Downward log line unbroken. 60 daily RSI unbroken. Do you think the pump stopped where it did for no reason? Prepare for massive red dildo within the next 24 hours.
Downward log line unbroken. 60 daily RSI unbroken. Do you think the pump stopped where it did for no reason? Prepare for massive red dildo within the next 24 hours.
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ok bud
Where is PoS/PoL? (Proof of Short/Proof of Long)
Reminder to not trust any TA fag that does not show his LEVERAGED positions that concur with his analysis.
If he doesn't trust his money with his TA it's because it's not worth a shit.
>"but I don't like gambling"
So TA is not that solid if it's a gamble for you then?
Anyone can hold, not everyone can net profits on leverage and avoid liquidation until cashing out, it takes real skills and balls, because you can not afford to be wrong or you'll lose all your money, unlike when you're not on leverage.
No it broke. Sorry youre wrong dude.
It didn't break. We also know there is a potential seller of 30kBTC, who probably wants to see it rise a little bit more to get a better price. If he decides to sell on the way down, BTC will fall to
again this bullshit
first of the 30k btc was send into cold wallet secondly these lines are meme
Check again. We literally stopped right on it.
tea leaves confirm
Dude. Its broken.
Not based
Youre drawing the lines wrong.
Listen to the experts. 8285 was price to beat.
>log scale
Why would someone put those wretched leaves in their water?
Tea is gross
Pleb detected
I am a bear and I do not short. Because this market is manipulated as fuck. When I'm feeling bearish, I prefer to hold cash/tether on exchanges rather than short on BitMex, where you can actually lose fucking money if your prediction doesn't come true. If you Tether up and the price of BTC goes up, oh well, at least you're not down in fiat.
Fag detected
Implying not losing opportunity cost when in tether and market moves up
Why the actual fuck does this market make no goddamn sense all the time
>markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent
You fell for the rational actors meme.
the picture you posted shows how much of a giant fucking faggot you are.
loser virgin. probably never even tasted a pussy let alone seen one in real life.
fuck outta here, bitch. I own you.
Brainlet bear fud
Shorting at 1x leverage is a low risk play that allows you buy bitcoins cheaper without getting liquidated.
Normies get out ree
kek all those bears trying so hard, don´t short the botttom next time fellas, it´s easy
Tea is goat. Pic is just too poor for a self fill teabag
Show us your balances then. I was nna see that you tethered up.
>This awkward and completely baffling projection
Seek professional help.
He won’t
this desu
what the fuck lol
using the word "meme" that way, really? just kys.