ITT: We all live in the same house

ITT: We all live in the same house.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I won't live under the same roof with a faggot, fuck off OP, this is no longer your house

I want to sneak in to peru's bedroom at night and do lewd things together

*throws a molotov*

*cardboard construction without insulation, basement, attic and individualism

Britain is passed out in the front yard again
At least he didn't piss himself this time

>can't use the dishwasher because US ate all the tide pods


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*goes to room and locks the door*

>no space in the fridge because the american put all his shoes, coke and plastic cheese in there

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*Weird hentai noises emit from the basement*

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*sets the thermostat to 80*


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*blasts reggaeton*

*turns on all lights and opens windows after dark*

I'm making spaghetti for everyone.

Yes I'm putting grated carrot, zucchini and capsicum in the bolognese because it's HEALTHY and you cunts NEED TO EAT HEALTHIER.

*scrapes off the farenheit numbers and replaces them with celcius*

*wanders through the hallways with a shotgun*
ssshhh... I'm hunting home invaders

Lads TV Licensing is knocking on the door what the fuck do we do?

sic on them, tell him they're treading on us

Lads, I’m going to McD, you want something?

answer the door for us I forgot to pay the mandatory propaganda loicense


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I'll have two Number 9's, a Number 9 Large, a Number 6 with extra Dip, a Number 7, Two Number 45's, one with Cheese, and a large Soda

6 mcdoubles, large fries, and a diet coke please

im going to get drunk as shit at noon by myself so nobody knock on my door or bother me

I thought you’re still on keto. How about salad and some tendies?

Sounds good, can I join?


Not comfy. Need fence and gates

tendies yes, and salad yes depending on dressing but just drop them off outside my room and go away ill open the door and take them in when i know youre not outside

Is that fence okay?

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This TV license cat is actually pretty cool. I'm going to let him in.

Do you even know your neighbours?

It's the Mexican family. They have big family barbecues and play loud music.
Maybe I can get the young one to mow our lawn.


I'm gunna get shitfaced and make some pasta outside lads, feel free to join

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Wtf, I thought swede donated our teevee to the local Muslim community center.
Don’t let him in

You to get hit by a car.

sorry bro you seem cool but i just want to stay in my room and watch lotr and get drunk by myself for the umpteenth time

SPOILER: They destroy the ring.

*shits on the bidet*


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Mexico and I are having a hotbox, anyone else care to join?

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I will, pasta's almost done, just simmering down

I'll take absolute control of 1/3 of the house for a while and it will be the best, most prosperous part of the house, then I'll get drunk one night and start trying to tax everyone for dumb shit and you'll all take it seriously and push me back to my own room.
Fuck sake I made a mistake PLEASE TAKE ME BACK.

Get off the computer, user, mom said it's my turn

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The 4th of July is coming up, bong. You better start running now.

*starts shooting*

Don't make me rue the day I raped your Native American mother


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t. spider

*cums on couch*

*behead all europigs*

Hey I do that all the time too

Can I join in?

>bring home this tasty looking trap

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Can someone help me pick up all the brass in my room?

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I go first!

>proclaim myself as the leader of thefifth of the house, forcefully relocate you to the backyard and start beating the Finn

>*thump* *thump* FBI! OPEN THE DOOR!

What the fuck finland

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Alexa, play some norwegian black metal

Playing: Burzum - Filosofem

Who wants to play laser tag?

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Im larping as a redneck anyone wants to be my sister and have sex?

*floods the house*

*knocks on door*
It's me, Goku.

How long this would last, if there would actually be one person from every single country? Who would flip the table first?

Depends on if we're forced to socialise, then take your pic of any nordic cunt.

*anal vores you*

orgy in my room

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varg is based but a shit musician

Hopefully not that one.

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>annexes the garage for oil


came back from the store to finally get drunk. eating a chicken pot pie and chasing it down with a nice cold beer

I would join you

Mmmm... Living in a house with so many big exotic cocks... Cocks of all sizes... Cocks of all colors...

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sorry i feel like drinking alone today. maybe another time dutch bro. what tiem is it over there?

It's 20:00. I just finished my 'za and arranged with my friends in the city park to smoke some weed and engage in public drinking

please ban finland from this house i do not want to live under the same roof as such a degenerate my beer is tasting gross just thinking about it

sounds fun, enjoy your night bro. i wish public drinking was legal here


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Want to share a room? ;^)
American beer tastes gross already.

yeah fair enough but i love miller lite from my college days and its perfect to drink 20 of on a hot summer day. what beers you like bro?

Can we share the bed too ~?

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I generally drink Indio.

That was the goal ,';^)

ill have to try it next time if i can find it easily at american liquor stores but stop being gay

Lads some call the Aussie to glass the Finn, if you please.

Hey I found this homeless guy in the park, says he's a rocket scientist. Who wants to give him a bath?

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Do try Bohemia if you get a chance.

What if I don't have a cock ?

thanks bro. always appreciate new beer suggestions

Out of my house you filthy woman.

I'm gonna put on my blonde wig and a skirt and kneesocks :3 I'll be your little whore...

Its okay you and I can be sluts together... Boys can fuck my asspussy and then they can fuck your girlpussy... We'll both be in doggy position side by side ready to receive the cocks of every boy in the house...

I don't give a shit about anyone allergies

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Can we hold hands

8 beers in and the fin is ruining my comfy time please some strong user bounce him i cant be bothered to leave my room

Sure we can hold hands. We can even cuddle :3

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dont care just leave me be and dont eat my food, ill kill you if you do