1. Your country

1. Your country.
2. What's the crime like there.
Pretty bad. 6 murders in a town of 70,000 over here. That's about 8.5 per 100,000...in a town that's over 90% white. Seriously.

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If you'd remove sand incels we'd be at 0.

Maybe if Brazil stopped shooting niggers in favelas, crime rates would go down.

Its the favelans doing the killing, genius

>favelans buy more guns to shoot brazil police shooting at them
>murder count ends up higher
well no shit dumbass

steadily dropping for a few decades but don't tell that to social media and newsrooms

Luxembourg what the fuck?

City of 300K. About 30 murders a year.

It'd be a lot worse if all the white people left, we can look at Chukotka for evidence of that

>steadily dropping
>murder rates are 20% higher from 2014
Natives are fucking crazy.

Spotted the Trayvon

Is Trayvon a common name in Brazil? The more you know.

Attached: kqk.png (593x791, 183K)

>that gun crime difference

>be American

1. flag
2. fucking pakistan tier levels of crime

>there's purse snatcher operated
>"JAMBREETTTT..........!!" (our way to call purse snatcher)
>people around start chasing the snatcher
>catch the snatcher, beat him to pulp (dying, nearly dead)
>police always arrive last

other than that is pretty good, i can even walk around in the middle of city at midnight without getting in trouble (not for jakarta or medan tho)

Attached: 1507353043086.jpg (249x249, 8K)

kek! fucking amateurs, this is not even my final form!!!!

Attached: 44faa3f7811e4315bbecd63317fe7229.gif (255x380, 1.97M)

>Ranked nr1 in rape

Municipality of 100k people

In 2017:
0 murders
1 robbery
74 burglaries
Rest of the crime stats mostly consist of bike theft (why do people even report that to the police lmao) and light vandalism

I feel really safe here, probably because we don't have moroccans shitting up the place

>why do people even report theft lmao
This is how stupid you sound

I'm pretty sure even Pakistan is safer.

>100k people
>0 murders
Fucking hell it must be a world of difference over in the netherlands.

US cities still have higher gun murders compared to favelas. Since everyone has guns here. Detroit sounds like Iraq in some parts. See

Check your pockets

I got a gun and some lint senpai, what about you?

I don't have pockets

>country with guns has more gun murders than countries that don't have guns
wow stop the presses