Brits tourists in Spain

I guess you are taking advantage of this, right spanish anons?

Attached: joven-desnuda-en-una-tienda-de-Magaluf-1.jpg (600x658, 74K)

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No, spaniards are white and beta.

they can just go to the beach and see tits

gib super-gonorrhea

i'd like to watch her piss in a alley

>spaniards are white

What makes britshit tourists so subhuman?

I'm mena.

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When a girl says she was on vacations or Erasmus in Spain, you can be sure she was intensively bred by Latin BVLLS

>I guess you are taking advantage of this, right spanish anons?


You are right, sadly.
(It's in spanish, sorry)

Those are poor northerners. Most are regarded as subhuman here too.

they see us like a big resort or something

don't come here, we hate Argentina and south america

I’m a Britfag in Spain currently. Essentially yes. Your flights and package deals are cheap and you have cheap booze (as well as cheap everything). As well as beaches full of bra- less women. If France was any better than this, we’d all go there. Sorry user.

>tfw no Polish qts came to my college on Erasmus, only lazy hairy Turks

Why should i? Brit girls are ugly

Is it wrong to slap their bums when they do this. How can you resist

>tfw I did
not proud desu

This. We aren't white

I wouldn't touch them with a stick, don't want to get any STD.

I wish, it's barely been sunny and my arms already look like shit.

Pretty sure the photo alone is enough to give a man chlamydia.

I like you.

NGL I would tongue that butthole

Brits are gypsy tier.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-05-24 13-26-27.png (676x675, 252K)

How can we deal with the guiri problem?

Spanish men can't handle beautiful British women.

people on Jow Forums always talk about the brits but everyone in europe is the same when i go there

t. fucked a finnish, french and israeli girl in maga

what does it say user?

I'm fairly sure the OP pic is from a porn movie.

>tfw no slag gf

To be frank british dirty sluts like op's pic are so dirty I don't feel like touching them.

The "subhumans" pay less for everything than you, and aren't swarmed with pakis (unless they live in Bradford)

Just let them vent their insecurity complex my man.

I once hugged a british slag at a hostel when I backpacked across south America

I didn't read everything but basically a 22 year old Finnish girl sexually attacked her taxi driver, touching his genitals.

He then kicked her out and called the cop. The Finn went on to a group of teen and sexually attacked a 16 year old boy. When the cops found her she was really drunk and had smoked weed too.

Attached: 214.jpg (634x650, 48K)


tfw i will never be at school again being part of chad's posse

yeah get in there champ

Attached: 1525247036570.jpg (887x900, 219K)

>spaniards are white and beta

see >iberians
They are moor/kebab/kike/nigger blooded brownies who are ALPHA.

Attached: portuguese king T+alberto+barbosa.png (265x258, 90K)

Brit girls don't really

A- Have a reputation for being very pretty
B- Have a reputation for being very clean and well behaved

The girls drink till they fall and stick their tongue and hand where they shouldn't. Binge drinking effectively ruins them.
They are more used to casual sex than girls here though, that's for sure, and they don't have the princess syndrome that Romance girls have.

Attached: 1523577823105.jpg (764x764, 134K)

Imagine the smell...

Brit Buri Buri!!

Attached: 51BqYuqhAAL._SY355_.jpg (355x355, 32K)

Que sí, que percutirse a vuestras compis divigarrulas de clase está muy bien que si jijiji que si jajaja, y ahora en verano además pillarse el ciego con Negrita y cola en Gandía a las 2,30 am (esto va para los de primero de carrera y veinteañeros) esperando entrar en alguna discoteca para con el pedo no lograr discernir las 3/10 de las 7/10, todas con su morenuzco playero y escuchar a vuestro alrededor esos melodiosos joder tiaaaaa, el archiconocido dame fuego coññoooo y el ya más explícito buff menudo polvazo me echó el Marcos anoche.
Ya con la edad de los 30, el tema está en esquivar a las funcionarias pelomocho progres, las obsesimamis relojeras y futuras toñimarujas, y las goldiggers que te hablarán de sus carreras profesionales, lo mucho que les costó sacarse las opos, lo estresadas que están y las ganas que tienen de irse algún día a la playita a Tailandia o de visita a la India qué fuerte tía, pero has visto lo pobres que son? mientras que durante el año, mola ir a Praga o París sabes es que son super bonitas para una escapadita romántica jijiji. Todo ello diciéndotelo mientras dejan relucir una estupenda sonrisa gingival que hace juego con sus patas de gallo y dejando entrever sus clavículas huesudas.

Pues no, la vaina es aprovechar vuestro potencial forocochero, encender el radar e iros a por buenas guiri hembrotas aquí como Dios manda para llevar una existencia plena en el país donde mejor se vive de Europa, que es el nuestro. Así ya tenéis el combo hecho: comida cojonuda + clima soleado + compañía femenina top + polvazos de puta madre debería ser la regla de oro de todo hombre español. Lo dicho, no solo de turistas peregrinas que van y vienen vive el buen vividor-follador, aprovechad que hay estables centenares de miles de mujeres en edad de merecer rabo ibérico viviendo permanentemente en España. Me refiero sobre todo del ámbito de Centro y Norte de Europa, Norteamérica y si os gusta lo exótico y la aventura, Latam Asia y África (los portugueses en estas últimas nos llevan ventaja, nosotros en las dos primeras). En resumen, dejaros de hostias y comenzad a golfear duro en nuestra piel de toro, aprended idiomas y viajad mucho. Con eso os aseguro buenos polvos y mejores años de vida.