How can other countries even compete with german bread culture?

How can other countries even compete with german bread culture?

Attached: deutsches brot.jpg (1600x1200, 144K)

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you stole all the recipes from us!

bread and carbs are bad for you. They make you fat

and us

>impying you're not german
don't delude yourself, brother

and us

wow that looks tasty
I love bread, beef, cheese, and milk
but especially bread

other Protestant nation have it.
because there is not anything food culture
every bread looks stiff, tough.
i like soft one

by having all the same breads and more

I really like Cha Siu Bao.

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Protestant nations never had rye bread any good.

Latvia, Estonia, Finland

>Has "national dish" involves bread




Our bread culture is pretty good as well. Do you have anything like rieska in Germany?

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Why do you need this?

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I'm not sure what flatbread has to do with pancakes tbqfwyf (to be quite frank with you my friend).

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There are at least 4 original czech breads on OP pics

A lot of Japanese food looks like they put more effort into looking nice than actually tasting nice.

wtf it's like Japan takes all the fake/processed/tacky crap available at American grocery stores and cranks the dial up to 11

I guess that's another way of putting it...

If you never had russian ratbread, you don’t know shit about bread culture

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I thank Dutch for bringing their dessert cultures here, lapis legit or spekkoek is tasty as hell.

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>german bread "culture"
Disgusting sour bread, shaped like a slimy slug, tastes like vinegar. The only culture here is bacterial. God I hate Germans so much.

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France has a pretty great bread culture

English dessert culture?

French cheese culture?

Scottish unhealthy food culture?


Rye bread? Kvass?

An animated character for children

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We do have rye bread, kvass is worthless

gulping down happy meals makes you fat, Rodrigo
lmao you are objectively inferior

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we are more into sweet bread
pic related, a bread in the shape of a corn :D

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Unironically, we cant

Oh, haute cuisine de France never discovered fermented food other than wine and cheese?

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and these are little piggies xD

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Russian booster worked.
Is it a branding iron?

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Mexishits ARE pigs. But dirty and sweaty ones instead.

It's high-quality.
This is similar, but is cheap.

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>says the faggot that eats rat bread

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and us

We have corn bread here (more for traditional meals, and cakes).
It's funny because when people emigrate here, wheat was not suitable for the sub-tropical climate (most of our wheat come form Argentina), and corn was a new thing for people from the old world, this became so popular that after a couple of generations, they really tough that corn was a traditional food and wheat was a new thing.

Attached: Pão-de-Milho-recheado-1.jpg (600x400, 65K)

Perfect analogy for the country

Calories make you fat, not carbs

Do you guys have a tradition of "baking" a sweet bread and sharing it with your brother?
We like to spend evenings telling each other "ohuitel'nye" stories and then "baking" sweet bread and offer it to your brother after he wakes up.

Attached: Sweet Bread.jpg (604x471, 48K)

care to explain more?

german subhumans eat only trash

they need a lot of bread to swallow their shit food

The worst thing that germans ever did was allow inferior races and give them shelter.

t. Turk

That's an old tradition. During the war when two soldiers or officers were put in jail for some military service-related crimes they used to tell each other stories whole evening (just regular ones that guys tell each other all the time, like about their first sexual experience or how they attended boxing classes and so on). And to kind of celebrate their new friendship one of the guys "baked" sweet bread while the other one was sleeping. And the second guy woke up the first one offered him to taste that sweet bread.
There are interesting details though. Traditionally they used a soup bowl for "baking" the bread and they were saying "uff-uff" when the bread was coming out of the "oven".

Gay sex it's a French tradition too

Whats wrong? already spend you welfare and need to wait until the next month for more gibs???
Yeah, germans are truly the worse.


God damn, I wish I could try all of these. . .

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We have some good bread.

You can buy the ingredients and make them...
Just find a decent replacement for pig lard.

Come at me Vanya

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What's the point of so many types. Bread is good as long as it's fresh

Greco Roman culture

im not sure if you are bullshitting me in a relatively subtle way or if you are actually this seriously gay

You have a problem.

>hating kvass
What do you even drink in the sauna as a kid then?

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>putting whole grains/seeds/nuts/fruits/berries into your bread

*blocks your path*

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>and us
you can unironically find baguettes all over Germany

>The worst thing that germans ever did was allow inferior races and give them shelter.
this but unironically.

The famous french breads all come from Austria. It became popular because some king marry a Austrian duchess and she demand that every meal in the palaces had those breads (like croissants), did not take long until every bakery start to sell "high end" stuff.

For quite tome time, french actually imported white flour from Germany because they could no produce it in their simple mills, only integral flour.

That's a cake tho.
I mean, people put those things in their bread as well, but I just don't get the appeal of it. Especially if it's a rye sourdough.

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What the fuck.


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Well, chile does by being the second biggest consumer of bread after germany,

In every country between chile/argentina and canada corn based products are extremely popular and tied to traditional foods, wheater dictates what you eat, aside from Tea for the brits or portuguese and salted cod it's just normal. Here corn flour was around $8 burgercoins a kilo before 2015

fuck these lead laced fuckers