Whats your excuse for not getting a gf Jow Forums?

Whats your excuse for not getting a gf Jow Forums?

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I am gay


I am 26 yo boomer non white/black male with only170cm, 70 kg. and only 15cm penis.

not being an arab/black in sweden

I'm ugly but there are a ton of other reasons too

im asexual ;)

I have autism, I was diagnosed at 5 years of age.

Gfs have been hunted to extinction.

I'm always at home
also I'm short

i am short and asian

I'm not ugly at all but I'm a NEET who never go outside of his room + shit personality

im femalophobic

only valid reason

so u are basically me but richer

Because my wife is a ferocious animals.

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are you my favorite jap user?

I don't understand the appeal of socializing, especially with women. I don't give a shit about your favorite TV show and what your degree is, I want your ass and titties.

I need to save up for hookers and/or sex dolls

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>brown skinned, black haired master race mixing with those blonde whores...


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i have a 14cm penis but i've been told it's huge, am i measuring it wrong?
i would post it here but i';m not gay.....

They are sacrificing their melenen for the greater good, so the children can become better

Are you taking the measurement bone-pressed? If so you are doing it right

The Swedish GF Bureau is out of GFs since we have so many male migrants. I'm in the queue though and will probably get one in my 30's.

I'm an ugly coward with no social skills

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Why not get an immigrant gf? Im sure a big strong nordic man like you wont have a problem

Can't be bothered to put any effort into finding one.

i don't press it

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There aren't many and the ones who come are wifes of immigrants or daughters who are locked up until they send them back to marry some old man so that another family can come here.

>locked up
I too would lock up my daughters if I were in a chad country

I live a 20 minute drive in the woods from a town of like 800 people where there are zero good available girls, and 2 hours from a decent size town. I have no car so I rely on my parents for transportation.

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You need to press it in order to avoid measurement inconsistencies