This is a 2 million dollar house in Canada

This is a 2 million dollar house in Canada
What does a 2 million dollar house look like in your cunt?

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Other urls found in this thread:,-118.101997,33.729765,-118.840141_rect/10_zm/?view=public,-118.32108,33.970164,-118.413348_rect/13_zm/,-75.266648,40.533633,-75.451184_rect/12_zm/

Location location location. Presumably whoever buys it will knock it down and rebuild.
For £1.1m sterling you would get a 2-5 bed house in London depending on location.

Would this be worth 2 million in your eyes?

At what point are we just going to start living in cars

Pic (and I think it's still overpriced ~6 times) or you can buy some town

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No considering you could get this in LA for practically the same price. And it's bigger.,-118.101997,33.729765,-118.840141_rect/10_zm/?view=public

I'd make a 4 story building replacing that house

>russian mcmansion

is that house supposed to be good

Pretty sure it's the land property and not the house that's valuable, it costs around 1 mil dollaroos to buy a house here as well regardless of the state of the house, and I live in a small beautiful town.

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2 million dollar house in LA,-118.32108,33.970164,-118.413348_rect/13_zm/

And flyover niggers will meme about California home prices.

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could also buy a hundred of these in canada for 2 million

if that's 2800 west in vancouver it's going to cost a lot

why didn't canada learn of our mistake regarding real estate?

>And flyover niggers will meme about California home prices.
delete this, I'm a califag and they fucking suck

this has got to be the most hideous house i've ever seen

Where do you live? Go north or east if you can't afford a house. Or rent, it's not like you're having kids anyways.

>ywn buy a new car after a week of work and a new home in a year
>ywn sell that house for 2 million dollars to some chink
fucking boomers man


Attached: sydney.jpg (860x424, 110K)

Those houses boomers bought were worthless back then. If you want to make money in the future, go to a shithole neighborhood near the city and buy an apartment/house. In 20 years it will be worth a fortune.

>2.75hectares of lakefront property
>450m2 house
Of course Jow Forums will just shriek about wood construction

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>the absolute state of comfy

>no state income tax
>house can't be taken in event of bankruptcy
>awesome winters
>excellent beaches
what of it yankee?

Attached: florida.png (900x900, 866K)

Yeah but you're still living in Florida.

>fucking FLORIDA MAN

Maffia house

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it's a pretty good place so long as you aren't a spic homosexual, high school student, or a former contestant on The Voice

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wtf I thought ruskies were supposed to be tough?

>fucking FLORIDA MAN
This meme mainly exists due to our strong open records laws

Holy shit. That's 2 million fucking dollars. Here that would cost $2,000

once we are out of Russia our immunity doesn't work as good.
For example a lot of Russians get sick in Thailand with it's humid climate. It is also easier for us to die from such thing as malaria because we are not used to it.
So l imagine living in Florida will be in fact tough for us.

come home Russian man

Attached: Malaria-Risk-Map.png (3753x1881, 366K)

When it comes to meme property prices in Sydney, etc. those are due to Boomer greed. Stupidly rich Chinese investors are buying the disgustingly overpriced properties in parts of the city that have single car reserved parking going for several hundreds a week. Article related is the result of pure Boomer cunt greed.
>761 South Dowling Street, Redfern
>$1.6 million
Redfern is a rough area with a high number of aboriginals living there. Not to be racist but if you're white, it can be pretty fucking dangerous at night in certain areas.

In a tiny quiet coastal town I used to live, the weatherboard houses close to the beach were slowly being replaced with big modern looking things. Even so, those shitty weatherboard houses were teetering towards the million mark for a small family home. They were all bought in the 60s and 70s for next to nothing. A parents of a kid I went to school with sold a single bedroom shack right near the beach around a million bucks, back in the early 2000s.
The kid was adopted and his parents were in their sixties, which was a bit weird at the time. Absolutely fucking loaded, though. It's been a good decade but I still remember vividly the time he told me about how they had to "rough it" for half a year renting a house while their new house was being finished off. This was during an embarrassing time when I was living in a tarago van with my druggie mother, before she found some stupid cunt we moved in with before she landed a place to rent.
Rich cunts in Australia have no idea how poor cunts live. The class divide in this country is massive and one of the two major political parties in Australia pander to the people who hate the poor while the other party pretends to be more focuses on the working class but in reality is the same shit, different smell. This is the main reason for our retarded housing laws.

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He knows that, but that crooked-cocked yellow dogeater has nothing else to do other than posting this thread every other day

This is what 2mil gets you in my county,-75.266648,40.533633,-75.451184_rect/12_zm/

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( ゚д゚)

Nice jav shooting location

We don't have "expensive mansions" culture. Usually it build by unexpirienced armenian illegals.

Where do upper-middle class Russians usually live?

now i see why you didn't post a picture of the house, instead hoping people wouldn't check the link and see the paltry square footage and lack of rooms

california prices are insanely high and even your attempt at cherry picking proved it

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The view alone is worth 2 million. Not that a flyover would know.

Our president lives in a 3 million dollar house so take a guess.

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This house would be about 2 million USD

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1 million USD
328sqm house and 600sqm land area

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$10 000

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Top 3 floors (no garden and have to walk a fucking staircase)

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the car alone is worth more than 2m, no way the house is 2m.

>awesome winters
More like no winters.
Worst place

pidorussian sense of beauty, this moron actualy considered that house good looking

Nothing for 2mil here

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Bullshit. 2 mil dollars is more than 125 million rubles. You can buy like three such houses with this much money.

Looks like stairs eat a lot of space there

I googled actual fresh advertising.

Damn, even that 20 y.o. Peugeot looks like brand new. Fucking westerners.