70 replies
No pictures for me to Jack off to
Help me out anons
Why would you want to appear attractive to the statistically least attractive group of people?
Look how splotchy Megan's monkey skin is there. Jesus christ you're a prince in the epicentre of the worlds blonde/red head producing gene pool and you pick a menopausal brown everything creatura? Royal inbreeding must be true, only way it explains that dumb fuck decision.
Harry's a good lad who gunned down brown people in an Apache.
they won't last long
Pls no bully user.
There is a very clear superior and inferior option here and it's reflected on who married who. Future king v the soon to be forgotton spare.
>Getting in to flight school no matter your IQ purely because your royalty
Which one has had more plastic surgery?
Meghan, she has cute smile, cute freckles, cute eyes and is, generally speaking, a cute.
He was a waste of an Apache even in Afghanistan, they had to constantly keep him out of the Taliban's reach.
He got too close to a skirmish once all the alarms were raised.
>absolute monarchy is the best form of government
Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't
That's embarrassing, we even go then
Both are very fuckable, but neither is marriage material.
I'd rather marry a nigger yank than some jumped-up try-hard commoner
Meghan all the way
I fucking hate monarchy and this is gold to me seeing monarchs lose power and significance one after one.
were is this from?
>I fucking hate monarchy and this is gold to me seeing monarchs lose power and significance one after one.
How long until our PM enriches the new princess?
Don't move this shit thread here.
Our standards aren't high but they're higher than that.
>He wants to give his money to an old woman so she can wear expensive clothes and live lavishly when it's actually the ministers that are doing the most job
You're not talking about Jow Forums's standard, right?
European time Jow Forums is a whole lot more readable than colonial Jow Forums
i understand why norway wouldn't want their monarchs
they are danish after all lmao
but countries with non-artificial culture and actual history should guard their monarchs
we have the privilege if having families going back to the viking age that represent our country
>when it's actually the ministers
because the current monarchs fell for the "democracy is good" meme and abandoned their duties, not because hereditary rulership is a bad thing
>on the left: the classic English rose
>on the right: The standard Y*nk orc phenotype
where does your Duchess Meghan fall on the chart, britanon?
>English rose
More like a bog-standard unremarkable lower-middle class peon. William really could have done better. I'm sure there were some perfectly good Norwegian or Danish princesses available, or even some Sloane posh girls
>William really could have done better.